It is no secret that the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum conducts scientific research on Martial Artist, trying to explain Martial Skill and Cultivation Art from a scientific point of view, it is almost all countries in the entire galaxy, all Facts that everyone knows.

But compared to the ordinary person, of course, Prince Laikas needs to know more.

According to the official intelligence channel of Declan Empire, Nogentum Chamber of Commerce began to invest a lot of money and manpower in further research on Martial Skill and Cultivation Art since more than 30 years ago, not only in They have set up a lot of corresponding research institutions on the Sagittarius spiral arm they control, and invited many Martial Artists to participate in the research. They also invested a lot in the Orion spiral arm and the Perseus spiral arm. Martial Artist joins the research.

Among these studies, there is a very important study, which is to cultivate and cultivate some young Martial Artists with good innate talent from an early age, and conduct cultivation according to their previous research results, trying to achieve Produce some strong Martial Artists based on their research benchmarks.

Prince Lekas can be sure that among the many young talented Martial Artists who participated in this garden hunting party, many of them must have been additionally funded by the Chamber of Commerce of Nourytham.

For example, Carola, who is now by her side, is obviously an excellent Martial Artist cultivated by the Chamber of Commerce in Nogentum. All the interactions between her and Elcatel, and even Elcatel can directly order her. Not surprising.

But Chu Nan...Prince Lekas wasn't sure.

If Chu Nan's performance was merely good, then Prince Lekas might think he might be a nurturing genius in the Earth Commonwealth who was picked by the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham, but the problem is Chu Nan's performance has far exceeded the standard of excellence, which is simply amazing!

Such an exceptional talent, if specially nurtured by the Chamber of Commerce Nourytham, would definitely be the most successful role of the Chamber of Commerce at Nourytham since the program's inception, then There will definitely be more attention from the Chamber of Commerce at Norantham, it's not just Elcatel showing a special attitude towards him.

But if he wasn't, it would be hard for Prince Lekas to understand why he had such a unique understanding of cultivation techniques and even fields.

Isn't it true that there are people in the Earth Federation who, like Chamber of Commerce, are trying to analyze Martial Skill and Cultivation Art in a scientific way, and the guest Chu Nan is the heir of this Sect?

Perhaps sensing the exploratory gaze that Prince Laikas was betting on him, Chu Nan suddenly stopped the conversation with Angelique and Imperial Princess, and turned his head to look towards Laikas prince.

"His Royal Highness, you are the Star Level Martial Artist of the Declan Empire cream of the crop, or even the Star Level Martial Artist of the cream of the crop across the galaxy, so what do you think of our discussion just now? ?"

Prince Lekas slightly startled.

This kid is very good at pushing the boat, and he actually pushed the problem directly onto himself.

"Yeah, Laikas Uncle, you are a Star Level Martial Artist, why don't you tell me, who has a more correct understanding of the field, Chu Nan and Angelique?" Roman The Imperial Princess also agreed.

Although Angelbely didn't speak, she looked at Prince Lycas expectantly, and was obviously waiting for his response.

Prince Lekas was laughed and doubted.

Could this kid Chu Nan deliberately provoke this topic, he actually wanted to express his opinion?

As the Honorable Prince of Declan Empire, he has no reason to teach such an important cultivation technique to Chu Nan and Angelique, two guys from Earth Federation, but now Romandy Imperial Princess proposed it, but he couldn't refuse it.

After thinking for a while, Prince Lekas rushed to the four beckons including Carolla with the hand, motioning them to approach.

"I will demonstrate it to you again. As for how much you can comprehend, it depends on your own abilities." Begin to produce slow changes.

This was under the deliberate suppression of Prince Laikas, and his exclusive domain slowly opened at a particularly slow speed.

At such a deliberately slow speed, the four of them can clearly sense the small changes in the space around them, and every point can be seen very clearly.

Angie Belle and Romandy Imperial Princess have been taught by an extraordinary teacher. They have been guided by Star Level Martial Artist since childhood. Naturally, they have a deeper understanding of the concept of the field than ordinary Martial Artists, but before that, the two People have never tried to understand the domain from a more fundamental, in-depth, or simply a different perspective.

Now, after the intense discussion between the three just now, and then to seriously experience the slow opening of the realm of Prince Laikas, the two of them immediately discovered many details that they had never noticed before, and instantly gained a new understanding of the realm. comprehension.

Different from the two, Chu Nan does not focus on the situation of the field, but the changes in the surrounding space when the field is opened, and the details of the flow of space energy.

The field of Star Level Martial Artist is closely related to the individual cultivation technique. Mastering the flow of space energy in it will allow you to have a certain understanding of the other party's cultivation technique.

This is the most important reason why Chu Nan deliberately asked Prince Lekas a question.

The Star Level Martial Artist of Declan Empire cream of the crop must have cultivated the Obliteration Core Technique to an extremely profound level. If he can see even a trace of Obliteration Core Technique from him, It is enough for Chu Nan to have a deeper understanding of the Obliteration Core Technique.

