Chu Nan returned to the place where he left with a blank face, and was surprised to find that Prince Laikas and Pope Lochmardon had ended their meeting. At this time, the two and Romandy Imperial Princess is discussing something together.

Seeing Chu Nan coming back, Prince Lekas waved to Chu Nan and motioned him to go over.

“Chu Nan, after my discussion with Pope Your Majesty, it was decided to let you and these people detour to the Perseus Arm first. What do you think?”

“ What about you, Your Royal Highness?"

"I want to stay and do some handover work with the military alliance, which involves some diplomatic relations between the empire and the alliance, and I want to stay on behalf of the empire."

Chu Nan raised his eyebrows, knowing that this was definitely not the real reason why Prince Laikas stayed.

It should be known that the main purpose of Prince Laikas coming in person this time is to find the missing Imperial Family younger generation including Pamela, but the group of people they saw just now was an Imperial There is no family younger generation, and of course Prince Lekas refuses to leave just like that.

Chu Nan took another look at Pope Rockmaton next to him and found that he still had an amiable smile on his face. Seeing Chu Nan looking over, he even nodded to Chu Nan and said with a smile: "Those children can't wait to go back, but space turbulence can't be solved. We can only choose this route, which is a little farther, but more secure."

"Really?" Chu Nan moved in his heart and put on a surprised look: "But Pope Your Majesty, I just went to the Transmission Gate to take a look. The space turbulence in the other space has disappeared, I think we should be able to pass the Transmission smoothly. Gate should go back."

Prince Laikas and the narrator, Imperial Princess, both glanced at Chu Nan unexpectedly, but did not rush to ask questions.

"oh?" Pope Rockmaton was not surprised at all, but instead smiled at the head. "I think you should have just encountered a rare quiet period. In fact, space turbulence does not always exist, and occasionally quiets down. But we can't guarantee that you will not encounter it when you pass it, right? In case Encountered, even if Prince Laikas is with you, he should not be able to protect so many of you."

"I don't think so." Chu Nan shook the head. "Sir Pope, you were able to find us accurately in such a chaotic different space just now. His Royal Highness is not weaker than you, and he must still be able to protect us. Unless... someone deliberately makes trouble, are you right?"

Pope Lochmarton's expression remained unchanged, he shook his head slightly, and his tone remained calm.

“child, you are not a Star Level Martial Artist after all, and you don’t know much about the dangers in the different space, even more how is this dangerous area in the endless abyss, and its corresponding different space is better than the outside. ..."

Pope Lochmarton suddenly became condensed and surprised, his breath burst out suddenly, and a faint bright light radiated from his body, covering his entire body.


Chu Nan’s palm carries a strong wind, and the strong space energy gathers into a group, like a ball that is constantly rotating at high-speed, a palm is evil. He slapped it fiercely, but it was easily dispelled by the bright light around Pope Lockmadon. Naturally, this palm didn't pose any threat to him, let alone any harm.

Chu Nan suddenly launched an attack this time, which greatly exceeded everyone's expectations. Even Prince Laikas started, and with a touch of his hand, he pressed Chu Nan's shoulder, and a powerful breath burst out. forcibly dragged Chu Nan back, but also subtly helped Chu Nan avoid the natural counterattack that Pope Lochmaton would follow.

"What are you doing!" Prince Lekas slammed Chu Nan, pulled him back again and then stepped forward, blocking Chu Nan in front of him, blasting Pope Lochmaton. The breath that came out was blocked.

This time, it took less than a second from Chu Nan's attack to when he was forcibly pulled back by Prince Laikas, and the Imperial Princess beside Romandy was for a split second. She had raised her heart to her throat and almost exclaimed, but fortunately, she was mentally strong. Seeing that Chu Nan was kept by Prince Laikas, she swallowed the cry out in surprise forcibly.

Pope Lochmarton's counterattack was resolved by Prince Laikas, and he also stopped, but the kind smile he had always kept on his face had completely disappeared, becoming extremely solemn.

And the followers who had been following him also reacted at this time, and they burst out with a strong breath, including Angel Belle and Carolla, who were not involved in the distance. The five people inside were all surrounded.

"His Royal Highness, I need you to give me an explanation." Although Pope Rocmarton said these words to Prince Laikas, his eyes were locked on Chu Nan, and his tone was irrelevant. How cold, his eyes are cold, but he seems to be looking at a dead person.

Prince Lekas frowned, turned to Chu Nan and asked: "Chu Nan, are you crazy? This is one of the three most respected Major Sects in the Elewana Military Treaty Alliance! Quickly teach Your Majesty apology!"

Chu Nan immediately bowed obediently to Pope Rockmaton to give a salute.

"Sir Pope, please forgive my rudeness, it's actually just a little bad habit of mine. I can't help but have a sneak attack whenever I see Star Level Martial Artist The other party's desire, because I want to try every time, with my Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, can I rely on sneak attack to create a threat to a Star Level Martial Artist. But it turns out..."

Chu Nan spread his hands, looking innocent and helpless.

"I failed. Star Level Martial Artists are really much stronger people than I thought, and the gap between me and them is too big, even sneak attack is useless. "

"Oh? Is that so?" Pope Lockmaton snorted gently, his face softened. "Goddess is above, because of her mercy, I forgive you for being rude this time. But you need to remember that if you still dare to do it, Athaway Goddess is above, even a servant of the gods because someone offended Goddess Majestic and angry."

"Yes yes yes, Your Holiness Pope, you are right in warning, it's all my fault, and I promise I won't do this kind of stupid thing again next time. Many thanks Goddess for mercy and forgiveness , I will be full of respect for Goddess in the heart in the future."

"May the glory of Goddess always have mercy on you." Pope Lochmarton pointed his chest and made a somewhat strange gesture with a pious face. Religious ceremony, and then said to Prince Laikas: "His Royal Highness, please decide your evacuation plan as soon as possible. I will first issue a notice to the alliance. If you want to pass the Perseus spiral arm, you also need the alliance. I agree."

"Yes, I have troubled Pope Your Majesty."

Watching Pope Lochmaton leave with a group of people, all expressions on Prince Laikas' face were withdrawn. , lips slightly moving , the voice rang directly in Chu Nan's ears.

"What's the test?"

Chu Nan's voice soon echoed directly in Prince Lycas' ears.

"I am now sure that both the Transmission Gate and the so-called space turbulence are inseparable from this Pope Your Majesty."

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