"Huh?" Chu Nan looked at Vianne Imperial Princess with some strangeness.

What is he talking about?

Seeing Chu Nan's doubts, Vianne Imperial Princess gave him a slightly bitter smile.

"Yes, I won't marry you because...you don't like me."

Chu Nan fell silent.

If he just likes and dislikes, of course he likes Vianne Neil Imperial Princess, this gentle and kind girl can easily make people feel close, and getting along together will make people feel Very comfortable and, from an objective point of view, definitely an excellent candidate to be a wife.

However... this is not a love between men and women, Chu Nan didn't have the same heart-warming feeling when facing Angel Belle when he faced Vianne's Imperial Princess.


Viennale Imperial Princess suddenly extended the hand and pressed Chu Nan's mouth, preventing him from speaking next.

"Time is running out, let me tell you."

Vianelle Imperial Princess still had a smile on her face. A calm and gentle face.

"I said just now, I like you, but I won't marry you, because you don't like me, you like Miss Angelina. I won't marry someone who doesn't like me. My man, I don't want to snatch you from Miss Angelina either. Just to save you. If you can be cleared, then I will tell others that our engagement is fake. If not, then even if we are forced to marry by Lycus Uncle and father, we are only in name I don't want us to do something that's sorry for Miss Angelina, and I don't want us to develop like this. This is not the result I hoped for. As for what will happen in the future, I can't make any guarantees now. I... just want you to survive."

Feeling the warm touch of Vianne Imperial Princess' palm on her lips, listening to her speak in a calm voice that was obviously still mixed with a trembling voice With such a sentence, Chu Nan couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

It's really unexpected for such a good girl to be put on a marriage contract because of this kind of thing, or a marriage contract that she and he can't refuse.

If it wasn't for Angelique, he might have really liked Vianne's Imperial Princess, but now that there is Angelique, no matter how you deal with it, someone will get hurt.

The only thing Chu Nan can do is to make others suffer as little as possible.

After saying such a sentence, it seemed that Viannele Imperial Princess had exhausted all her courage and strength. She put down the hand blocking Chu Nan's mouth, closed her mouth, and stared at Chu Nan quietly. After a while, a blush suddenly appeared on his face.

"That...father said, in order not to make others suspect, let me take the opportunity to express..."

"en?" Chu Nan raised his eyebrows. "Meaning what?"

"Meaning...intimacy..." Vianne Imperial Princess's voice was no louder than a mosquito humming.

Chu Nan corner of mouth twitching, raised his head and looked towards the direction the Imperial Princess flew from.

There, the Prince of Rocamp, whom he had seen before, floated beside the Imperial Princess of Romandy, watching.

Looking around, the other Declan Imperial Family gathered all around also looked towards this side, and countless gazes came over, obviously focusing their attention on him and Vianne Imperial Princess.

Obviously, many Declan Imperial Family have doubts about the so-called "engagement" between Vianne Imperial Princess and him, and the reason why Prince Rockamp asked Vianne Imperial Princess to do so , that is, to make the previous acting more realistic.

Chu Nan lowered her head again, looked towards the Imperial Princess in front of Vianne, and found that she had bowed her head again because of shyness at this time, and even this time she was even more shy, even her fair neck So it becomes slightly red and moisturised.

Seeing his appearance, Chu Nan sighed softly in his heart, the pretty face of Angelina flashed in his mind, and then calmed down.

"That...Vianelle, can we...can I give you a hug?" Chu Nan asked softly.

Vianelle Imperial Princess trembled slightly, gritted her teeth suddenly, took a step forward, opened her arms actively, and hugged Chu Nan in her arms.

Feeling the soft body of Vianne Imperial Princess thrown into her arms, the natural fragrance hit her face, Chu Nan's body suddenly froze, and then he reacted, trying to make a calm appearance and controlling himself body, and gently hugged Vianne Imperial Princess with her backhand.

The current appearance of the two people, from the outsider's point of view, seems to be the appearance of an intimate couple.

Vianelle Imperial Princess's body was stiff at first, trembling slightly, and then slowly softening.

"One last reminder." Viannell Imperial Princess suddenly whispered.


Vianelle Imperial Princess slowly lifts the head in Chu Nan’s arms, and when she meets Chu Nan’s eyes, although her face is still flushed, her expression is not Seriously.

"There are many people in the Imperial Family who are very angry with what you said at the trial, and there are also many people who are against Lykas Uncle in the first place, and don't like father, so many people plan to be in this game. I will teach you a lesson in the test, and even... kill you directly through the test. You must be careful."

Chu Nan smiled slightly: "Don't you believe in my strength?"

Vianelle Imperial Princess froze for a moment, then immediately laughed.

"Well, I believe in your strength, so you must pass the test well, and at least survive. Promise me, don't do anything else until your crime is completely cleared. Is it?"

Chu Nan pondered for a while, nodding gracefully.


Vianelle Imperial Princess had a big smile on her face when Chu Nan agreed.

She turned her head and glanced at the large group of Declan Imperial Family all around, then turned back and looked towards Chu Nan, her face turned red again, suddenly put a pad on her feet, stuck her head out like lightning, Lips dragonfly touches the water lightly on Chu Nan's mouth.

Chu Nan never imagined that the always shy and reserved Vianne Imperial Princess would make such a bold move in front of so many people, and couldn't help being stunned.

By the time he reacted, Viannele Imperial Princess had already turned around and flew back.

Chu Nan touched his lips, thinking of the touch from Vianne's Imperial Princess' lips just now, and showed a complicated smile, then shook his head, put away all the same thoughts, turned his head, and looked at the four cycles. A group of Declan Imperial Family densely packed in the air swept over, and finally looked up towards the medium-sized hovering shuttle in the sky.

Sure enough, the voice of Speaker Anduin came from above as soon as Viannele Imperial Princess returned to Prince Rockamp and Romandi Imperial Princess.

"Testing begins."

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