If it were a general young Martial Artist, I am afraid that any Star Level Martial Artist would feel completely defenseless and give up resistance softly.

However, Chu Nan and Angelique are different after all, not to mention Angelique's Master is the Star Level Martial Artist, and Overi Venerable's education for her is also very different, so that she is very different about Star Level. Martial Artist can't give birth to the normal sense of awe, even Chu Nan has been in contact with Star Level Martial Artist many times in the past two or three years after his strength has risen sharply, and he has never seen any Star Level Martial Artist again. That kind of aloof and remote, unreachable feeling of powerlessness.

The most important thing is that both of them have had the experience of fighting head-on with Star Level Martial Artist, and even teamed up with Romandy Imperial Princess and Carolla to kill Marr Venerable by leapfrog. Star Level Martial Artist!

Even though Marr Venerable's strength belongs to the weaker category among Star Level Martial Artists, Star Level Martial Artist is Star Level Martial Artist, and the experience of killing Marr Venerable not only allowed them to Facing the Star Level Martial Artist with a normal mentality, the most important thing is to let them truly understand why the Star Level Martial Artist is powerful.

The most obvious aspect of the strength of the Star Level Martial Artist over other Martial Artists is the domain.

Based on its powerful ability to control space energy, Star Level Martial Artist can control a certain space around the body into its own exclusive field. In this field, almost all space energy is controlled by Star Level. The Martial Artist can be controlled at will, unless other Martial Artists exceed the hard power, meet force with force to smash the field, otherwise even another Star Level Martial Artist in the field cannot compete with it.

The two knew this well, so the first choice they made was to gather the power of the two, use the Inner Breath bonus provided by the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, and use the Obliteration Core Technique to target other cultivation techniques Its super destructive power will shake and destroy the field just set up by the nearest Star Level Martial Artist, and forcefully find a weak spot.

Then... escape.

Of course they can only escape.

On the opposite side is Pope Rockmaton, a super-strong Star Level Martial Artist who can even compete head-on with Prince Laikas, and two other Star Level Martial Artists who are slightly weaker but also solid.

Faced with the siege of such three Star Level Martial Artists, don't say that the two of them are just trifling and two Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists. For the sake of escape, it is absolutely impossible to fight back and win.

Of course, it's not that easy to escape.

Using the characteristics of Obliteration Core Technique to blast open the field, after escaping from the gap, the two broke the wall of space and returned to the positive space universe in an instant, but they have already arrived outside the planet of Light of Athaway. in outer space.

However, the two of them only had time to stealth a short distance in space, and they had not yet escaped the gravitational circle of Essevi's light planet. Appeared not far behind.

Feeling the mad surging of space energy in the space behind him, Chu Nan took Angelbeili's hand again, and the Inner Breath surged, breaking the wall of space and returning to the different space.

Watching the two suddenly disappear, sensing the abnormal space energy fluctuations generated by the breaking of the space wall in the space ahead, Pope Rockmaton complexion sank, who was about to catch up with the two, felt in his heart. groaned.

"Want to play hide-and-seek with us? Do you really think Star Level Martial Artist is so easy to deal with?"

Pope Lockmaton waved his hand and brought two Stars with him. Level Martial Artist escapes into different spaces at the same time.

Sure enough, as soon as they entered the different space, they found Chu Nan and Angel Beili flying with all their strength in front of them.

Just as the three of Pope Rockmaton were about to catch up again, the two disappeared again.

The three of Pope Rockmaton could only break through the wall of space again and chase them out.

However, when they found Chu Nan and Angel Beili in the positive space universe, they broke the wall of space again and entered the other space, so the three could only chase into the other space again. .

After traveling back and forth between the alternate space and the positive space universe several times, Pope Lockmaton knew that this was not the way to go, and waved his hand to signal one of the Star Level Martial Artists to stay in the alternate space, as long as Chu Nan and An Qibeili dared to enter the different space through the positive space universe again, so they took them down recklessly.

However, at this time, they watched Chu Nan and Angelina break through the wall of space and left the other space, but when they chased out and returned to the positive space universe, they found that they were in front of them. A large piece of huge meteorites converged into a stream of meteorites across the space, while the silhouettes of Chu Nan and Angel Belle have been disappeared.

Pope Lochmarton couldn't help but send out coldly snorted again.

"You really want to play hide-and-seek with us. Can a little child escape in front of me?"

Pope Lochmarton's eyes narrowed, The energy in the whole body rolled wildly, the domain expanded, and in a moment, the small meteorite belt with a length of more than hundreds of kilometers was wrapped in it.

"Boom boom boom boom boom-"

Under the surging space energy in the field, all the meteorites in the small meteorite belt were crushed into powder. , with nowhere to hide at all.

However, no matter whether it is glanced or sensed, there is no silhouette of Chu Nan and Angelique at all.

Even with Pope Lockemarton's palace, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise and doubt on his face at this moment.

When these two guys just returned from the alien space to the positive space universe, they have already followed up immediately. The two of them are absolutely impossible to fly too far. The only possibility is to hide in this small meteorite belt. .

But now that the meteorite belt has been completely destroyed by him, the two have nowhere to hide at all. The only possibility of disappearing is to break the wall of space again and return to another dimension.

However, just now he didn't sense any strong spatial energy fluctuations nearby, and there was no case of forcibly breaking the wall of space, which proved that Chu Nan and Angelique didn't do this.

But they both disappeared.

Where did they go?

Pope Lochmarton pondered for a moment and let go of the induction with all his strength. With the powerful induction of his Star Level Martial Artist, he was able to incorporate thousands of kilometers of surrounding sky into the induction. Still haven't noticed the existence of these two people Chu Nan and Angelique.

However, when he sensed the small meteorite belt that had been completely destroyed again, he found something strange.

He frowned, body moved, has appeared in the same place as that point.

Among the countless crushed and shattered rubble floating around, a little bit of weak light flickered and converged, forming an aperture just like a door that a silhouette could pass through.

Seeing this light circle, Pope Lockmaton was a little puzzled at first, but when he got closer to something, his expression suddenly changed.

The energy fluctuations in this aperture are extremely violent, but they are extremely restrained, and it is not that they cannot be sensed at all when they are close.

Whether it was this feature or the feature of energy fluctuations in the aperture, it instantly reminded him of one thing, the Transmission Gate in the endless abyss.

That's right, this aperture, simply feels almost exactly the same as those Transmission Gates in the endless abyss!

Pope Lochmarton stayed for a moment, then reached out to penetrate the aperture, and while feeling the special energy fluctuations in the aperture more clearly, strong doubts arose in his heart.

Of course there is an extremely special Transmission Gate in this small meteorite belt, so... Could it be that these two guys forcibly created such a Transmission Gate to escape?

How is this possible!

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