Prince Lycas cracked and laughed.

"You are still the wise speaker I am familiar with. I am glad to see that you can calm yourself and look at this matter with normal eyes."

"Don't Nonsense, tell me why."

"I think you should have guessed some, but in some specific details, you may not be so clear." Prince Lekas moved his hand, An On the virtual screen in front of Speaker Du Yin, a file was transmitted. "If you look at this report, you may understand why I did this."

Speaker Anduin accepted the document, opened it and read it slowly.

At the beginning, he still had doubts on his face. After watching it for a while, he showed a surprised expression, and then his brows gradually wrinkled. Intense.

It took him ten minutes to roughly read the report. After thinking about it, he looked up towards Prince Lycas on the virtual screen.

"Are the conclusions on this report 100% certain?"

"No, of course it's 100% impossible, but basically certain."

Speaker Anduin, nodded, thought about it again, and continued to ask: "But since this is the case, why not take a more powerful method to directly control it, and must use this method?"

"There are two The first reason is that the Chamber of Commerce is also watching, and we also need their cooperation, so we can't use tough methods, otherwise the Chamber of Commerce will directly intervene. With the opportunity like this, we are already one step ahead with our current advantage. Otherwise, if the Chamber of Commerce is asked to contact him first, it is difficult for me to guarantee that he will not fully vote there.”

"What about another reason?" President Anduin asked.

"Another reason...probably Chu Nan's character."

"Character?" Speaker Anduin raised his eyebrows, somewhat surprised. "Does his character need to be taken so seriously?"

"Certainly, he's the key to the whole thing, and how he's going to deal with it certainly needs to be taken seriously, so his character is something I'm immediately taking into account. And according to my observation and understanding of him, this kid is typically amenable to coaxing but not coercion. If we take tough measures, we will never get what we want from him, but if we let him take the initiative to cooperate with us , that the value return from him may far surpasses the imagination."

Watching Prince Laikas put away his smile and his face serious, Speaker Anduin fell silent.

After pondering for a while, he lightly sighed.

"You think of him even higher than I thought, it seems that he must have left a very strong impression on you. But I must remind you that this is a gamble, he may not It will really have a strong enough value as you think, and he may not really follow your arrangement."

"It's a gamble of course, but it's a very valuable gamble. Isn't it? We can gain a lot of valuable things if we win, and if we lose... it's just the loss of an Imperial Princess who doesn't even have the right to inherit, and... the face of the so-called Declan Imperial Family, isn't it?" Laika The Prince asked with a smile.

"No, that's not what I said." Chancellor Anduin shook his head. "Have you forgotten? This kid's performance in the trial is obviously out of your mind. If he fails this test, do you think everything will go well?"

"Yes , his reaction really surprised me, but this is obviously better." The smile on Prince Laikas' face remained unchanged. "As long as he passes this test, he will definitely be recognized by most clansman, it will be much easier for him to integrate into our clan, and it will be convenient for him to continue to work for our clan in the future. I am sure that we will be able to continue to serve our clan in the future. He has gained more valuable things from him."

Speaker Anduin gently nods, glanced at the report again, thought about it, and made a little operation on the personal terminal, a huge The face jumped out, and it was Chu Nan.

He stared at Chu Nan's face and scrutinized it for a long time, as if seeing Chu Nan for the first time for a long time, and then he was nodded again.

"I agree with your judgment, from all sources, this kid does have very strong value. But I can't guarantee that he will pass this test. You should be well aware that he was before The speech at that trial offended the entire Imperial Family, and now many clansman have expressed that they want to teach him a deep lesson. I can't change the clansman's mind, so he will definitely face the most powerful test and test."

"The stronger the better." Prince Lekas didn't care. "If he can't stand it, it proves that he doesn't have this value. If he can stand it, it proves that my judgment on him is correct, are you right?"

Anduin The Speaker frowned at Prince Laikas and shook his head gently.

"Lykas, you're still doing the same thing as before, ignoring what other people think. But I must admit, your talent and strategy are excellent, if not for your character, in fact I I agree that you are more suitable to sit in that seat..."

"No, you should stop talking." Prince Laikas immediately waved his hand to stop Speaker Anduin from continuing to speak. "I've said it a long time ago, I'm not interested in that position, I just like to be free like I am now, and I can do whatever I want. You said it just now, my personality is not suitable, and I don't want to be like Gremei. Well, that guy builds houses there all day long."

Speaker Anduin shook his head helplessly.

"Actually this is fine. What we Declan Empire and Declan Imperial Family need is not a smooth and egoistic king and patriarch, what we need is that he is strong enough. At this point, Gray Maine is indeed much more suitable than you."

"It's good that you know." Prince Lycus smiled and extended his hand to Chancellor Anduin. "Then can you give it to me now?"

"For you? What for you?" Speaker Anduin was taken aback.

Prince Lekas laughed and stepped aside to reveal a building behind him that he had been blocking.

"Give me permission to go in."

Speaker Anduin glanced at it and was immediately angry.

"Very good, you brat has already arrived, have you even plot against this?"

"This is not plot against, just to save time, after all There is only one day left, I have to explain the situation to him first, isn't it better to arrange it?"

Speaker Anduin frowned and thought for a while, nodded.

"Alright, I'll leave it to you, let's go."

"Thank you for your wisdom."

Prince Lekas turned off the personal terminal communication, Turning around and striding towards the building that looked very special from the outside.

The two guards guarding the gate of the building saw him approaching and stopped him expressionlessly, but after a while, the two guards seemed to have suddenly received a notification and moved away Put Prince Lycas in.

After entering the gate, Prince Laikas, led by a guard, walked for a while in the long corridor and stopped in front of a wall.

A moment later, a small door-like opening suddenly opened in the wall, and Prince Laikas walked straight in, his eyes naturally falling on a bed facing the small door.

A man is sitting cross-legged on the bed, looking up towards this side with surprise in his eyes.

Prince Lekas raised his hand to greet him.

"Hey Chu Nan, how have you been these two days?"

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