Chu Nan of course did not agree to Elcatel immediately. He told Elcatel that he needed time to think about it and that Elcatel would not force him. He readily accepted it. After chatting for a while, Elcatel left .

As soon as he left, the Imperial Princess, who had been waiting beside him, rushed over and glared at Elcatel's back with a fierce look, coldly snorted and said: "Don't listen to him. , those guys from Noventum are all cunning businessmen, and if they cooperate with them, sooner or later, they will sell all their underwear and help them count the money."

Chu Nan suddenly laughed.

"Hey, Romanty, I can understand that you don't like the Chamber of Commerce, but who taught you to say such things, don't you think such vulgar words are really disrespecting you Imperial? Is it the identity of Your Highness Princess?"

"I just endured in front of those guys for a long time, can't I come to you to relax?" Romandy Imperial Princess rolled Chu Nan a glance.


Chu Nan smiled and looked at Romandi Imperial Princess and found that compared to when he first met her because of Vianne's Imperial Princess relationship, now She has changed tremendously.

The Romandi Imperial Princess, whom he first met, gave him the impression of a girl with a strong personality and a hot temper, who seemed to have more masculine atmosphere.

And now that we have been in contact for a long time, and after experiencing the test of life and death together for many times, Romandi Imperial Princess gradually revealed her nature when facing him. Although she is still a straightforward girl, she behaves more Some like a normal girl.

"So, did you hear what Elcatel said just now? Then..." Chu Nan looked towards Prince Lycas, who was in the distance, and found that he just happened to cast his eyes here, and Chu Nan looked at him. The eyes collided, and I wanted him to show a smile, nodded gestured.

Obviously, he not only heard the conversation between Elcatel and Chu Nan just now, but also the conversation between him and Romandi Imperial Princess now.

Chu Nan couldn't help frowning.

Elcatel is not a powerful Martial Artist. Although he deliberately kept his voice low, he obviously couldn't hide from experts like Imperial Princess and Prince Lekas.

But Elcatel should have known this, but he still said it. Could it be that he did it on purpose in front of Prince Lycas.

"Don't guess, Laikas Uncle must have heard it, that Elcatel did it on purpose." Imperial Princess Romandy waved her hand, interrupting Chu Nan looked towards Prince Laikas. "Hey, Chu Nan, what did you think about it?"

"What do you think about it?" Chu Nan was taken aback.

"Consider whether to agree to Elcatel's proposal." Romandy Imperial Princess said. "I know that the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum can definitely provide very good conditions, after all, they are very rich. But the Empire can also provide very good conditions, no worse than them, and the Empire has also invested in research in this area. Not small, though not as rich and imposing as the Chamber of Commerce, but I don't think so either..."

"Wait!" Chu Nan interrupted Imperial Princess Romance. "Hey, Romandy, are you here to be a lobbyist for your Declan Empire?"

"Lobbyist?" Romandy Imperial Princess blinked and thought about it before she understood that Chu Nan is Earth. Commonwealth-specific nouns. "Well, that's about it. The space theorists in the Empire said that the data you provided was very useful. If you can participate in the research, it should allow the Empire to make great progress in Spatial Teleportation," said Uncle. It is very important to the whole research, so I hope you can assist those experts in the empire in their research."

"Have you all forgotten something very important?" Chu Nan asked with a frown.

"What's the matter?"

"I am a Martial Artist. The most important thing for me is to study the martial skill and improve my strength. So much time to help you do research?" Chu Nan spread his hands, a little helpless.

Both parties wished him to help with research, but they all forgot that he was not a researcher, but a Martial Artist. At this stage, he should pay the most attention to the research of martial skill, and it is also the most important stage to improve his strength. How can he be willing to spend precious time and energy on researching these things.

"That's right..." Unlike Elcatel, Romandi Imperial Princess did not continue to try to persuade, but slightly frowned, with an expression that understood Chu Nan.

"Help the Empire will only help you improve your martial skill." Prince Laikas' voice suddenly sounded in Chu Nan's ears.

Chu Nan turned his head in amazement, and sure enough, he saw that Prince Lekas was looking towards this side, his lips were slightly moving, and he was obviously transmitting through the space energy microwave vibration sound transmission.

"If you are willing to do your best to help the Empire with its research, then the Empire will of course give you corresponding rewards. I assure you, the Empire's research on martial skill is far superior to Nogentum's Chamber of Commerce. You are in the Empire. In order to get a better martial skill improvement."

Here, Prince Lycas paused, and then added.

"Actually... if you really want to learn Obliteration Core Technique, it's not impossible."

Chu Nan's eyes widened.

No way!

What a joke!

Prince Lycas actually said that he wanted to learn the Obliteration Core Technique, wasn't he completely helpless?

How is this possible!

He is not the Declan Imperial Family, how can he learn the Obliteration Core Technique?

Romandy Imperial Princess on the side could not hear the voice of Prince Laikas, but seeing the direction Chu Nan was looking at and sensing the microwave vibration of the space energy in the surrounding space, of course he understood Prince Laikas Direct sound transmission to Chu Nan.

She didn't know what Prince Laikas said, but seeing the violent expression change on Chu Nan's face, she knew that Prince Laikas must have said something that shocked Chu Nan.

But what can make Chu Nan shake to this point? This is really confusing...

Chu Nan took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down quickly.

He blinked his eyes to make sure that his mood had calmed down, and only then did the lips move slightly, and also passed through the space energy microwave vibration sound transmission.

"His Royal Highness, this matter is too important, let me think about it before answering?"

"Of course."

The distant Prince Laikas gently nodded to Chu Nan, turned his head away, and started a conversation with another group of people.

Chu Nan sighed in relief, looked towards Romandi Imperial Princess again, said with a bitter smile: "Okay, I've already negotiated with King Laikas, you don't have to worry about it."

"Really?" Romandy Imperial Princess blinked her eyes, also sighed in relief, and waved her hand: "Lykas Uncle is also true, since he wants to talk to you himself, come directly That's it, why do you have to let me come."

"He is inconvenient after all." Chu Nan glanced at Prince Lekas who was surrounded by a group of people in the distance, thinking that this was Declan after all. Compared to Empire's territory, Elcatel is much more relaxed and free.

After both the Declan Empire and the Chamber of Commerce had talked to Chu Nan, the entire group continued to head out of the endless abyss.

According to the plan, Chu Nan and the others will travel with Prince Laikas to planet Landis, the capital of the Declan Empire, where they will attend a banquet specially organized by the Imperial Family for the hunting party, and qualify with The other entrants will receive the award together.

However... While passing through the Seventeenth Layer of the endless abyss, when the entire group rested for a while in a small human base on the Seventeenth Layer, everyone found that Chu Nan suddenly disappeared.

The one who disappeared with him, of course, was Angelique.

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