While everyone in the sky was still amazed, angry roar came from below.

middle-aged man jumped up from the ground, a dazzling red light burst out from his body, and rushed towards Chu Nan at high speed.

This is the first time he has fully mobilized his own strength since the fight against Chu Nan, punched out, formidable power is naturally no longer the same as just now.

However, in the face of his more ferocious attack than before, Chu Nan was not in a hurry. While dodging his attack, he punched punch after punch. The boxing method used by man completely uses all the seven-stroke forty-nine-style boxing methods he has used.

At first he was a little stunned by the middle-aged man's ferocious offensive, but it didn't take long for him to fully adapt to the opponent's offensive and deal with it more calmly.

The middle-aged man was in the game, but he felt that the Chu Nan movement method was exquisite and fast, like a loach, which always made it difficult for him to hit, but in the sky Declan Imperial From the looks of the family, they couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

Obviously, the middle-aged man's strength is much worse than Chu Nan's. If the two were just fighting head-to-head, Chu Nan would have already won by now, but even for the purpose of this test It seems that Chu Nan has completely used the Star Destruction Fist that the middle-aged man used just now, and no one can see any difference, which shows that Chu Nan has really learned this boxing technique from the middle-aged man. past.

From a testing point of view, there is no doubt that Chu Nan has successfully passed the First Stage test.

The two people below were still fighting fiercely. After a fierce exchange of fists, Chu Nan suddenly moved his body, turned his fist into a palm, and met the punch from the middle-aged man, his palm surging and an Inner Breath erupted. The surging space energy around the body is just right to offset the power on the opponent's fist and the space energy that erupts around the body.

The space around the two of them turned calm in an instant, and the face of the middle-aged man was ashen.

Let's not say anything else, just this one blow from Chu Nan just now made him very clear about the huge gap in strength between men.

Although he is a Declan Imperial Family, he has cultivated excellent martial skills since childhood, but now his strength is obviously not as good as that of the twenty-year-old young boy in front of him, which really makes him extremely frustrated.

even more how now he is still so humiliated in front of so many of his fellow clans, which makes him somewhat ashamed and unable to show one's face.

Thinking of this, his fighting spirit was completely lost, and he no longer had the idea of directly defeating Chu Nan and letting him quit the test. He glanced at Chu Nan with a wry smile on his face.

"Boy, you are really good, I admit, I'm not your opponent."

He was about to turn around to leave, but Chu Nan suddenly stopped him.

"Wait a minute."

middle-aged man turned around and frowned at Chu Nan.


Chu Nan said resolutely: "If we were just a normal competition, it would be fine, but now we are testing me, even if you lose I, can't prove that I mastered your boxing by fighting. If you can't admit it, then our fight is meaningless."

"I thought there was something." middle-aged man He twitched the corner of his mouth and waved his hand with a sullen look on his face. "I admit, your innate talent is too good, I just saw me using a boxing technique once, and I can use it as it is. I believe you have the ability to learn other cultivation techniques in this way, but... "

Here, the middle-aged man raised his voice.

"I still don't believe that you can learn the Obliteration Core Technique just by playing against each other! The Obliteration Core Technique is the highest cultivation technique in my family. If you learn it so easily, it's a big joke!"

His words were immediately responded by a group of Declan Imperial Family who were watching the battle, and there were countless voices of solidarity next to him, which were also mixed with a lot of scolding directly to Chu Nan.

Chu Nan turned a deaf ear to these voices, just laughed, and continued to watch the middle-aged man.

"So I said, our fight just now is meaningless, I not only want you to admit that I can master your boxing skills through the fight, but also convince you that I have the ability to use the same Master the Obliteration Core Technique!"

The middle-aged man's eyes suddenly widened, and his heart was suddenly filled with anger.

"Why do you want me to admit it? Want to convince you? Who do you think you are!"

"It's easy." Chu Nan shrugged, his face relaxed. "If the Star Destruction Fist I use now is better than yours, would you admit it?"

"Arrogant!" The middle-aged man was immediately furious. "I started cultivating this boxing technique since I was a child, and I have practiced it for more than 30 years now. You actually think that you can master it better than me by just one fight? Do you think I can believe?"

"believing If you don't, you'll know if you fight again." Chu Nan smiled at middle-aged man beckons with the hand. "Come on, let me tell you why I hesitated when I used the third punch just now, saying that the punch you used was not well connected, because... the fact is that you really didn't use it well."

middle-aged man can no longer restrain the anger in his heart, he raised his finger to Chu Nan, shouted loudly: "Okay! If you can really make a star destroying fist better than me, then I will admit that you have the ability to pass this. Learn the Obliteration Core Technique in this way. But if you can't convince me, I won't admit you passed this test! You were lying in the courtroom before you admitted it! Would you dare to bet me on this one? Take it?"

Chu Nan smiled slightly: "why not dare?"

Hearing Chu Nan's answer, most of the Declan Imperial Family onlookers came out to take pleasure in other people's Misfortune smile.

This kid is too stupid. The so-called convincing is a subjective judgment. No matter how good he behaves for a while, the following clansman just refuses to admit it. What can he do?

Agreeing to such a sure-win gamble is simply courting death.

In the sky, Imperial Princess Viannele glanced at Chu Nan on the ground in the distance, and nervously asked Imperial Princess Romandy beside her: "He...why did he do this? Obviously He's passed the First Stage test..."

Romandy Imperial Princess had a weird smile on her face, looking the head.

"Relax, this guy is not stupid at all, he must have absolute certainty in doing so, you just need to watch it carefully."

"But... ..." The worry on Vianne's Imperial Princess' face remained undiminished.

I want to convince a person orally, easier said than done, even more how is the boxing method that the opponent is most proud of.

Although Vianne Imperial Princess has no doubts about Chu Nan's martial arts innate talent and strength, she can't think of any way to convince the clansman.

She immediately thought of another question.

If Chu Nan fails the test and it is proved that what he said before in the trial was a lie, will this affect her stated engagement with Chu Nan?

Thinking of this, Vianne Imperial Princess became even more nervous.

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