"Come on, Hah!"

Old Hank raised the wine glass in his hand, which was as big as his head, loudly shouted, and then raised his voice without paying any attention to the other party's response. Neck, Gulong Gulong gulps down.

The foam of the inferior beer mixed with the liquor flowed out from the corners of his mouth, contaminating the beard all over his face, and also flowed down his chin and neck to his chest, smearing him. The clothes on the upper body were almost soaked through.

However, old Hank didn't care about it at all, he drank the wine in one breath without pausing, then slammed the wine glass on the table in front of him, and shouted loudly: "One more drink!"


Then he let out a contented sigh before turning around, looking at Grulick with his head down and frowning beside him, and patted his shoulders hard.

"Hey, boy, did you encounter something that bothered you? From the look of you, it must have been dumped by some little girl? Haha, boy, don't worry about this kind of thing, you You are good looking and strong, and you will meet more beautiful girls in the future. If you can successfully become the chief priest... Oh no, just be the priest, I guarantee that there will be a lot of beautiful little girls who will take the initiative to worship You jumped on you, when the time comes you should be worried about how to reject them, haha..."

Listening to old Hank's bright and hearty laughter, Glulick barely twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing A smile responded.

He was irritable, even for the first time since he was born.

That damn Chu Nan, he actually escaped again!

When he heard the news for the first time, Glulick wondered if he had heard it wrong, or if the person who had speeded up his news was joking.

How could that kid escape!

This time, Pope Rockmaton plus two other powerful Star Level Martial Artists!

Under the siege of three Star Level Martial Artists, how could he escape?

How is this possible!

Grulik never believed in the existence of gods, he only believed in himself, but at this time, he began to doubt whether there really exist gods in this world, and this goddamn god still protects him With Chu Nan, this allows him to successfully escape from unbelievable situations again and again.

The 1st Stage of the Garden Hunting Party was besieged by so many people launched by myself, encountered a beast tide in the endless abyss, was chased by Star Level Martial Artist, fell into a trap introduced by myself, and before Besieged by three Star Level Martial Artists from Pope Rockmaton.

So many critical situations, in Grulick's view, each time should be a certain death situation, but Chu Nan survived every time, even jumping around, living more and more. good!

If it wasn't for the protection of the gods, how could he do this?

Grulick raised the wine glass, and he collided with the one raised by old Hank viciously.

This time, the damned Chu Nan was still allowed to escape, and Angelique, whom Pope Lochmarton valued very much, was also able to escape successfully, which means that Essevi Goddess sect paid up and down. Such a large price and investment of such a large amount of manpower and material resources are completely wasted, and it is even very likely to completely offend some powerful figures in the Declan Empire Imperial Family, which is undoubtedly a great loss to the entire Ithaway Goddess sect.

Such a huge loss of course requires one person to take responsibility. Pope Rockmaton is of course impossible, and Ithaway Goddess sect can't make trouble because the commemorative ceremony is about to be held, so it won't happen at this time. What a big move.

This is to make an explanation for this matter at this time. After thinking about it, Grulick has become the most suitable scapegoat.

Grulik has no doubts that Pope Rockmaton will do this, he is very aware of the cold blooded and emotionless of this Pope Your Majesty, since Angelbelle has not been caught, Glulik's The value that can be provided must be very little in the eyes of Pope Lochmarton.

Although Glulick also doesn't doubt that he can still come up with useful things to keep him alive, the failure of this time has made him think again that he has had several times before.


Leave this sect shrouded in fanatics, leave this Alley Warner military treaty alliance where everyone is a little crazy, and return to the familiar Orion Arm.

This place has lost the space for Glulick to continue to rise, and it has lost the meaning of letting him continue to work hard for it.

In this case, it is better to go back obediently and honestly, obediently and honestly cultivate...

"peng!" The sound startled old Hank, causing him to choke a mouthful of wine in his throat and spit it all out.

He managed to recover after a few hard coughs, and turned his head to look at Glulick in surprise.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing?"

This kid was holding a big glass of wine just now, he thought he was going to drink it, but didn't expect him to smash it On the table, an almost unfathomable mystery.

This is a good glass of wine, so he wasted it!

Grulick touched his face behind him and wiped off the beer sprayed on his face and neck. Then he raised the glass that had spilled more than half of it and handed it over to the glass in old Hank's hand. Touching it, he tilted his neck and drank it.

Then he slammed the glass on the table again, nodded to the old Hank, got up and looked towards the door and walked out.

Old Hank looked at Grurick's back in surprise, extended the hand, opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't shout.

It wasn't until he saw Glulick disappearing outside the door that Old Hank stroked his beard and muttered.

"Hey, youngsters just can't hold their breath now."

After muttering, he continued to focus his attention back on the wine glass, but didn't pay attention to anything else.

Outside the tavern, Glulick looked up at the bright starlight in the sky, and his face returned to a stern expression.

obediently and honestly go back to cultivation?


It was just a small setback, how could I just admit defeat!

Damn Chu Nan, you wait, lucky Goddess impossible will protect you forever, sooner or later, you will be abandoned by Goddess and fall into the deepest hell!

The tenacious cultivated by years of strict cultivation allowed Glulick to quickly recover from the strong sense of frustration and regain a strong fighting spirit in his heart.

Since this time Chu Nan is not dead, now Pamela Imperial Princess has also successfully returned, and similar opportunities are hard to find again.

If you want Chu Nan to die, you can only wait patiently.

Grulick never considered himself impatient, he just lacked better opportunities.

As long as we wait for the right opportunity, Chu Nan will sooner or later...

Grulik suddenly stopped and his pupils shrank suddenly.

In front of him, two silhouettes suddenly appeared like Nether Soul.

Although the starlight was not bright enough to illuminate the two of them, every delicate hair was completely shown, but Glulick recognized it at a glance.

The guy on the left must be Chu Nan!

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