Antu carried Grulik on his back, and Chu Nan was chasing him. He led the two of them running wildly on the grassland. It didn't take long for them to run several kilometers away.

A small hillside suddenly appeared on the grassland in front of him. An image found something new. He usually rushed straight to the hillside and rushed to the top of the mountain, but then jumped high from the top of the hill. Up, he rushed out so directly.


An Tu drew a long parabola in the air and fell off the hillside, making a loud bang, but also There was a ka-cha sound of branches breaking.

It turned out that there was a small forest below the hillside, and An Tu's huge body fell, breaking several trees in the small forest.

Chu Nan flew down and saw An Tu smashed a big hole in the grove. He was lying at the bottom of the hole, and Glulick was still lying on top of it, but it was obvious that he was still Remaining awake, he was turning his head at this time, looking at Chu Nan who was flying down.

The expression on Grulick's face now is gloomy, with a hint of arrogance, and his eyes are shrewd, except that his face is a little paler than before, his whole person has completely recovered to Chu. The Grulick that Nan was familiar with.

Seeing Chu Nan falling, Glulick spoke directly.

"Those guys will be here soon, we don't have much time, so I'll just say it directly."

Chu Nan nodded, signaling Glulick to continue.

"Don't believe any of those people. They have all been injected with some unknown reagents by the people here. Although they are still awake, the whole person is already clearly different from the complete one."

"They've all become ominous beasts? Like you?" Chu Nan asked with some humor.

"Don't be ridiculous, it's terrifying." Glulick looked serious. "No one likes this ominous beast, and the guys didn't like it at first, but after they were forcibly injected with those reagents, they quickly liked the ominous beast, and even mixed with the ominous beast."

Finding that Chu Nan was looking at him with some weird eyes, Glulick shook his head.

"No doubt, I was also injected with those reagents."

"Then how did you..."

Grulick raised his left arm, The right hand swiped lightly on his arm, creating a wound. While blood oozes from the wound, a strange liquid that looks a little weird and flashes with green light is mixed with it.

“I used the cultivation technique to block those reagents in the subcutaneous layer, and did not let them enter the body, so my mind was still awake, and at the same time, I could mix with these ominous beasts by the effect of these reagents.” Speaking of which, Grulik had a tired look on his face. "In order to prevent these reagents from invading the body, I have not slept for eight days, let alone cultivation techniques, so I can't play one-tenth of my strength at the peak period, you don't need to count on me to be your helper ."

Chu Nan looked at Glulick in surprise, and couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for him.

Being able to find problems in such an environment and find a solution to the problem is already very difficult, and he can persist for so long to keep himself awake and send himself the most cautious method. Asking for help shows how strong his mind is.

It's really terrifying for such a guy as an enemy.

"Well, to be honest, Prince Lycas and I don't need any help from you and you guys, you just need to answer me one question. This time, I was guided by space turbulence like you. There must be more than you, among them there must be some Imperial Family younger generation who have also lost news. This time Prince Laikas came to look for them. Do you know any news about them?"

" What if I knew?"

"What if?" Chu Nan frowned. "What do you mean?"

"If it means that if I tell the news, it will lose its use value. I think that Prince Lekas will definitely do it without the slightest if necessary. Hesitation and leave me alone." Glulick said coldly. "I can't take that risk, so I won't answer this question if I can't make sure I'm safe. Tell Prince Lekas I know where the Imperial Family younger generation who got caught are, but if I can't make sure I'm safe, then I won't say it."

Chu Nan's expression suddenly turned cold: "Are you threatening His Royal Highness?"

Glulick looked up at Chu Nan and suddenly sneered.

"During the 1st Stage of the Garden Hunt, I told the others that you had become a lackey of the Declan Empire Imperial Family, just for them to join forces to attack you, not really thinking that you became They are their lackeys. But looking at your performance now, I am afraid that my previous slander against you is no longer a slander, and you have really become their lackeys!"

"Whatever you say. "Chu Nan waved his hand. "We don't have that much time to waste, listen up, Glulick, you want to live, Prince Lycas wants to save the missing Imperial Family younger generation and take them to safety, there's nothing wrong with this deal, I can be here I promise you, as long as you provide accurate information, Prince Lycas will definitely agree to this condition and take you away safely. So you better hurry up and tell me if those Imperial Family younger generation are being held in another place ?"

"I said, without the promise of Prince Laikas, I will not give up my chips easily." Glulick looked at Chu Nan with a firm expression, and he could not see the slightest compromise. .

Chu Nan is deeply frowned. Although he doesn't really have much contact with Grulik, he already has a good understanding of Grulik's character. He knows that this guy is not only cruel to others, but also He is also ruthless. If he does not agree to his conditions, although he will not regard death as home, I am afraid that he will never reveal the information he has.

"I'm impossible now to get Prince Laikas to meet you and make an agreement with you in person." Chu Nan shook his head. "As His Royal Highness, when he moves out, he will inevitably attract the attention of the guys on the opposite side. What do you think it is possible to have a private conversation?"

"Hey, Chu Nan, when did I say that I must Want Prince Laikas to come and make a promise to me?" Glulick suddenly laughed.

Chu Nan was taken aback for a moment: "Didn't you always insist on asking for Prince Laikas' promise?"

"Yes, I am asking for Prince Laikas' promise, but not what I am asking for. He personally came to make the promise. In fact, as long as you are willing to promise." Glulick looked at Chu Nan with a smile, his eyes were full of meaning.

Chu Nan was stunned again: "Me? I'm not Prince Lycas, how does my promise represent him?"

"I trust you, but not him." Glulick put away his smile and said resolutely: "Chu Nan, as long as you are willing to formally make a promise to me, and you will persuade Prince Lycas to do everything possible to take me away safely, then I am willing to believe you and say This information."

Chu Nan looked at Glulick in amazement: "You just believe me? What if I make a promise casually, I'm actually lying to you?"

The smile returned to Glulick's face.

"Have you ever heard a sentence? The person who knows you best is often your enemy. Chu Nan, I believe I know you well enough, you are a person who values commitment, otherwise you would not Am I right to get myself into so much trouble at the 1st Stage of the Garden Hunting Party?"

Chu Nan didn't expect Glulick to see himself this way, and was speechless for a while Yes, after thinking about it for a while, I can only ill-humoredly said: "Well, I promise you, as long as you can give me an accurate message about the Imperial Family younger generation, I will do my best to take you out safely. ."

"Ok, deal."

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