(I went out in a hurry yesterday afternoon and had no free code. I will make up a chapter today and another chapter tomorrow.)


When he entered the endless abyss of the Fourth First Layer, Chu Nan already felt that the environment there was very good, but now he walked out of the Transmission Gate, but found that the green hills, the green water gurgling, and there is a big river in the distance. Flowing, reflecting the bright and warm constant starlight above the head, showing a little bit of dazzling light, but also against a row of lush and green trees on the opposite side of the river bank.

In front of me, a grass rushes all the way, all kinds of flowers on the ground are intertwined, deep purples and brilliant reds, and all kinds of small animals that are not fatal are scurrying in it, and it looks like an early spring. Vibrant scene.

In the endless abyss so many times, Chu Nan and the others have long been accustomed to the bad natural environment in this area, and they were mentally prepared before walking out of the Transmission Gate, but didn't expect What is waiting for them now is such a wonderful scenery, which is really surprising.

"This place is a good exclusive location." Romandy Imperial Princess looked around and couldn't help muttering.

"I don't think so." Chu Nan shook the head, turning to the direction of the hill opposite the far bank.

A few people next to him looked in the direction Chu Nan pointed, and suddenly saw a black shadow rushing out from behind the mountain, and after a while, it flew over everyone's heads.

Romandy Imperial Princess's expression changed slightly.

This group of black shadows is actually a powerful beast that can be seen to be very vicious at first glance. The powerful breath revealed from its body is enough to prove that it is very not to be trifled with .

And this is not the end. After the alien beast flew away, a large black shadow suddenly appeared behind the mountain, and all kinds of alien beasts gathered in a group and followed the path. The direction that the alien beast flew away just now flew past and quickly passed over the heads of everyone.

Although these alien beasts are not as powerful as the previous alien beast, they still have a strong aura and must not be trifled with.

If their target is Chu Nan and the others, and if there is no Prince Laikas, Romandi Imperial Princess can be sure that the four of them can only choose to avoid the edge.

It seemed as if they were disturbed by the group of strange beasts in the sky. They had just flown by, and suddenly there was another roar in the woods opposite the river bank, showing that there was also a lot of power lurking in the woods. Equally powerful beasts.

This place looks calm and tranquil, full of spring, but in fact there are so many powerful alien beasts hidden in it, there is absolutely no sense of comfort.

"Hehe, don't worry, these little fellows are all domesticated and won't easily attack others." Pope Romaton, who led the way, turned to Romandi Imperial Princess and said with a smile: "If you're interested, I'll let you play with them in a little while. You'll love these cute little things."

"Cute... little things?" Romanty The Imperial Princess felt a chill in her heart, but considering the noble status of the other party, she could only reluctantly say with a smile: "many thanks to the kindness of Pope Your Majesty, I have no interest in these... these pets."

"Is that so? That's such a shame." Pope Lochmarton shook the head. "The children who came from your side liked them very much. I thought you would like them too." Your Majesty, do you mean those lost children are here now?"

"Yes, please come with me, I'll take you to meet them." Zong nodded, once again leading the way.

Prince Lekas frowned slightly.

From the moment an accident happened and they met Pope Lochmaton, the whole thing became weird. Now, although Pope Lochmaton wants to take them to meet the young geniuses who have disappeared , but he always felt that this matter may not be so simple.

However, Prince Laikas is naturally not afraid of this. As the only emperor Your Majesty in the Declan Empire in terms of strength and status, he doesn't care much about ordinary traps at all.

And he can be sure that even if they give the Elewana Military Treaty Alliance the courage, they will not dare to do too much things to themselves, let alone kill him.

His identity is here, and if the Ellehuana Military Treaty Alliance dares to do so, unless they want to provoke a war between the two spiral arms of the galaxy.

Following Pope Lochmardon a few steps away from the Transmission Gate, he stopped.

A low-altitude hovering shuttle quickly flew over from the sky at the far end, and stopped in front of everyone after a while. A group of people in uniform and colored robes rushed out from inside and ran directly to the place. In front of Pope Rockmaton, he knelt down directly in front of him.

"Get up and welcome your guests to visit our gardens."

In front of these people, Pope Lochmarden no longer had the ease and ease that he had in the presence of Prince Lycas. His appearance has become extremely solemn and solemn, and the whole person is full of a strong sense of majesty, which makes people feel awe involuntarily in their hearts when they see him.

He is truly like a distinguished Pope Your Majesty.

Prince Laikas didn't say a word, and took Chu Nan and the four of them and Pope Lochmardon into the low-altitude hovering shuttle, letting the shuttle take them to the distance.

About half an hour later, the shuttle slowly descended, and an incomparably vast grassland appeared outside.

Compared to the previous grassland, there are only scattered trees standing on this grassland and a few not-so-wide confluences crisscross.

But there are countless wild beasts with different shapes and appearances on the grasslands, or beasts, or acting alone, or in groups of three or four scattered on the grasslands, making the entire grassland look like more vibrant.

It is very strange that so many strange ominous beasts can appear here, and what is even more strange is that these wild beasts or exotic beasts are all very peaceful and friendly coexisting in the same place, even if the distance It was very close, and it seemed very harmonious, and there was no conflict.

However, this is not the strangest thing, the strangest thing is that there are obviously many people walking back and forth on the grassland, but these fierce beasts turn a blind eye to these people looks like is, without any The idea of attacking, and some alien beasts also have intimate contact with the people next to them, and even play with him!

Seeing this scene, Chu Nan quickly turned around and exchanged glances with Angelique.

When the two of them tracked Quel'Thalas Academician to find the base on the fourth 10th layer, they saw with their own eyes that there was a group of people who were also in close contact with another large group of alien beasts, and even turned to those aliens. The animal was injected with something unknown.

The situation in front of me is only worse than that at the time. It is clear that the people here have really successfully domesticated these alien beasts, and they have even been treated as pets.

The low-altitude suspension shuttle under him suddenly shook slightly, but it had already landed.


Pope Lochmarton made a gesture of invitation and walked out side by side with Prince Laikas, Chu Nan and the others hurriedly followed.

As soon as I got off the shuttle, a group of people rushed over.

Chu Nan's eyes swept over, and his eyes suddenly froze.

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