Chu Nan raised his eyebrows in shock, but at the same time felt a little funny.

This guy would actually attack himself in this banquet hall. Did he really care about everything in order to beat himself to become famous?

Through the precise data he heard and perceived, Chu Nan instantly formed a complete simulation map of the situation behind him in his mind, and then took a seemingly random step to the left, Easily dodged the slap.

Then he slapped his backhand, just hitting the opponent's left rib cage, forcing the pampered young master to change his moves and retreat.

Chu Nan turned to look at him again, said resolutely: "sneak attack is not what expert did."

"It's enough to win you." The pampered young master gently snorted, Taking a step forward, he slapped him again.

Seeing this palm, Chu Nan was a little surprised.

Although there is no strength in this palm, the palm technique is extremely delicate. It can be calculated from the data of his palm, arm, and whole body, and it seems that it can produce countless changes. Nan actually felt that he couldn't cope for a while.

Obviously, this pampered young master looks like a playboy, but the palm technique he used is definitely an excellent external martial skill.

Chu Nan looked at it intently, and once again used Yufengbao to open the distance and avoid this palm.

"What? Don't you have the guts to challenge me head on?" pampered young master sneered, stepping forward with another slap.

This palm is different from the one just now. Although it can still produce infinite changes, it is not like the previous palm is just a flat push, but it seems to be fluttering from an oblique downward direction. In fact, it was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye it was already approaching Chu Nan.

Chu Nan's heart moved, and he simply took a step back.

The pampered young master immediately gained momentum and patted him one by one.

Chu Nan used Yufengbu to dodge the opponent's attack left and right, while carefully observing the opponent's palm.

What he observes is not only the movements on the palms of the pampered young master, but also the subtle changes in his arms and the whole body before and after his palms are thrown.

This guy can give him the feeling of infinite change with every shot, so how did he do it?

Chu Nan is very curious about this.

For Chu Nan, although he is not weak at present, he can even defeat Maluk, the third rank Inner Breath Grade Martial, as a trifling Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist in the Martial Artist Tournament. Artist, but mainly relying on the powerful data ability enables him to precisely control his body and Inner Breath, thus bursting out a powerful battle strength far exceeding the same level Martial Artist.

But he has a very big flaw, that is, the really useful external martial skill is too lacking.

Although with his powerful data ability, he can easily judge the opponent's actions and make the most timely and accurate response, but the disadvantage is that there are too few changes, so many times he can only take the last action. Solve the battle in a meet force with force way.

And meet force with force means that he has to force himself to use the characteristics of Nine Revolutions Core Technique every time, fight meridian serious damage to use high-turn Inner Breath to gain an advantage and a final victory.

This is too restrictive for him, so that he only dares to use the high-spin Inner Breath every time to make a final match only when he is absolutely foolproof. The way to change the injury can really hit the opponent.

While this approach has brought him many final victories, it is clearly not the right way to win.

In the best case, of course, he should use his exquisite external martial skill and powerful data ability to easily suppress the opponent in his moves, and then he can more easily grasp or even take the initiative to force the opponent to reveal the weak spot. , and finally won with a powerful high-spin Inner Breath.

But Chu Nan's external martial skill is nothing more than a Hong Clan Everlasting Fist that can successfully mobilize the Inner Breath, and the other junk martial arts skills he has learned in the past are useless at all.

As for the Aeolus piercing leg method that Mu Yutong gave, he has not had time to practice.

Although Chu Nan was aware of this problem before, the opponents he encountered before were generally not strong in external martial skills.

Even the Subduing Tiger Fist mastered by Luo Li is known as one of the top ten boxing techniques in the Federation, but it is known for its mighty and sturdy fists. Powerful power is not known for its subtle moves.

So Chu Nan doesn't feel too deeply about this issue until now.

I never imagined that the pampered young master who suddenly appeared at the banquet would have mastered such a subtle technique, but Chu Nan was surprised and realized this problem once again.

How is the so-called exquisite move achieved?

Chu Nan was dodging while carefully observing every subtle movement of the pampered young master.

After watching the pampered young master hit dozens of palms like this, Chu Nan gradually concluded some rules.

When this pampered young master hits each palm, the muscles of his whole body will be mobilized, and there is a corresponding coordination, so that his body posture can always be maintained in a state where he can exert all his strength at any time.

In this way, he can use the force elsewhere in the body at any time to change the posture of the whole body, so as to change the palm of the hand.

In addition, his arms will never be stretched completely straight, and even at the end of each palm, the arms will still remain partially bent.

In this way, his arms can always retain a certain space for movement.

Although this will prevent his palm from reaching the farthest, it has always kept the room for change at any time.

Combining the two, naturally, every palm of his hand has the possibility of infinite changes.

"Unstoppable, unsatisfactory."

Chu Nan's mind suddenly came up with a book on Earth's ancient martial arts that he had read on the pan-galactic network before. A word of clear comprehension in my heart.

Before this, he always felt that as a Martial Artist, he should try his best to exert his strongest strength with every blow.

With the help of data ability, Chu Nan played this point vividly and thoroughly.

In each previous battle, every time he hit Hong Clan Everlasting Fist, he would always mobilize all the muscle power in his body, fully pouring it into the fist, and exerting a formidable power far exceeding that of the Martial Artist of the same level .

After mastering how Hong Clan Everlasting Fist works with Inner Breath, he will mobilize the strongest Inner Breath with every punch and attack without reservation.

This approach allowed him to gain the ability to compete with the Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist that is a whole level higher by virtue of the body of the Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist and the strength of the Inner Breath, and to break through. At the limit, he defeated Maluk, the third rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist, beyond everyone's expectations, and when Chu Xiaoxi was kidnapped before, he went a step further and killed the transformed man with the strength of the fourth rank Inner Breath Grade.

But this choice is by no means the best.

Now for the first time in this pampered young master to experience the real martial skill of external power, Chu Nan got the insight and immediately felt as if a whole new door had opened in front of him.

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