The Greymane Emperor Your Majesty, who had changed his clothes, also returned to his Supreme majesty as an imperial emperor. He waved his hand to let the maids around him retreat, and then He waved to Prince Laikas, turned and walked towards the wall where he had built a boulder just now.

The two walked for a stroll, and after a while, they crossed the wall and walked outside, but it happened to be on the edge of the cliff on the top of the mountain.

Grimmane stopped at the edge of the cliff, looked towards the far end, gently took a deep breath, and suddenly asked, "Lykas, do you know why I chose to build this house here? ?"

Prince Lekas glanced back at the house, which had only completed three walls so far, and looked the head.

"I don't know, I just know that the most important reason why I didn't want to fight for the throne at all was that I didn't want to come and build a house by myself. This is really stupid."


"Oh? Isn't it because I can't beat me?" Greymane smiled at Prince Lycus.

Prince Lekas sighed, spreading his hands.

"I couldn't beat you since I was a child, so I knew that my innate talent was not as good as yours, and my focus on martial skill was not as good as yours. Of course, I could always beat you, so I gave up the fight long ago The idea of the throne. You see, I didn't even have the idea to challenge you at that time, I just announced that I gave up?"

Grimmane looked at Prince Lykas intently, as if he wanted to get rid of him There was something in the expression on his face, but he quickly gave up the idea and laughed.

"Then you know? Sitting on this throne is not as good as many people think. In fact, many times I envy you. As the prince of the empire, you can do whatever you want. I can go wherever I go, I can take care of the things I want to take care of, and I can take care of the things I don't want to take care of, but many times I can only force myself to get up and deal with the things I don't want to care about. You see, why I choose When I see a house here, I feel that this house is close to a cliff, and there is a chance to escape directly at any time."

"Don't think about it, if you really escape, it must be the entire galaxy. The biggest news... oh no, it's a scandal, you don't want to be the protagonist of a scandal, do you?" Prince Lycas laughed.

"Of course I don't want to." Greymane shook his head, looking towards Prince Lycus. "But this time, we have rarely cooperated with the ** businessman of promise, but we almost suffered a big loss. If the news is exposed, it can be regarded as a scandal. As the emperor of the empire Your Majesty, I am the same. Will he be the protagonist of the scandal?"

Prince Lekas bitterly laughed: "You really know what I'm here to do with you. That's right, I just want to come to you to discuss what to do next with Noyant Do you have any ideas on how the cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce should be handled?"

"Tell me what you think first." Greymane said.

"Okay." Prince Lekas, nodded, was not polite, and said directly: "My thoughts are different from those in the empire. They feel that it is not good to cooperate with Chamber of Commerce. I will be deceived by that businessman, but I don’t think so. Although there were many problems in the process of this cooperation, the result was good, both us and the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum. A lot of gains have been obtained, and there is also a very important discovery that will even change the pattern of the entire galaxy. It also appeared in this cooperation. So I think it is necessary for our cooperation to continue and dig deeper. Otherwise, if we let promise If Yentham takes the lead in the Chamber of Commerce, we will be passive."

Graymane pondered for a moment, then asked, "You mean Transmission Gate technology?"

"Yes. There is a very important role in this operation, that is, a young girl who takes part in the second stage of the garden hunting party and calls herself Carola. She has a deep understanding of Transmission Gate technology and has Very detailed data, but according to our investigation, she... should actually be a complete biological clone developed by a research institute under the Chamber of Commerce of Noyantum. Obviously, she will definitely be affected by Noyant The influence and control of the Chamber of Commerce, and having her bring this data back to the Chamber of Commerce at Nogentum will certainly give the Chamber of Commerce a great advantage in the research at Transmission Gate.”

"Carola?" Greymane narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Prince Lycus for a while, shook his head, and suddenly said, "Did you deliberately not mention Chu Nan? In terms of understanding of Transmission Gate, Obviously he is the most important person."

Prince Laikas didn't expect that Greymane would mention it directly in advance, so he couldn't help but choked, and then he reacted instantly and directly The nominee admitted: "Yes, I did deliberately not mention him first, I think you should know the reason."

Grimmane gave Prince Lycas a deep look and shook his head slightly. .

