According to Francido's ideas, no matter how Chu Nan resists, as long as he uses the real power of Demon God, Chu Nan will only be defeated. There is no reason to die.

In fact, this situation is not easy to achieve now, because in the actual battle, if the opponent can let Francis so easily intrude the Inner Breath into the body to stimulate the external space energy and activate the cultivation technique , then in fact the opponent has already lost.

Achieving this effect in an evenly matched fight is not easy, and opponents won't give Francie such a large weak spot for him to take advantage of.

But Chu Nan is now equivalent to giving up resistance completely and letting Francido use the Demon God power on him at will.

"This is courting death!"

Francito doesn't care why Chu Nan did this, he only knows that Chu Nan is courting death like this, that is to give A good chance for him.

Actually, according to the previous fight between the two, his strength may not be stronger than Chu Nan. If it is a real official fight, or a life-and-death fight, he may not be able to kill Chu Nan.

But now Chu Nan was careless, or he was simply too arrogant, and gave Francis this opportunity, of course, courting death.

It can be said that this situation is now perfectly in line with Francisdo's wishes.

Now he fully meets all the conditions for the cultivation technique, and the cultivation technique is brought to the extreme. Don't say that Chu Nan's strength is comparable to him, even if Chu Nan's strength is better than him, it is impossible to have any resistance. Ability.

And in the current situation, even if he killed Chu Nan, it can be explained that he missed it temporarily. He didn't expect that Chu Nan was too arrogant, even if he would be killed by Prince Laikas and Rokan. Prince Pu and the others hold grudges, but Chu Nan is an outsider after all, he is the prince who has the right to inherit, the two of them are also impossible to do with him, and the great characters behind them are also impossible to allow them to do with themselves.

even more how, killing this arrogant boy who dared to insult and slander the Obliteration Core Technique in public will definitely bring a bad breath to many clansman's heart.

Who wouldn't want to do such a profitable business?

With these thoughts spinning in his heart, Francido continued to stimulate the cultivation technique, and the Inner Breath injected into Chu Nan's body without reservation, and planned to completely destroy and kill Chu Nan.

However, after pushing the cultivation technique for a while, Francido began to feel that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that he has fully motivated the cultivation technique, the Inner Breath has penetrated into Chu Nan's body, and the external space energy has been fully mobilized, perfectly achieving the best activation conditions for the Ten Thousand Ants Devouring Demon God Gong, Chu Nan The fleshy body should have been completely swallowed up long ago and killed directly.

However, the situation in Chu Nan's body was only a gradual retreat at the beginning, and even if his Inner Breath spread throughout the body, the meridian could not make effective resistance, but when Francis wanted to go further, it was important to directly destroy Chu Nan. Organs, when destroying Chu Nan's whole body meridian, he found that it could no longer have any effect.

Clearly Chu Nan had no Inner Breath resistance in his body at all. He urged the one after another tiny Inner Breath that was condensed by the Demon God, but those meridians were completely motionless. It's like a Copper Wall Iron Bastion, and it doesn't appear to be damaged at all.

Similar to the situation in the body, the space energy driven by cohesion outside the body also did not cause any damage to Chu Nan.

Obviously, he could easily tear apart Chu Nan's skin, flesh, and bones when he activated the Demon God power of Ten Thousand Ants, but now it seems that he can't even destroy a single hair of his hair.

Because the little Black Space energy group condensed by the Demon God Skill of Ten Thousand Ants is circling on the surface of Chu Nan's skin, it seems to be stained with one after another black dust, but it's just that, can't be right anymore. Chu Nan does any damage.

"How is this possible?"

Francito certainly doesn't believe in this change. The condition of the body and body remains the same, and nothing has changed.

All his strength seemed to have hit an iron plate and disappeared without a trace.

"That... Your Royal Highness, isn't that all you need for this cultivation technique?" Chu Nan's voice suddenly rang out.

Francido looked up in amazement and saw Chu Nan was slightly frowned looking down at him.

Chu Nan has a strange expression on his face, it seems to be amused, puzzled, and disappointed, all mixed together, looking rather odd.

But no matter how he looked, he couldn't see the slightest bit of pain and effort on his face.

Francido's heart trembled, and his Inner Breath almost went out of control.

This kid... Doesn't he know what kind of situation he's in right now?

He is being attacked by the Demon God skill that he is using his full strength to motivate!

Seeing that Francis didn't answer, Chu Nan shook his head, sighed.

"I was looking forward to any new changes or more powerful moves in your cultivation technique, but now it seems that this is the end. I must say, Although the ancestor of the Declan Imperial Family who came up with this cultivation technique is a genius, he must be a lazy person. He clearly did not study the Obliteration Core Technique, but he came up with such a substitute. However, although this cultivation technique formidable power does not Compared with the Obliteration Core Technique, it is still far behind.”

See how Chu Nan still remains calm and composed while handling pressing affairs when he is urging the cultivation technique attack with all his strength, There was a strong sense of humiliation in Francis' heart.

He couldn't help but yelled angrily: "What do you know! This cultivation technique is the most outstanding of the cultivation techniques created by our ancestors, and the formidable power is by no means weaker than the Obliteration Core Technique!"

“Oh? Really?” Chu Nan laughed. "But when faced with the Obliteration Core Technique, I can't be so relaxed. And this cultivation technique... At present, even my fleshy body can't be broken. If this cultivation technique is not weak, then I can only say... You are too weak!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Francis suddenly felt an extremely astonishingly powerful Inner Breath from Chu Nan dantian, and it was completely inside him in an instant. All the meridians in the body circulated for a cycle, and all the Inner Breaths that Francis had invaded were completely destroyed and washed away at almost the same time.

At the same time, the space energy around the two of them vibrated at the same time, and the Black Space energy clusters condensed by the Demon God Art of Ten Thousand Ants were shattered at the same time, and all the space energy escaped from Francido's energy at the same time. Control, re-invisible, dissipated in all around space.

The black mist that had been shrouding the two of them instantly disappeared, revealing their figures.

Chu Nan glanced at Francis, who had already withdrawn from far away because of being frightened, raised his right hand, laughed at him, and raised his voice.

"Alright, it's better to do this with the Demon God!"

The last syllable fell, Chu Nan shot out with his right palm, a thick cloud of black mist Immediately following his right hand and whole body flocked to Francis.

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