Of course, the original purpose cannot be ignored.

Through the precise sensing of the slow process of opening the realm of Prince Laikas, Chu Nan found that the realm of Star Level Martial Artist was exactly as he expected, not just the manipulation of space energy, Instead, while mobilizing the space energy, the controlled space energy is combined in a very special way, and then affects the surrounding space.

And in this space, no matter gravity, light, sense of space or even the whole thing is affected, the whole space gradually changes to the realm, and finally when Prince Lycas fully opens the realm, the whole space is engulfed. The circulating space energy is completely transformed, and it is completely different from the surrounding space in the endless abyss.

"How is it? What did you realize?" Prince Lekas, who had fully opened his realm, asked the Imperial Princess of Romandy with a smile.

"Well...Chu Nan is right, why didn't I notice it before? In fact, the realm is just a special way of manipulating space energy, and it can even be used as a special cultivation technique. Look, it's not as far away as I thought..." Romandy Imperial Princess pondered then said.

Prince Lekas laughed: "That's because your strength has improved too much now. Romandy, with your innate talent, I believe that you will surely succeed in breaking through as a Star Level Martial Artist in the future, As for when you can do it, it depends on whether you work hard enough."

"Of course I will work hard." Romandy Imperial Princess waved her fist. "I once said to my father that I would break the record held by the Hussman Great Emperor and become a Star Level Martial Artist earlier than him!"

"haha, well, ambitious."

Prince Laikas smiled nodded, but gave Chu Nan one more look.

Judging from the period of contact with Chu Nan, this kid's innate talent is indeed very strong, not slightly weaker than Romandy, and even... maybe even stronger, if he was born in The Imperial Family might really hope to break the record of the Hussman Great Emperor, but now...

"Okay, let's go." Prince Laikas shook his head and continued to lead the crowd forward. fly away.

It took another ten minutes for the five of them to fly over a small lake, and Prince Lekas headed into it without the slightest hesitation.

"Plop plop --"

The lake looks very deep on the surface, but after diving in, it is found that the bottom of the water is extremely deep. After diving for more than 50 meters, a little The light appeared in the line of sight.

Continue to dive towards that point of light for a while, and a Transmission Gate swayingly emerges in the water light.

"After passing through this Transmission Gate, you will arrive at the area controlled by the Elewana Military Treaty Alliance." Prince Laikas's voice was clearly heard in the ears of the other four. "When you get there, don't act rashly. Follow my instructions, or you may cause big trouble."

"Yes." The four responded in unison.

Led by Prince Lekas, the four quickly dived and soon came to the Transmission Gate.

Although it is underwater, the condition of this Transmission Gate is not much different from other Transmission Gates, and around the Transmission Gate, perhaps because of the condensation of space energy, the lake water is completely avoided and vacated. In an open area around the Transmission Gate, five people can fall directly into the Transmission Gate through the water bottom.

Feeling that the space around him gradually changed as he approached the Transmission Gate, Chu Nan suddenly felt a little nervous.

This road goes deep from the four 11 layers to here, not to mention any troubles along the way, not even a strange beast, which is really unreasonable.

Even if the forces represented by Quel'Thalas Academician and Director Romon had retreated very thoroughly, it shouldn't have been cleaned up so cleanly.

I don't know why, Chu Nan always felt something was wrong.

He didn't know what was going on with his feeling. It stands to reason that since his brain has been transformed into a powerful brain comparable to lightbrain, he should no longer have intuition.

The so-called intuition and hunch, to him, should be the result of strong analysis after the synthesis of various data.

Now, however, he couldn't figure out how he got this feeling that something wasn't quite right.

"Hey, Chu Nan, what are you thinking? Come in." The Imperial Princess, who was beside her, patted Chu Nan.

"Oh? Oh..."

Chu Nan shook his head, shook the weird feeling out of his head, and laughed at himself.

Even if there is something wrong and dangerous, with such a powerful Star Level Martial Artist as Prince Lycas around, where can it be dangerous?

Throwing away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Chu Nan stepped behind Angelique and stepped into the Transmission Gate.

The spatial energy in the surrounding space changed dramatically, and everything felt exactly the same as when passing through all Transmission Gates before. Chu Nan was waiting for the Spatial Teleportation in meditation, but the foreground things changed, but suddenly his eyes suddenly opened and his expression was shocked. .

"No! This is not a normal Transmission Gate!"

The spatial energy in the Transmission Gate changed drastically, and the sound naturally couldn't get through, but the other people were by Chu Nan's side, although I couldn't hear the sound he made, but I was able to ask him out to see the sudden change in his face, and they all looked at him strangely.

Prince Laikas frowned slightly, and was about to ask Chu Nan, but the complexion changed suddenly.

The special space that was supposed to belong to the inside of the Transmission Gate suddenly changed more rapidly, and the extremely compressed and terrifying space energy all over the body became violent and raging in an instant, and it was used frantically.

The foreground objects of the five people's eyes change wildly, and the colors are colorful, and it seems that they have traveled through countless spaces in an instant.

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