"Kill him! Kill him!"

Francido's mind was running wildly with this thought, and the inner Breath also worked like crazy. There are no longer any reservations and no scruples. The Demon God of Ten Thousand Ants is fully activated, and all the Inner Breaths are mobilized. All the ants in the ant nest are poured out of the nest, and in an instant, tens of thousands of tiny strands have formed in the body. But the crazy Inner Breath, gathered into a torrent, all rushed to Chu Nan.

Chu Nan's eyelids moved, it seemed a little unexpected, but next moment, he immediately made the most direct and toughest choice.

A large number of Inner Breaths poured out of his body at the same time, and at the same time, they were divided into tens of thousands of small Inner Breaths.


More intensive, sharper, and more frantic screams than before burst out in the palms of the two of them, almost as if they were about to be pierced. The whole space is average.

The Declan Imperial Family onlookers involuntarily took a step back. Almost everyone frowned at the harsh sound. Many people even covered their ears, but they didn't. Ren Ken looked away, still staring at the two people in the field.

The rolling black mist below is countless times more intense than before, and the changing fluctuations of space energy can be sensed more terrifying than before.

Obviously, the two below are not testing at all right now, but a Life and Death Battle!

Vianelle Imperial Princess involuntarily clasped her hands tightly, and the Romandi Imperial Princess, who was holding her left hand, felt the force in her palm, smiled at her and said: "Hey, Vianne Er, don't worry so much. This guy Chu Nan won't do anything he's not sure about, and now that he's going head-to-head with Francis, he's sure to win."

Vianelle The Imperial Princess nodded, but her expression remained nervous.

Now Chu Nan and Francis are obviously engaged in the most direct, fierce and dangerous Inner Breath reckless fight. This reckless fight basically has no flower fake skills at all, pure and simple. It is to compare the strength and application of Inner Breath on both sides.

Although Vianne Imperial Princess has confidence in Chu Nan, but Francis is older after all, and the time of cultivation Inner Breath is much longer than that of Chu Nan. Chu Nan is stronger.

If Chu Nan played against Francis with skill, Vianne Imperial Princess wouldn't be so worried, after all, Chu Nan has always been amazing in this area.

But now it's time for the reckless fight on Inner Breath, so Chu Nan's advantage can't be brought into play.

The dense black fog below is still rolling frantically. All the spectators' eyes are focused on the black fog. Everyone's eyes want to penetrate the black fog and fall directly on the two of them. I even wanted to penetrate the bodies of the two and directly observe the situation of the Inner Breath confrontation between the two.

However, no matter how strong everyone is, they can only rely on induction to check the situation of the space energy manipulation and confrontation between the two people in the black fog, but they don't know anything about the confrontation of Inner Breath.

If you want to know the circulation of a Martial Artist Inner Breath, you can only have direct contact. You can only infer a little trace from the signs that are revealed, and it is impossible to fully grasp it.

This is also the reason why Chu Nan chooses to fight with Francois now.

If this is not the case, he can't really figure out what is going on with the Demon God work, so naturally he can't complete the test.

Francido's inner breath is fully open, and Chu Nan also responds instantly, splitting the inner breath into tens of thousands of trickles, each of which is still the same as before. Accurately met the one after another tiny Inner Breath that came from Francis, as if every "ant" in the battlefield had accurately found its enemy.

This change made Francis even more shocked, even horrified.

He no longer doubts that Chu Nan can successfully simulate or even master the Demon God skill, because the direct confrontation between the two Inner Breaths has completely confirmed this, but he did not expect it at all, or even could not. Understand, Chu Nan was able to resist his attack in this way.

The tens of thousands of tiny Inner Breath Chu Nan contained in the Ten Thousand Ants Devouring Demon God Technique he used before can be accurately resisted, and now he fully activates Ten Thousand Ants Devouring Demon God Technique, in which the tiny Inner Breath increases Several times, although I don't know the exact number, the total number has definitely reached the end of the loss. Chu Nan was able to block all of them so accurately!

This is beyond the scope of martial arts and beyond the limits of human beings!

This guy is not only a pervert, he is not human at all!

But after the initial shock, Francis quickly calmed down.

Because he soon discovered a delightful fact - Chu Nan's Inner Breath is not as strong as his!

Yes, although Chu Nan used the super-precise Inner Breath control beyond human beings to split tens of thousands of tiny Inner Breaths and met Francis' Inner Breath with great precision, every breath was extremely precise. The small Inner Breath is actually significantly less intense than Francois.

This is a normal thing, after all, he is much younger than Francie, and the intensity of Inner Breath cultivation can only be accumulated slowly over time, even if a better Inner Breath cultivation technique can make Let the intensity of Inner Breath increase faster, but the huge time gap is here, which is something that cannot be compensated anyway, and it can be said that it is the only shortcoming of the current Chu Nan.

As soon as he calmed down and understood this, Francido was instantly ecstatic.

"Ha, this stupid kid, using his weakest point to fight me desperately, is courting death!"

Knowing that he did have an advantage, Francis immediately get crazier.

He not only fully mobilized the last trace of Inner Breath in the dantian, but also mobilized all the space energy contained in the fleshy body to fully integrate into the Demon God skill.

He can be sure that he is the most powerful moment since he was born and practiced martial arts!

Soon, he felt that under his powerful offensive, Chu Nan began to show an irresistible trend, and the "ants" he put on the battlefield began to retreat. condition.

Francito was so happy in his heart that he couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Haha, stupid boy, you can't stop it anymore! Die!"

While laughing wildly, Francido continued to push the cultivation technique with all his strength, The last trace of strength in the body was completely driven out, and it was bound to take advantage of the timing of Chu Nan's retreat to completely defeat Chu Nan.

But just as he was commanding his own Inner Breath, Chen Sheng chased and drove straight into Chu Nan's body, but suddenly found another Inner Breath gushing out from Chu Nan's body, instantly turning into thousands of tiny Inner strands. Breath, just to fill the gap left by the concession just now, once again blocked Francis' attack.

Francio couldn't help but be taken aback.

"No way? This kid still keeps his hand?"

It was more than that surprised him.

Chu Nan not only mobilized the Inner Breath to fill in these gaps, but also after the Inner Breath he remobilized into thousands of small Inner Breaths, it was obviously stronger than Francie's. !

With the addition of this new force, Francis found that some irresistible trends began to appear on the "battlefield" where he had been stalemate and had the upper hand.

But this is just the beginning.

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