
Grulick astonished looking at the guard who fell in front of him, then looked up at Chu Nan who appeared from the sky and fell, He kept asking: "You arrested people directly? Aren't you worried about disturbing those people?"

"It doesn't matter if you are alerted, anyway, the lives of the other imperial princesses have nothing to do with me."

Chu Nan responded coldly, and then slapped the guard on the ground with his palm. Goddess's hymn cultivation technique was activated, and a trace of life force was injected into it, which quickly woke him up.

The guard opened his eyes, and at the same time, he was about to jump up, but Chu Nan had destroyed most of his fleshy body ability, and he couldn't exert any strength at all, but he felt a twitch. A sharp pain, unable to move at all, only groaned, curled up on the ground in pain.

When the pain subsided a little, his eyes fell on the three of Chu Nan, and his face immediately showed a horrified expression.

Seeing his appearance, Chu Nan couldn't help laughed.

"Looks like you recognize us. That's great, I can save a lot of work." Chu Nan kicked him and continued: "Answer me a few questions, the first , was Pamela Imperial Princess once in your hands?"

The man blinked and seemed to be thinking.

"Pamela Imperial Princess? I...haven't heard the name."

Chu Nan turned his head and looked towards Grulik.

Grulik nodded: "I'm pretty sure he's one of them."

Chu Nan crouched down and touched the man's chest with a finger, although it was only a light touch. When he touched it, the man immediately twitched and trembled violently. The muscles on his face were so distorted that he could hardly see the original appearance. He even foamed from his mouth, his eyes rolled white, and he looked like he would die immediately.

This is a trace of the Obliteration Core Technique from Chu Nan's fingertips. The breath of the Obliteration Core Technique infiltrated into his body, destroying every subtle meridian in his body, and then directly acting on the nerve center, making him feel The most extreme pain and at the same time unable to control their fleshy body, naturally collapsed, like an epileptic seizure.

After tossing like this for a while, Chu Nan's fingers showed milky white radiance again, while the rich green Life Aura was injected.

Under the dual effects of the cultivation technique of the fire of life and the hymn of Goddess, the guard quickly recovered most of the time, but he still couldn't move like a normal person.

Seeing the man being tortured, Glulick couldn't help but muttered.

"Hey Chu Nan, I always thought you should be a good guy in the traditional sense, but seeing what you're doing now, I don't think you'll be any better."

"This method was originally intended to be used on you after catching you." Chu Nan turned his head and replied coldly.

Grulick shrugged, did not respond.

Chu Nan ignored him, turned to the guard again and asked, "Do you remember the name Pamela now?"

"I...I don't Know..."


Chu Nan's fingers dropped again.

Although Chu Nan's first trial of torture is extremely simple and rude, it only relies on physical pain and torture. Normally, it will not have much effect on those who have received special training and are extraordinarily determined, but he has An incomparable advantage of other similar methods of torture and extortion of confessions is that he can help the other party to recover quickly at any time.

In this way, the other party can experience the process of fleshy body from being normal to being devastated by jealousy, and then returning to normal but being extremely devastated immediately.

Such a rapid change can make people more clearly aware of the terrifying brought about by pain, and the destruction of willpower is almost absolute.

The guard's willpower is quite tenacious, but he just held on for three rounds before collapsing directly, expressing his surrender.

Next, Chu Nan answered whatever he asked, and soon Chu Nan got the answer he wanted.

As Chu Nan expected, Pamela was caught by them before, and she was placed in the former base to conduct research with other Imperial Family younger generation, but after catching Pamela third On the day of the day, Pamela woke up and escaped.

As for what happened after that, because he was just an ordinary believer in charge of guarding in the base, he didn't know much about it.

"I just heard...I heard that Pope Your Majesty later sent the High Priest Siegfried to continue the investigation. As for whether the chase was done or not, I don't know what happened..."

Chu Nan looked directly into the guard's eyes and saw the fear and withdrawal in his eyes, thinking that he should not dare to continue lying at this time, and he is indeed a small person, so he nodded and slapped it with his palm. , The guard tilted his head and fainted.

"Grulick, you've been in the Athaway Goddess sect for so long, do you know who this Siegfried High Priest is?"

"He's Athaway Goddess sect is currently the youngest and most promising of the seven chief priests, and has been praised by Pope Lochmaton many times, and many people have become the designated successor of Pope Lochmaton." Rulick answered without the slightest hesitation.

"So he has a high status and is valued?" Chu Nan frowned. "It looks a little troublesome, do you know where he is now?"

"I really do." Glulick said with a smile. "As a close subordinate of Pope Lochmarton, he came here ten days in advance to prepare for the commemoration ceremony. If there is nothing else, he should be in the Goddess Temple now. What? You still want to go directly to find it. He asked Pamela the whereabouts of the Imperial Princess? I was blamed for not reminding you, now is the time for the memorial ceremony to be held. The guards in the Goddess Temple are extremely well-guarded, and you can sneak in without being detected. And the Siegfried High Priest himself It's an expert, you want to deal with him like the team's guard to force him to answer questions, it's impossible."

"So it's not like you are here." Chu Nan rushed to Glulick Showing an extraordinarily weird smile.

Grulik immediately took a step back and assumed a defensive posture.

"What do you want to do? Don't forget what you promised me."

"Relax, I remember." Chu Nan waved his hand. "What I mean is that you help us infiltrate the Goddess Temple with your current relationship in the Athaway Goddess sect, and you don't need to worry about the next thing. Didn't you say you want to get out of here? I might be able to help you. I'm busy."

"What can you do for me?" Glulick frowned and looked the head. "And I don't need your help in this matter, it's enough for me, I just need you two. Don't bother me now."

"Are you sure?"

" Sure."

"But what if I revealed what you did today to those in the Athaway Goddess sect?" Chu Nan raised his left arm, the personal terminal on his wrist didn't know when Open it, and a picture is just playing on the virtual screen that pops up.

Grulick on the screen is nodded in a sighed in relief tone.

"Okay, I promise to cooperate with you, as long as you are willing to fulfill the promise."

This picture is that Glulick was forced by Chu Nan and Angelique before. Under the circumstances of the agreement to cooperate.

Then several consecutive pictures flashed on the virtual screen, all of which were scenes of Grulick, Chu Nan and Angelique dealing with Athaway's Goddess sect together, including the scenes they had just now. The three of them tortured together to extract a confession from the guard.

Obviously, with these things being exposed, anyone would definitely believe that Glulick betrayed Athaway's Goddess sect.

Watching these pictures flash by, the expression on Grulick's face became more and more gloomy.

"Chu Nan, you are forcing me."

"I was forcing you, otherwise what do you think it is?" Chu Nan smiled lightly rhetorical question.

Grulick took a deep breath and suppressed the depression and anger in his heart.

"Okay, I will find a way to get you close to the Siegfried High Priest, but I can't do anything about it, I can only rely on you."

Chu Nan smiled and put away his personal terminal.

"That's enough."

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