"The Elder Council represents the entire Declan Imperial Family. Although I am the Emperor of the Empire, I still cannot interfere with their decisions. And I agree with the Elder Council's judgment that the Obliteration Core Technique represents the most important part of our Declan Imperial Family. The fundamental and core interest is the most important thing that we can stand for tens of thousands of years, and we must never allow any problems to arise. Therefore, anything related to the leakage of the Obliteration Core Technique must be handed over to the Elder Council for independence. Judge. I think you understand what I mean."

"Of course I do." Prince Lycas shrugged. "So didn't I come to you? To be honest, I admire Chu Nan, he is arguably the best young Martial Artist I have seen in so many years, even better than all the youngsters in the empire. If he dies, it will definitely bring great losses..."

"But he is not from us Declan, but from the Earth Federation, isn't he?" Greymane interrupted Laika Prince's words. "He will not directly benefit the Empire, and it is not a wise choice for him to oppose the Elder Council."

"Then let's make him our own." Prince Laikas road.

"en?" Greymane was slightly taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"Let's not talk about that." Prince Lycus did not immediately answer Greymane's question, but deliberately sold it off.

When Greymane frowned and wanted to ask questions, he opened the personal terminal on his arm and brought up two pictures on the virtual screen.

These two pictures are all Pamela Imperial Princess.

And the picture on the left is Pamela before, and the picture on the right is Pamela now after "transformation".

“You should know her, right?” Prince Lekas asked, pointing at Pamela.

"Of course, she is another protagonist of this leaked Obliteration Core Technique." Greymane gently nods. "The report said that she was injected with a large number of chaotic biological genes by the Elewana Military Treaty Alliance, so her body became what it is now. Is this information accurate?"

"Accurate, but Not quite." Prince Lekas replied. "Don't you think it's strange? According to the clan's previous speculation about Pamela, if she participated in the garden hunting party, it is very likely that her cultivation technique would collapse and die during this period, but now she has successfully survived the garden hunting party. Yes, she survived after being injected with a lot of chaotic genes, and even the cultivation technique problem on her body has been basically solved. Don't you want to know the reason?"

"These reasons are not written On the report, and this report was obviously handled by you, are you going to ask me again now?" Greymane looked at Prince Lykas with some anger and amusement.

"Cough...I just don't think it's going to get your attention when it's written on the report, but in fact, later through the information I got from Chu Nan and his girlfriend Angelique, It is almost certain that the most important reason for such a change in Pamela is from Chu Nan."

Grimmane frowned: "You just said that Pamela's cultivation technique is basically the same. It's resolved, but now you tell me that the main reason is from Chu Nan, doesn't that tell me that Pamela did leak the Obliteration Core Technique to him?"

"I believe she didn't, and I believe Chu Nan didn't steal his studies, because Chu Nan..." Prince Lekas frowned, and seemed to have no idea what words to use to describe it. After thinking about it, he continued: "He is a very magical youngster, and he is very knowledgeable about cultivation techniques. His understanding goes far beyond the average Martial Artist, and even...even I am inferior to him in some places. It is not surprising that he was able to find a solution to Pamela's cultivation technique."

"You're right His evaluation is very high." Greymane said.

"No, it's not very high, it's very high." Prince Lekas said resolutely, without any joking or exaggeration. "That's why I insist on making him my own. And the reason why I want to convince you is because I think that since he can help Pamela solve the problem, then he is likely to be able to help Zeno Ann solves the problem."

Hearing the name "Zinoan", Greymane's face moved slightly involuntarily, and even the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Why do you mention Zinoan?"

"Because I believe Chu Nan can." Prince Lekas still looked serious. "But if you want to do it, you must first make sure that Chu Nan doesn't die, that's why I will come to you."

Grimmane took a deep breath, turned his head, looked towards the outside of the cliff, and remained silent for a while. .

Prince Laikas didn't rush him and waited quietly.

After a long time, Greymane gently put out a breath, turned his head and looked towards Prince Lycas.

"Lykas, I've told you many times, I don't like your way of doing things. If you want to save Chu Nan's life, you can use many methods, even you can directly interfere with the elders. I would just stand by and watch the parliament, but you are trying to seduce me in this way, according to the laws of the Empire and the Inner Sect law, you have made a big mistake."

The expression on Prince Lykas' face was sullen. moving, smiling at Greymane.

Greymane took a deep breath again, and his face completely returned to his calm and normal appearance.

"Speak your mind."

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