Seeing that Chu Nan was completely bound by the myriad forms Tianluo net at once, like a fish caught in a fishing net, unable to move even a little bit, a view on the outside of the university field. The Declan Imperial Family couldn't help laughing.

"Ha, let this kid jump and escape."

"What are you escaping from, he is like a dead fish now."

"Hey, this is Prince Taglo's most proud myriad forms, Tian Luo Net, does he really think it's as easy to deal with as the previous ones?"


Listening to the jeers around her, and seeing Chu Nan who was unable to break free in the blue light net below, Vianne Imperial Princess felt anxious in her heart.

Chu Nan finally passed the first 81 tests, and there is hope that he will really pass all the tests, but now he has to fall into this one, which makes people feel unwilling for him.

But Prince Tagelo is a famous expert in the Imperial Family after all. He is not only a powerful Star Level Martial Artist, but also the myriad forms he uses. This cultivation technique is even more famous. Countless experts in the Imperial Family are hailed as a special and powerful cultivation technique that is extremely difficult to deal with.

It can be said that his decision to end has already declared Chu Nan's failure. Chu Nan is proud enough to be able to force an expert like him to end in person in this test.

It's just...

"Prince Taglo... he's too bullying..." Vianne Imperial Princess couldn't help biting her lip and complained softly .

Romandy Imperial Princess, who was closest to her, heard the sound, turned to look at Viannele Imperial Princess, and immediately laughed.

"Hey, Vianne, what are you worrying about? I didn't see that kid was fine."

"Where is it?" Vianne Imperial Princess anxiously road. "He... he can't move!"

"But he wasn't injured, and he wasn't dead, was he?" Romandy Imperial Princess shrugged. "I think this kid is doing it on purpose. He obviously intends to get a better feel for this cultivation technique."

"Is that so?" Viannele Imperial Princess looked towards the bottom suspiciously and found Romandy Imperial Princess is right.

Although Chu Nan below was trapped in the myriad forms by Prince Taglo, the blue light net that bound him did not shrink at all.

And judging from the situation below, it is obvious that this is not the mercy of Prince Taglo, who deliberately tied Chu Nan in this way.

What's going on here?


Prince Taglo certainly didn't show mercy on purpose. If possible, he was willing to keep Chu Nan tied up until the end of the test, not only for Chu Nan had enough time to experience this cultivation technique, but he didn't need to kill him and offend people for nothing.

But he couldn't.

In the eyes of the other Declan Imperial Family watching the battle, now he seems to have completely trapped Chu Nan in the trap of myriad forms, Chu Nan can't escape from his palm at all, but in reality In the past, he knew better than anyone that now he is simply if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off.

Don't look at Chu Nan being motionless bound in the net, but in fact, Prince Taglo has always been able to feel the extremely special energy fluctuations from him, so that the myriad forms that bound him have been in the net all the time. It was constantly scattered, and it continued to maintain its complete appearance only by relying on the constant replenishment and re-condensation of Prince Taglo.

Actually, Chu Nan has countless direct escape opportunities, and he can escape at any time if he wants to.

Prince Taglo knew very well that this cultivation technique, which he used to face any Martial Artist of the same level in the past, has been a complete failure. half effect.

He doesn't know why Chu Nan has such a powerful ability, because the core use of this cultivation technique is actually the violent space energy from different dimensions. It stands to reason that an ordinary Heavenly Reign Grade Martial like Chu Nan is used. Artist simply can't resist it.

But the reality is that the myriad forms Tianluo can do nothing to Chu Nan, and Prince Taglo can even be sure that unless he uses his true strength as a Star Level Martial Artist to fully exert the myriad forms Tianluo With all the formidable power of this cultivation technique, there is hope to defeat and even kill Chu Nan with this cultivation technique.

And if he continues to maintain his current level of strength, if it is a normal fight, he has actually lost to Chu Nan.

As for why Chu Nan refused to escape the siege of the myriad forms, it was obviously just because he wanted to experience this cultivation technique more.

After thinking about this, Prince Taglo could only smile bitterly in the heart.

He has made it clear to Chu Nan before that he will only use the same strength as Chu Nan in this test. If he shows his full strength now, even if he beat Chu Nan Using it is equivalent to breaking his promise in public.

Under the eyes of the public, he simply couldn't hide his strength.

But if it's deadlocked like this, he can't help Chu Nan, and can only wait for Chu Nan's next move.

It would be a bit embarrassing to continue in this state.

Prince Taglo began to regret why he deliberately chose this cultivation technique.

The biggest benefit of this cultivation technique is that it can cut through the walls of space and mobilize the violent space energy of different spaces to blend in. However, under the condition of deliberate restrictions, the direct formidable power of this cultivation technique is not so good. amazing.

He chose this cultivation technique because he wanted to bully Chu Nan, but he was a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist and did not have the ability to open the walls of space. Naturally, it was impossible to learn to master this cultivation technique.

But now, looking at Chu Nan's relaxed and calm handling of this cultivation technique, it is obvious that he has absolutely no understanding of the walls of space and different spaces.

Prince Taglo suddenly remembered that, according to the rumors within the Imperial Family, this Chu Nan was once in a different space with Prince Laikas against the Lokmadon sect of the Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance. Zong, even did Prince Lycas a big favor.

At that time, he was rumored to be snort disdainfully, because with Chu Nan's strength he couldn't survive in the different dimension at all, how could he possibly help Prince Lekas, it would be nice not to be a burden.

But now, judging from this kid's skillful handling of the violent space energy in different dimensions, this it true?

Myriad forms Suddenly, a strange and violent energy fluctuation came from the Tianluo net, which interrupted Prince Taglo's association. He frowned and just came back to his senses when he found Chu Nan on his Suddenly, a dazzling blue light burst out, completely covering the entire myriad forms that trapped him.

The strips of blue light that converged into the myriad forms of the sky net were all covered by the blue light, and it seemed to be completely melted in an instant.

next moment, Chu Nan, whose whole body was wrapped in a cloud of blue light, shot over and shot with one palm.

Prince Taglo is a powerful Star Level Martial Artist after all. Although he deliberately suppressed his strength, the reaction is still there. Seeing this, he was coldly snorted and shot with the same palm.

Myriad forms all over the body, thousands of blue rays of light shrink and converge in an instant, shrinking into a ball in front of him, layer upon layer, the blue light shines like a huge blue cage, waiting for Chu Nan walking right into a trap.

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