Although Chu Nan has passed 81 consecutive tests before this, Prince Taglo's passing of Chu Nan's test gives the rest of the Declan Imperial Family a completely different feeling .

If the other Declan Imperial Families who watched the game before were still angry or disdainful towards Chu Nan, then when Prince Taglo left, almost all the Declan Imperial Families who watched the game no longer had the slightest sympathy for Chu Nan. Disdain and contempt, and even anger fade away.

If even Prince Taglo, who is a Star Level Martial Artist, can't beat Chu Nan with his most proud S-Rank cultivation technique, who else and what cultivation technique can Ending Chu Nan in this test?

Prince Taglo is right, Declan Imperial Family always regards powerhouse is respected, Chu Nan is not strong enough, but his innate talent and understanding of martial skill in this test are not enough. already strong enough.

In the face of such absolute power, even the arrogant Declan Imperial Family has to admit this fact.

Perhaps because of this change in mentality, Chu Nan's next test has become much easier and easier.

Not only did no Star Level Martial Artist end up, but also did not use the S-Rank cultivation technique for testing, and the Declan Imperial Family who took the test at the end of the field treated Chu Nan much more politely than before.

In such a slightly eccentric atmosphere, Chu Nan's tests continued without surprise, and he passed test after test without surprise.


It didn't take long, and another seventeen tests ended.

Watching the opponent in front of him exit, Chu Nan gently put out a breath.

This test is already the 99th. According to the agreement with Speaker Anduin, he only needs to pass the last test, even if he successfully passes the entire test.

Although this will not necessarily lead the Elder Council to acquit Chu Nan, but through these two days of continuous testing, Chu Nan has fully demonstrated his ability in front of so many Declan Imperial Family, no matter how hard they are. Even if I don't want to believe it, I must admit that Chu Nan does have the ability to master other cultivation techniques by playing against each other.

With this knowledge, the Elder Council will undoubtedly have some scruples about the judgment of Chu Nan, and Chu Nan can also be freed from the danger of being suspected of stealing the Obliteration Core Technique by the Declan Imperial Family.

No matter how you look at it, the purpose of this test is at least achieved for Chu Nan.

Oh more game.

Chu Nan lifts the head, glanced over the Declan Imperial Family who were watching the game in the sky outside the university, and asked aloud: "Everyone, who will come for the last test? I'm in good shape now, just Let's start the last test directly."

The Declan Imperial Family in the sky looked at each other and fell silent for a while.

It's the last test, if Chu Nan passes, it means he really passed the whole hundred tests.

Although they can now admit that Chu Nan does have super incomparable abilities, even if Chu Nan fails in the last test, it does not affect them agreeing with this, but now this last test has nothing to do with evaluation , but about the face of the entire Declan Imperial Family.

It would be too embarrassing if they spread the word out that so many people in their entire Declan Imperial Family couldn't help a young boy from the trifling Earth Federation.

Thinking of this, the Declan Imperial Family watching the game hesitated.

If Chu Nan still passes the final test in the end, he will soon become the sinner of the entire Declan Imperial Family, and he will be accused by countless fellows afterwards. No one is willing to take such a responsibility. .

Chu Nan didn't expect that these arrogant Declan Imperial Family would have such a reaction. Seeing that no one responded, he urged it again, but there was still no Declan Imperial Family Come forward.

"Could it be that these guys are scared too?" Chu Nan couldn't help but laugh as he glanced at the slightly weird expressions on the faces of the Declan Imperial Family.

This was something he didn't expect. He didn't expect these Declan Imperial Family, who have been aloof and remote, to show their timidity.

Just as he was about to urge again, a dozen silhouettes suddenly rushed out of the Declan Imperial Family watching the game at the same time.

"Good guy, if you don't come, there will be a dozen or so."

After Chu Nan started led, he glanced at the dozen or so people, just about to ask who they were. When I came to the test, a voice suddenly spread throughout the campus.

"Let's all step back."

The dozen or so Declan Imperial Family stopped all at once, and turned their heads together with the rest of the Declan Imperial Family in the sky, looking towards the voice. direction.

Chu Nan also looked towards the place where the voice sounded in surprise.

Greymane Your Majesty!

"Everyone step back." Greymane Your Majesty repeated as he slowly flew out. "I'm very interested in Chu Nan, let me do this last one."

The dozen or so Declan Imperial Family who had already flown out looked at each other, and they all turned to Greymane Your Majesty gave a salute and flew back.

Under the gaze of Chu Nan and all the Declan Imperial Family in the sky, Greymane Your Majesty seems to fly down to Chu Nan slowly and quickly.

"Hey, boy, don't be in a daze, are you surprised that the last test is done by me?"

Chu Nan shivered slightly, shivered all over, and instantly regained consciousness .

He looked at Greymane Your Majesty in surprise, nodded very seriously.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I'm very surprised. You...are you going to end up yourself?"

"Sure, why not?" Greymane Your Majesty laughed, looking brisk. "I watched it for so long, and now my hands are itchy and I can't help it. And it's not good for anyone I want to end in this last game, it's better for me to figure it out by myself."

Chu Nan glanced at the Declan Imperial Family in the sky in the distance, and then looked towards Greymane Your Majesty, feeling a little weird.

The Greymane Your Majesty in front of him is quite different from the most honorable emperor of the Declan Empire in his imagination, Your Majesty.

He just stood here, with a relaxed and natural expression on his face. His burly figure and rough face naturally showed a bright and arrogant spirit. Although he was also full of majesty, he did not look like a man. The most powerful emperor Your Majesty deserves the aloof and remoteness, but it makes people feel unexpectedly close.

He's more of a hero than an emperor Your Majesty.

“So…Your Majesty, what cultivation technique are you going to use?” Chu Nan asked after a while.

"Of course it's the Obliteration Core Technique."

Greyman's Your Majesty's answer made Chu Nan startled and the other Declan Imperial Families watching the battle involuntarily. There was an uproar.

"The purpose of this test is to prove that you have the ability to learn the Obliteration Core Technique by playing against each other, but even if you can prove that you have learned a hundred or even a thousand other cultivation techniques, it is meaningless. Because you still can't prove that you can learn the Obliteration Core Technique in the same way, am I right?" Your Majesty asked, pointing at Chu Nan.

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