High in the sky above the campus, the medium-sized hovering shuttle that previously carried Chu Nan was still floating in the air completely motionless.

The task of this shuttle, which only belongs to the Imperial Family Elder Council, is not only to supervise and referee Chu Nan's test, but also to broadcast the test to those who can't come to watch the live test. other Declan Imperial Family responsibilities.

The trial three days ago had attracted much attention from the Imperial Family because it involved the possible leakage of the Obliteration Core Technique. In addition, the appearance of Prince Lycas and the Imperial Princess of Vianne Nel The sudden engagement with Chu Nan made this incident arouse the attention of almost everyone within the Imperial Family.

Since the Council of Elders agreed to Chu Nan's test, of course, the test must be made public to all clansman. In addition to ensuring the openness and fairness of this test to everyone, there are also other some thoughts.

Now Chu Nan has performed amazingly in the First Stage test. Not only has he successfully demonstrated in front of everyone the ability he said in the trial before - he can learn the opponent's cultivation technique just by playing against each other. Even a step further, it was possible to point the other party in turn and convince the other party, which surprised everyone.

In the hovering shuttle, the employees of the Elder Council, who were responsible for broadcasting the test to the Declan Imperial Family internal channel, looked at the comments frantically scrolling below the channel, and couldn't help but look back nervously, looking towards this time. Speaker Anduin is sitting behind the shuttle.

The total number of clansman of the Declan Imperial Family is in the tens of thousands just by being officially recognized, and there are hundreds of thousands who are eligible to watch this channel. Naturally, not everyone supports the Elder Council. Judgments, sympathy and even strong support for Chu Nan are not uncommon.

After the excellent performance of the Chu Nan First Stage test, many sharp comments appeared in the comments below the channel, and some even directly accused the Elder Council of being arbitrary, slandering Chu Nan, and pointing the finger directly at the sentencing of Chu. Nan Guilty Chancellor Anduin.

What's more, even if the Obliteration Core Technique is leaked, there is nothing at worst. Anyway, the reason why the Declan Imperial Family is proud of the Milky Way is not just relying on the cultivation technique of the Obliteration Core Technique. , If you are so nervous just because of a culture technique leak, you will not only lose the demeanor of Declan Empire and Imperial Family, but also lose your self-confidence.

This remark has also been approved by many people, and of course, it has also been opposed by more people, so the comment area at the bottom of the channel is very lively now, and a bunch of people are arguing in a frenzy.

Subordinates see these remarks, and they can't help but worry that if Speaker Anduin sees these remarks and gets angry, there will be many clansman unlucky, and they are naturally a little worried.

But when his eyes fell on Speaker Anduin's face, he found that he didn't see any unpleasantness on his face, but put on a rare smile, as if he had discovered something new. interesting.

He stared at the virtual screen in front of him for a while, then suddenly got up and walked towards the back half of the shuttle.

There is his exclusive rest space there, and other people are naturally not allowed to enter.

Speaker Anduin walked into the rest cabin, waited for the cabin door to close, opened the personal terminal, and chose to send a communication to someone.

A moment later, the communication was connected, and Prince Lycas' face appeared on the virtual screen.

Seeing that the background behind him was dark, with only a little starlight shining, it was like being in space, and Speaker Anduin was slightly frowned and snorted.

"What? Are you planning to come here?"

Prince Lycus smiled and waved to Speaker Anduin.

"I still have some things to deal with here, at least I can't make it today. How is Chu Nan doing?"

"Not bad. No... It should be said that it is very good. This kid's performance exceeded everyone's expectations, and it was better than I expected. Although it is only a First Stage test, it can be seen. Come out, his innate talent on the martial skill is far beyond the ordinary Martial Artist, and his perception of the martial skill is not weaker than that of some veteran Star Level Martial Artists. I believe in your judgment, he will definitely become an artist in the future. A very powerful Star Level Martial Artist."

"Then do you believe his defense now?" Prince Lekas asked again.

Speaker Anduin snorted again: "So what if I believe it? Whether it's true or not, you've already arranged for him anyway, haven't you?"

Prince Lycus laughed: “Of course, no matter how good he was, I wasn’t worried at all about him getting out. The better he was in this test, the more relieved I was, because it was a great way to show him in front of the clansman A good opportunity for abilities, isn't it? And... Your Majesty is actually watching this test."

"Needless to say, Your Majesty only sent me a communication before." Speaker Anduin was cold with a face.

"Oh? What did Your Majesty say?" Prince Lekas asked curiously.

"What do you think he would say?" Speaker Anduin asked rhetorically.

"Well..." Prince Laikas touched his chin and shook his head. "I think Your Majesty should have said nothing, just let you know he's paying attention, right?"

"You know him well." Chancellor Anduin snorted softly. "Your Majesty won't make any comments at this time, only you guy can do these things. But I have to remind you, you are too flamboyant this time, there are many people in the clan who don't like you, they dare not Going for your troubles, but for that kid. This test is dangerous for him, and I'm sure he'll have a lot of powerful challenges in a while, even... mortal danger."

"Oh? That's right." Prince Laikas looked relaxed, and he didn't seem to be worried about Chu Nan at all. "It would be weird if those guys didn't do anything."

"Then what do you want to do? Or stay outside and not come to see at all?" Speaker Anduin asked again.

"Nothing to do." Prince Lekas shrugged, still looking relaxed. "This is a test for that kid. If he can't stand it, it will be difficult for him to survive in the clan in the future. It doesn't make any difference whether I come or not. This is what he will face sooner or later."

Chancellor Anduin couldn't help frowning.

"Aren't you worried about any accidents?"

"Why should I be worried?" Prince Lekas asked with a smile. "Anyway, that kid died anyway, so what does it have to do with me?"

Speaker Anduin's face darkened.

"You brat will play off sooner or later!"

Speaking of which, Speaker Anduin snorted heavily and directly turned off the remote communication.

Watching the virtual screen in front of him disappear, Speaker Anduin closed his eyes and frowned for a moment, then suddenly sighed and shook his head.

"This kid is always going to cause me some trouble."

He turned around and walked out of the hatch, summoned a subordinate, and explained a few things to him in a low voice.

Hearing his order, the subordinate showed a surprised expression, but he still obeyed the order and left.

Speaker Anduin's gaze turned back to the huge virtual screen in the levitating shuttle cabin that displayed the situation of the campus below. He stared at Chu Nan above for a while, and suddenly muttered to himself.

"Boy, let's survive first."

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