Sure enough, as the Imperial Princess judged, Prince Laikas and Pope Lochmardon didn't talk for too long. It only took about ten minutes before the two were separated.

Although four other Star Level Martial Artists who had been sent to other places by Chu Nan and the others using the temporary Transmission Gate had returned during the ten minutes, Pope Rockmaton did not continue his actions. It meant that after the last three people came back, Pope Lockmaton glanced here and left with the seven Star Level Martial Artists.

Prince Laikas returned here, but the first action was to express his praise to Chu Nan.

"Chu Nan, you should take credit for your success this time around. To be honest, although I have overestimated your strength and innate talent, I still didn't expect you to be able to do this. It's something that surprised me."

Chu Nan shook the head said with a smile: "No, Your Highness, being able to escape from danger is also based on your strong enough strength. If not because of With you here, even if I have the means, I can only be a clever woman. Not to mention successfully repelling so many Star Level Martial Artists, even if I forcibly open the Transmission Gate here, I can do it. , you are the first."

"Oh, do you mean to let me and your junior compete for the first prize?" Prince Laikas shook his head and laughed. "Let's not say what those people in the empire will think when they find out, even now, Romandy will make a good laugh at me."

To Chu Nan's surprise, he heard Prince Laikas's words. Speaking of which, Romandi Imperial Princess not only didn't mean to help Chu Nan's modesty, but raised her head and said proudly: "That's right! Lekas Uncle, if you still don't recognize Chu Nan's contribution, you are in my heart. The status will definitely decline!"

Prince Laikas laughed, turned and continued to ask Chu Nan: "If you do something, you will be rewarded, this is the consistent tradition of our Declan Empire. This time because of Chu Nan, you still have The help of Miss Angelbelle and Miss Carolla not only helped me and Romandy get out of danger, but also gave hope for the safe return of the Imperial Family younger generation who fell into the hands of the enemy. The three of you are for the empire And the Imperial Family have made outstanding contributions, so on behalf of the Empire, on behalf of the Declan Imperial Family, I assure you that you will be rewarded. Say, Chu Nan, what do you want?"

"We'll talk about the reward later." Chu Nan waved his hand and asked back: "His Royal Highness, what I want to ask is that you talked to Pope Lochmardon for a long time just now and asked him about Pamela Imperial. Any news from Princess?"

"Pamela?" Prince Laikas slightly startled, then his face darkened slightly, and he shook his head slightly. "I asked, but Rockmaton said he doesn't know either."

"He doesn't know?" Chu Nan was stunned. "How could he not know? Those Imperial Family children were all imprisoned by his subordinates? I searched carefully at the time, but Pamela Imperial Princess was missing, how could he not know?"

"In the circumstances just now, he It shouldn't be deliberately concealed." Prince Lekas shook his head. "Because Pamela paid too much price alone, it didn't do him and Athaway's Goddess sect any good, and it didn't even benefit the Elle Warner military treaty alliance, so I believe he really didn't know."

"How come..." Chu Nan still didn't believe it. "If he doesn't know, where did the Imperial Princess of Pamela go..."

Prince Laikas looked at Chu Nan's frown, and suddenly asked: "Chu Nan, you Why do you care so much about Pamela? Did you... know her before? According to some information I know, she shouldn't know you."

"Uh... this... says It's a long story, and I'll tell you when I have a chance."

Chu Nan glanced at Romandy Imperial Princess and found that Romandy Imperial Princess was also puzzled.

Chu Nan couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when he thought about his relationship with Pamela when Romandi Imperial Princess asked him about his relationship.

The relationship between him and Pamela is not something that cannot be said. It's just that some details of the acquaintance of the two may involve Pamela's disclosure of the Obliteration Core Technique, which is inconvenient. People say a lot.

"Speaking of which, Chu Nan, why are you so familiar with the Obliteration Core Technique?" Prince Lekas suddenly asked again. "Although the cultivation technique you used can't be regarded as the real Obliteration Core Technique, but you have already obtained the essence of part of the Obliteration Core Technique. Could it be that... it was secretly revealed to you by a certain Imperial Family younger generation? If it wasn't for Romanty, So that's Pamela?"

Chu Nan heart shivered with cold, looked up towards Prince Laikas' eyes like electricity, thinking of the serious consequences of Prince Montico telling him to leak the Obliteration Core Technique to the outside world , hurriedly forcibly controlled himself, precisely controlled the performance of every inch of muscle and even every inch of skin, made a surprised expression, and looked the head.

“No one taught me. I just interacted with a lot of Imperial Family younger generation during this period of time, and I calculated some changes in the cultivation technique that evolved from some of their characteristics when they used the Obliteration Core Technique. If Your Royal Highness, you think that this is already part of the Essence of Obliteration Core Technique, doesn't that mean my idea is correct? That's very good!"

The Imperial Princess next to Romandy also called Qu: "Hey! Lycas Uncle, please don't wrong me. Although I have a good relationship with Chu Nan, how dare I teach him the Obliteration Core Technique? This is a serious violation of family rules. I care about inheritance rights, how could I do it? This kind of thing happened."

"Really?" Prince Laikas glanced at the two of them, smiled slightly, and stopped asking.

However, Chu Nan saw something different from the look in his eyes that looked towards himself. Although he couldn't tell the truth, he was sure that Prince Lekas obviously didn't believe him. nonsense.

"Anyway, he has no evidence, so he can't do anything to me." Chu Nan comforted himself, then changed his expression and continued to ask: "Then, Your Highness, should we find a way? Looking for Pamela Imperial Princess?"

"No need." Contrary to Chu Nan's expectations, Prince Laikas looked at the head and looked indifferent. "Since she didn't appear here, she may have disappeared in other places in the endless abyss, or she may have been buried in the mouths of those alien beasts, so don't care about her."

"How can you ignore her. !" Chu Nan was immediately excited. "Although she may have died, what if she didn't? Don't you just give up and don't look for it? Do you just want to watch her lose the news so completely?"

Prince Lycas eyebrows slightly frowned, then his face darkens.

"As the Declan Imperial Family, it is her own choice to die even in this garden hunting party. Since she chose this path, she must bear the corresponding consequences. If she dies, it will prove that There is no other explanation for her lack of ability!"


Chu Nan wanted to say more, but was pulled by the Imperial Princess.

"That... Lycas Uncle, let's go back and talk about it first." Romandy Imperial Princess said to Prince Lycas.

"Well, let's go, there's no point in staying here any longer."

After saying that, Prince Laikas glanced at Chu Nan, and his voice came in alone. In Chu Nan's ear.

"There are some things that are not suitable for doing now."

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