"What's wrong?" Angelique asked, noticing the odd expression on Chu Nan's face.

"The guy below... I sensed the aura from him that should belong to Pamela..." Chu Nan frowned deeply, puzzled in his heart. "But... in addition to this aura, he is obviously mixed with a lot of other auras, and it looks very confusing. Don't you think this guy's aura is very strange?" Nominate.

"Well, it's really weird. This guy's breath is erratic, but it's very powerful, and it feels like...like a guy who's in a cultivation deviation state."

“cultivation deviation?” Hearing this word, Chu Nan heart startled, thinks that Pamela is actually always on the verge of danger because of the defective cultivation technique, even if he has helped Pamela to do a lot of fleshy body reconstructions Casting, and helping her coordinate the cultivation technique, but because the essence has not changed, Pamela has not been able to completely escape this danger.

The most important thing is that after entering the second stage of the hunting party, Chu Nan has never had the chance to meet Pamela again. If she tries to break through again because of being threatened during this period, and then breaks through. limit, then she is very likely to be in danger again, or even enter the terrifying state of cultivation deviation.

The following powerful and chaotic energy fluctuations imply the energy fluctuations that Chu Nan is very familiar with and belong to Pamela. Chu Nan will never admit it wrong, if this person is actually Pamela La, isn't she very dangerous now?

Chu Nan couldn't help but move, but Angelbely grabbed her arm.

"Don't worry." Seeing Chu Nan turning her head and looking towards herself, Angelique Shook the head lightly at him. "If she is in danger, we won't be able to wait for us to find her. And although her current aura is chaotic, it has not completely collapsed, so there should be no danger for the time being."

Chu Nan froze for a moment. Then he took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down in an instant.

He sensed the strong aura coming from below, and quickly agreed with Angelique's judgment.

This aura does appear to be very chaotic, but each fluctuation is clearly contained within a certain range, which proves that it is not completely out of control, which means that there is no real cultivation deviation.

This proves that if the person below is Pamela, she has not yet reached the most dangerous moment.

Chu Nan and Angel Belli continued to lurch, sensing that aura, and at the same time closely sensing the movements and states of other people in the hillside below.

After a period of time, the powerful and chaotic atmosphere with traces of Pamela gradually weakened and gradually stabilized. It didn't take long for Chu Nan and Angelique to become She couldn't feel her breath at all.

The two couldn't help but look at each other, but Angelique still shook the head at Chu Nan and whispered to Chu Nan's ear, "Don't worry, if they want to kill Pamela. , won't wait until now, she won't die."

Chu Nan gave Angelique a slightly reluctant smile, and nodded signaled to understand.

After waiting patiently for a while, the powerful aura that should belong to Grand Priest Siegfried began to move, but after a while, the aura completely subsided.

Chu Nan and Angel Belli both tried their best to restrain aura at the same time, and also retracted the induction, but simply watched all around with their eyes.

Not long after, a silhouette suddenly emerged from somewhere at the foot of the mountain. It was the Siegfried High Priest who was wrapped in black clothed clothes.

After he looked left and right, he flew quickly towards the Goddess Temple, where the light could be vaguely seen in the distance, and disappeared into the darkness of the wilderness after a while.

Chu Nan and Angel Beili did not follow them this time, but continued to wait patiently for a while, until a cloud floated in the night sky, and the guard starlight and starlight in the sky When they were all covered, Chu Nan suddenly activated Earth Element Cultivation Art, a high-level elemental power, and dived into the soil with Angelique.

This mountain is not big, and the secret base placed in the middle of the mountain is obviously not as big as the base where more than a dozen Imperial Family younger generation were placed before. Chu Nan and Angelique are not abandoned. It took too much effort to penetrate the soil layer, find a vent in the base and drill into it.

The base is really not big. The two of them were discovered as soon as they appeared. However, contrary to their expectations, there were no experts in this secret base, just some very ordinary researchers. A few Martial Artists with some martial skills, but only very low-end Martial Artists, pose no threat to the two at all.

Like a hot knife through butter, the two easily broke in all the way, and directly came to the place where the strong and chaotic atmosphere was sensed before.

This should be the largest space in the entire underground base. Like the huge space of a standard basketball court, the various root canals of the densely packed are connected together, but in the end they all point to the hanging canals in the middle of the room. on a human figure.

Angie Belli slapped the last base personnel around her who was still resisting, turned her head, and glanced at the person connected by countless pipes through the glass made of invisible material. Immediately froze.

"Is this Pamela? Didn't you say she's a very thin, like a 10- or 13-year-old little girl?"

It's no wonder Angelababy Ask such a question.

Although the person who is now hanging in the midair is partially blocked by the pipe, his body is definitely not thin. All parts of his body are plump and fleshy, and every inch of flesh is delicate and tight. , is by no means weak and fat, so she appears to be very healthy and powerful, and it can even be said that she is slightly strong.

At the same time, the two bulges on her chest are also very conspicuous and eye-catching. Even Angelique is somewhat ashamed of being inferior, which matches her hot and plump figure. Dao Idol even poses with a big cross-shaped seductive pose, which makes people feel involuntarily at first glance.

Chu Nan glanced over and couldn't help frowned.

The Pamela he knows is a girl whose development is also affected due to the defect of cultivation technique, so she looks very thin and small. The figure in front of her is so different, no matter how you look at it, she can't touch Pamela. Right above.

But when his eyes fell on this girl, he always felt a familiar feeling.

Of course, for Chu Nan, there is no such thing as a so-called "familiar feeling". The reason why he has this feeling must be that there is something in this girl that he is familiar with.

Chu Nan didn't find out what he was familiar with for a while, but he didn't bother to care so much. He waved to Angelique, jumped into the huge space with him, and flew to the girl's side.

As the distance got closer, Chu Nan was finally able to see the girl's face clearly.

Glancing over, he was even more puzzled.

This girl's face is exquisite and beautiful. No matter how you look at it, she looks like a mature girl who is over twenty years old. It is very different from Pamela's little girl, but no matter how he looks, he feels that this picture The face is very similar to Pamela.

If she was Pamela's elder sister, Chu Nan would definitely choose to believe it immediately.

"Come on, Chu Nan, do me a favor." Angel Belle gestured to Chu Nan. "You use Goddess's hymn cultivation technique to maintain life force for her, and I'll help her get rid of these pipes."

"Okay." Chu Nan complied, flew over and put a palm on the girl's chest.

The touch from the palm is still significantly different from when she helped Pamela recast the fleshy body before. Obviously, this should not be the same fleshy body, but from some subtle skin and flesh meridian reactions , but it was very close to the reaction Pamela gave him.

This made Chu Nan more and more confused.

This girl...isn't it really Pamela?

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