If you count the Declan Imperial Family younger generation that Chu Nan knew, it would not be counted without Pamela, starting from Chu Nan entering Declan Empire to participate in the garden hunting party, add up before and after I'm afraid there are not hundreds of them, but many of them have a good relationship and can even be called close.

In terms of time, of course, Pamela was the first to know her, but when Chu Nan met Pamela, she didn't know her identity at all, not even her name. The cultivation technique she used is guessed to be the Obliteration Core Technique, and it is estimated that she may make the Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generation.

According to the most normal steps to get to know each other, in fact, the first person Chu Nan really had contact with was someone else.

This person is the Imperial Princess Vianne, who is now walking into the judgment hall.

Chu Nan stared blankly at Imperial Princess Vianne, walking into the hall with her head bowed slightly and walking to Prince Lycas, her lightbrain-like brain stopped working almost instantly.

Is it her?

Why her?

On the 1st Stage of the Garden Hunting Party, Chu Nan mistakenly identified Vianne Neil Imperial Princess as Pamela, and then led out Romandi Imperial Princess, and then a series of incidents happened before they met before and after. A group of Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generation, and finally directly contacted Prince Laikas, and it can even be said that Prince Laikas was saved.

The first person Chu Nan really knew was the Imperial Princess Vianne Neel, and of course, she was very impressed.

Although the strictly speaking contact with Vianne Imperial Princess is not so much, it is far better than the deeper understanding with her elder sister Romandi Imperial Princess, but Chu Nan has a gentle, gentle personality, many times Like a commoner girl more than like an aloof and remote Imperial Princess The Imperial Princess of Her Royal Highness has a good impression, I think she is a very good and likable girl.

But...he never imagined any further development with the Imperial Princess, let alone an engagement!

"Vianelle, Prince Laikas just said that you had a marriage contract with Chu Nan. Is this true?"

Speaker Anduin's stern voice was heard Come down and rescue Chu Nan from a state where his head is full of slurries and his brain almost shuts down.

He immediately looked towards Viannel Imperial Princess and couldn't help but opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't say anything.

Vianelle Imperial Princess's face was slightly red, and she was obviously very shy to answer this question in public, but she shook her lips slightly, and still raised her head firmly, looking straight in the eyes. Chancellor Anduin.

"Yes. Chu Nan and I got engaged when we participated in the 1st Stage of the Garden Hunting Party. My elder sister can testify about this, and we informed the father at that time, and the father agreed. This marriage contract."

There was another uproar in the judgment hall.

Obviously Vianne Imperial Princess and Chu Nan only met for the first time when they participated in the 1st stage of the garden hunting party. It is possible for the two to meet and fall in love in just one month, which makes sense. , but the two actually entered into a marriage contract and were recognized by the Imperial Princess of Romandi and even the Prince of Rockamp, which is too unimaginable!

Prince Rockamp is also well-known in the Declan Imperial Family, and the Romandi Imperial Princess he raised is known as Heaven's Chosen Child, and has high hopes in the next generation of Imperial Family younger generation, Vianne Although the Imperial Princess is not as good as the Romandi Imperial Princess, and is overshadowed by the elder sister's light, she is still a very good Imperial Princess.

But now, she is so privately engaged to a guy from the Earth Federation that Prince Rockamp even recognizes it!

How is this possible!

Speaker Anduin couldn't help but blushed slightly, and several elders beside him also frowned.

Of course they could see the problem, and they could even be sure that it was clearly a joint plan of Prince Laikas and Prince Rockamp, and persuaded Viannen to participate.

As for the purpose, it is not only to help Chu Nan get out of the crime, but more importantly, I am afraid that the marriage contract between Chu Nan and Viannele Imperial Princess is true.

But in the end, why on earth?

Speaker Anduin looked towards Chu Nan, his eyes were deep, and he almost wanted to shoot into Chu Nan's heart.

Prince Lekas, Prince Rockamp, and even Greymane Your Majesty would work so hard to keep this kid, and try so hard to draw him into the Imperial Family, no doubt. Not because of the so-called feelings, nor because this kid once saved Prince Laikas' life, there is only one reason for this, and that is that this kid has value worthy of them doing so.

But the price paid for doing so is so great, how powerful is the value contained in this kid?

Thinking of this, Speaker Anduin lightly sighed in his heart and slowed his expression.

He doesn't like Greymane Your Majesty's repeated temptations and even challenges to the Elder Council's privileges within the clan, but if it is for the benefit of the Declan Imperial Family, he is willing to make concessions.

So he swallowed a few questions in his stomach, and asked Chu Nan with a blank face: "So Chu Nan, Vianne Neel said that she and you will be on the 1st Stage of the hunting party. What do you want to say about the engagement?"

Chu Nan glanced at Speaker Anduin, and then glanced around at the Declan Imperial who were all looking at him. Family , and finally glanced at Prince Lycas, who had been smiling all the time, and then fell on Viannele Imperial Princess.

Viennale Imperial Princess blushed, but she still insisted on looking directly at Chu Nan without flinching.

It can be seen that she is very shy and wants to avoid it, but she has been trying her best to control herself, showing that she is in love with Chu Nan and has entered into a marriage contract.

Seeing her like this, Chu Nan couldn't help but let out a long sigh in the heart.

Now this situation is actually very obvious. If he denies that he and Viannele Imperial Princess had an early marriage contract, then he will commit a big crime, waiting for him only to be executed.

That's all there is to it, but if he's convicted, Pamela is also implicated.

Speaker Anduin's sentence to her just now was to abolish the martial skill and to be imprisoned for life. This is definitely an unacceptable punishment for Pamela.

And now Vianne Imperial Princess admits in front of so many people that she and Chu Nan have an engagement, and has even been approved by her father, Prince Rockamp, if Chu Nan is now in public To deny it is to slap Prince Rocamp and Prince Lekas heavily in front of everyone.

Most importantly, it was the equivalent of slapping Vianne Imperial Princess in public.

But if he admits the engagement now, then all the problems will be solved.

He doesn't have to die, Pamela doesn't have to be punished, Prince Lycas and Prince Rockamp don't have to be embarrassed, and Vianne Imperial Princess won't be disgraced.

But, do you really want to agree?

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