It is still the courtyard, still the quiet and comfortable space.

It's just that Cleveland has already been carried down, and only the two maids are still standing by, but the expressions on their faces are more respectful and nervous than before, and there is even a hint of shrinkage.

This is not just because of Chu Nan's sudden shot just now, but the bigger reason is Prince Rockamp who is sitting next to Chu Nan now.

Prince Rockcamp glanced at Chu Nan, then suddenly turned his head, looked towards the two maids, pointed at them and asked Chu Nan, "Do you think they are not beautiful?"

Chu Nan immediately startled.

He didn't expect that Prince Rockamp really came to him in person, and the first question he asked was this.

He turned his head to glance at the two maids and shook his head.

"No, I think they are pretty."

Chu Nan This is speak frankly.

Although these two maids are dressed as maids, they are all good in appearance, figure and temperament. They can definitely be called high-level beauties. It can be seen that they should be Declan Empire Imperial Family carefully selected here.

"Then you know that? They are still virgins." Prince Rockamp said again.

Chu Nan couldn't help but froze again.

He glanced at the two maids again and frowned, looking towards Prince Rocamp.

"I know, Cleveland told me before."

"Then why are you unwilling to accept their service?" Prince Rockamp seemed genuinely curious to look at Chu Nan. "Aren't you satisfied with them still not enough?" After he said that, he had another look on his face. "That's right, although the two of them are beautiful, they are still much worse than your girlfriend named Angelique. To be honest, a girl as beautiful as Angelique is indeed very rare."

Chu Nan frowned even more when Prince Rocamp mentioned Angelique.

"His Royal Highness, what are you trying to say?"

Prince Rockamp pointed to the two maids again, still smiling.

"I just wanted to say that although you have a very beautiful girlfriend, there is no need to be completely dismissive of other girls. The two of them were meant for you, I think Cleveland They should have told you clearly that they are specially prepared for you to serve you, and you can enjoy it as you like."

Chu Nan frowned and looked the head.

"I don't like to use this word. Maybe there are rules like this in your Declan Empire, and I've heard some... bad rumors about the Imperial Family and nobles in your empire, But I'm not interested in these things. And I have a girlfriend, and I can't do anything to be sorry to Angelique."

"There's nothing sorry about that." Prince Rockamp shook his head. "It's just to solve some basic physiological needs, no one will care."

"But I do." Chu Nan's tone was firm. "His Royal Highness, I don't care what you Imperial Family think of me, but this is my idea, and I think you'd better not try to interfere with me in your way."

"hehe..." Prince Rockamp laughed softly. "So that's why you're still a virgin?"

"pu ——"

Chu Nan almost spit out blood, in his heart to have a good relationship with Prince Rockamp After negotiating for a long time, the psychological defense line that had been prepared for a long time collapsed instantly, and he looked at Prince Rocamp with an embarrassed expression and great surprise.

"Who told you that?"

"It seems you didn't deny it." The smile on Prince Rockamp's face deepened. "It was Romanty who told me, were you surprised?"

Chu Nan quickly flashed the slightly heroic face of Romanty Imperial Princess before his eyes, and slapped his forehead hard.

This answer didn't surprise him very much. Before in the endless abyss, Romandy Imperial Princess and Angelique spent a lot of time in contact. Obviously, this was Angelique's talk to Romandy Imperial Princess. Bring it up, then Romandi Imperial Princess...

Why did this guy tell Prince Rockamp about this!

She wouldn't be ashamed to mention this kind of thing in front of her father!

Prince Rockamp still kept a smile on his face, watching Chu Nan's expression change over there.

After a while, Chu Nan reluctantly cleaned up the confusion in his heart, and reorganized his expression and looked up towards Prince Rockamp.

Only at this time, he no longer had the feeling of facing a great enemy when he faced Prince Rocamp before, instead he felt a little helpless.

"That...His Royal Highness, let's get back to business. Cleveland said just now that you Declan Empire Imperial Family just want something from me. I want to ask if he's talking nonsense or is it Is this really your purpose?"

"Didn't you tell him that he can tell if he is lying? So how do you judge this sentence?" Prince Rocamp asked rhetorically.

Chu Nan frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head.

"I don't think he's lying, but what he knows may not be your true intentions, so I want you to answer."

"It seems you're being cautious." The Prince of Rockamp was laughed. "He's right, this is indeed our idea, and we really want to get something useful from you."

"What is it?" Chu Nan asked immediately. "I don't think I have anything in me that deserves such a big fight, and if you really just want something, why can't you tell me directly? Instead of arresting me first, even threatening Angelique ?"

Prince Rockamp didn't answer immediately, but picked up the teacup and took a slow sip of the tea, until Chu Nan wanted to open his mouth impatiently to ask, he interrupted by raising his hand Chu Nan.

"What do you want, I can't tell you now, because before the will of the Council of Elders, these are not important. Your biggest problem now is not these things, but the alleged stealing of Obliteration Core Technique. I think you should know that this is a big crime, but I think you should not know how serious this is for our Declan Imperial Family. So in any case, you must first go through the trial of the Senate Decide what to do next. If you can successfully pass the trial, then we will talk. If not, then there is no need or possibility to continue the discussion."

The Prince of Rocamp put down his teacup and stood up Come.

"The reason why I came back to see you this time was just to see you with my own eyes instead of the virtual screen. Now that I see it, I should leave. You are very nice, I am very satisfied, but whether I can see you in person next time will depend on your own performance. I am here to inform you that in three days, the Council of Elders will formally judge you.”

After finishing speaking, Prince Rocamp walked straight out the door.

Chu Nan stood up and wanted to chase after him, but suddenly he felt the energy surging in the space ahead, and a force rushed towards him, making him unable to make an inch.

Just as Chu Nan was about to try to break through this layer of Energy Shield and rushed over, Prince Rockamp's voice rang directly in his ears.

"Angelberry will not be in mortal danger, and you should not delusionally meet her. Everything, you have to wait until you survive the trial before you have a chance. Remember, it is better to survive than to survive. Everything is important, if you die, then there is nothing."

After the sentence was passed, Prince Rocamp completely disappeared from the door.

Chu Nan stayed on the spot for a while, concentrated for a while, then sat back on the chair again, looking at the nose and heart, but directly entered the state of Inner Breath cultivation.

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