As the helmet covering his head was removed, Chu Nan first heard the sound of the hovering shuttle engine gradually stopping, and then he heard a sound from outside as if It was the buzzing of a swarm of mosquitoes congregating, and it sounded like there were a lot of people congregating discussing spiritedly.

Then the light reappeared in front of his eyes. In front of him was the exit of the hovering shuttle. Speaker Anduin was standing at the exit and looking at him.

The expression on Speaker Anduin's face was a bit strange, as if it was the first time he knew Chu Nan again, he looked at him, and his eyes were a bit complicated and strange.

Seeing Chu Nan's eyes falling over, Speaker Anduin asked, "Chu Nan, are you ready?"

Chu Nan smiled at him, nodded .

"Ready, will the test begin now?"

Speaker Anduin showed a hint of astonished.

According to the report received yesterday, after Prince Laikas visited Chu Nan, he was not the same as before. He seemed to be worrying about something, but now it seems , he seemed to have figured it out, the expression on his face returned to the usual calm and collected, and it seemed that there were no problems that could continue to trouble him.

This kid, did he solve the troubles that were very troublesome for him after one night?

"You can start soon, you go down and prepare first." Speaker Anduin waved his hand, and the two guards who had been with Chu Nan continued to sandwich him from left to right, bringing him with him. Take him out of the shuttle.

As soon as I walked out of the shuttle door, the eyes immediately became bright.

The splendid constant starlight spreads down from the front right, illuminating almost all the space in front of it bright and transparent. There is an almost endless prairie in front of you, and only a few small trees can be seen occasionally. Standing in it, there is no obstacle at all.

Beyond this huge plain, the crowd of densely packed people can be seen floating in the air at the far end, almost forming a ring wall to block all around, exactly what Chu Nan heard just now. The place where the human voice buzzed like a mosquito.

Chu Nan glanced over and didn't pay much attention.

The previous trial was held in the witness of many Declan Imperial Family, so it is not surprising that today's test will obviously attract more Declan Imperial Family to watch.

Chu Nan is well aware that what he said at the end of the previous trial was a great offense and provocation to all the Declan Imperial Family, if they wouldn't come and watch it. The field test is weird.

He followed the two guards down to the grassland and waited quietly.

It may take some time to start the test, and he just familiarized himself with the surrounding environment.

These days, he is always locked in that kind of prison that has undergone special treatment, so that he has little chance to come into contact with the external space energy. .

Of course, the space energy environment on this grassland is not too special. It is no different from all normal positive spaces. Chu Nan easily establishes a connection with the external space energy. , you will easily reach the Perfection state.

"These guys are very confident and don't worry about me running away."

Feeling the unimpeded flow of the external space energy and the internal space energy of oneself, Chu Nan laughed, looked up again and looked towards all around.

It's no wonder that Speaker Anduin is so reassuring to leave him here alone. Now there are so many Declan Imperial Family around to watch the trial, the number of which is dozens or hundreds of times more than the number of people who watched the trial that day. There are hundreds of particularly powerful breaths that Chu Nan can clearly sense, not to mention those that can hide their own breath and are not sensed.

Among the audiences around now, it's just the powerhouse of Star Level Martial Artist. I'm afraid there are hundreds of them.

Under the onlookers of so many powerful Star Level Martial Artists, Chu Nan certainly had any possibility of escaping, and Speaker Anduin was naturally relieved.

Of course, Chu Nan didn't plan to run away.

If, before Prince Laikas came to see him, he still had a chance to try to escape from the temporary Transmission Gate, which had not been formally tested, in case of unfavorable circumstances, then Prince Laikas had been here. And after talking to him, he has given up on the idea.

In today's test, he will never allow himself to fail!

And not only succeed, but greatly!

Prince Lekas has left him with a difficult problem to solve, but now, he must face it and solve it.

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd of onlookers. After a while, a hole was opened in the "human wall", and two silhouettes flew out from the inside and quickly approached in the direction of Chu Nan.

Chu Nan looked at it intently and was stunned for a moment.

Romandy Imperial Princess flew over with Viannele Imperial Princess and landed in front of Chu Nan.

As soon as she landed, the Imperial Princess Romandi glared at the two guards beside him.

"Stay back, don't overhear us."

The two guards were stunned and were about to speak when a voice suddenly fell from above.

"You stand back, don't disturb them."

This voice was indeed Speaker Anduin's.

The two guards were stunned again, looked up, looked at each other again, and backed away obediently.

Chu Nan looked up at the shuttle suspended in mid-air in confusion, then turned his head and looked towards Romandy Imperial Princess and Vianne Imperial Imperial Princess.

Romandy Imperial Princess had a normal expression on her face, but Vivian Imperial Princess was flushed, embarrassed, and lowered her head, as if she didn't dare to meet Chu Nan's eyes at all. That day in the trial hall was completely different.

Judging from her appearance, she was clearly pulled over by Romandi Imperial Princess.

"Hey, Chu Nan, how were you in the past few days? Didn't you get any abuse in there?" Romandy Imperial Princess asked directly to Chu Nan.

Chu Nan couldn't help laughing.

"I didn't go to a concentration camp, what kind of abuse did I get? Besides, if there was any abuse, could it compare to how miserable we were in the endless abyss?"

Heard Chu Nan mentioned the common experience of the two in the endless abyss. Imperial Princess Romandi remembered the pain of Chu Nan recasting the fleshy body for herself, involuntarily nodded, but she couldn't help laughing.

"That's right, Lycas Uncle has been watching you all the time, and they won't treat you too much. I even heard... They arranged for you two beautiful women to serve you, and the result was Was rejected by you?"

Chu Nan couldn't help corner of mouth twitching.

"I said Romandy, where did you get this kind of news? Besides, you ask this question at a time like this... don't you think it's very disruptive?"

" I just ask casually, it's fine if you don't touch it, if you do, I will teach you a lesson for Vianne."

"No." Chu Nan shook his head. "Angelberry and Overy Venerable will teach me a lesson before you do."

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