Thirteen days ago, when Greymane Your Majesty, in front of the Declan Imperial Family, asked Speaker Anduin to pardon Chu Nan, Chu Nan already felt that something was wrong.

After Speaker Anduin and the Elder Council negotiated and agreed to Greymane Your Majesty's request for amnesty, Greymane Your Majesty showed his purpose for amnesty Chu Nan. .

He publicly stated that in view of Chu Nan's previous insults to the Obliteration Core Technique and the entire Declan Imperial Family, within this month, if any Declan Imperial Family can kill Chu Nan in a head-to-head duel , then he will receive the highest reward he can give on behalf of the Declan Imperial Family.

Among the rewards promised in public by Greymane Your Majesty, one of the most watched Declan Imperial Family's attention is related to inheritance.

If it is the Imperial Family younger generation who has not obtained the inheritance right, then no matter how old he is now, he can directly obtain the additional inheritance right recognition of the Imperial Family.

If it is the Imperial Family younger generation who has obtained the right of inheritance, then according to his performance, he can get a higher promotion in the inheritance sequence, and at the same time obtain the personal authorization of Greymane Your Majesty himself. Industry guidance.

Compared to some physical or even territory rewards, it is clear that this reward is the most popular and accepted by all the Declan Imperial Family, because once they have the right of inheritance, or they are promoted to a higher position in the inheritance rights sequence. , so the benefits can be much more than ordinary in-kind rewards.

Chu Nan still clearly remembers that when Greymane Your Majesty made this promise in public, the Declan Imperial Family who were watching the battle had already looked towards their own eyes full of killing intent. Several times, which is also mixed with a lot of undisguised greed.

If eyes could kill, he believed that he would have been eaten alive by those Declan Imperial Family, die without a whole corpse.

The main reason why Chu Nan is still alive and well is that Greymane Your Majesty added another restriction after finishing talking about the reward.

He requested that the Declan Imperial Family participating in this duel must be below the Star Level Martial Artist, and the Star Level Martial Artist could not participate, on the grounds that if Chu Nan could not be defeated in a fair and just duel, and Just using the Star Level Martial Artist to kill, it can't save the Declan Imperial Family's reputation and glory.

Only by killing or defeating Chu Nan in a battle of equal strength can it prove that neither the Declan Imperial Family nor the Obliteration Core Technique can be easily insulted by Chu Nan, a kid from the Earth Federation. Family and Obliteration Core Technique are named.

Although this reason seems a little ridiculous to Chu Nan, the Declan Imperial Family who watched the game obviously agree, or the prestige of Greymane Your Majesty is high enough, and no one objected .

Because Chu Nan's test at the university field would have been available to all Declan Imperial Family through a private channel, plus the words he deliberately said after passing the test successfully angered all Declan Imperial Family, so after Chu Nan was released by the Elder Council, he began to accept wave after wave of duel challenges like a tide.

The almost non-stop duel continued from the moment he came out of the prison.

During the first few days, Chu Nan didn't have any time to rest at all, and one Declan Imperial Family came one after another, continuously attacking him.

If Chu Nan's strength is not strong enough, and his recovery ability is extremely amazing, it would be impossible for any other Martial Artist with the same strength as him.

In the first few days, there are often some weak Declan Imperial Family act recklessly to duel against Chu Nan, but after a few days, there is no strength or even Heavenly. Declan Imperial Family of Reign Grade came to challenge.

Although this can give Chu Nan some respite, because the opponent's strength has become stronger, it has also doubled his pressure.

It was finally last night, after he defeated four Declan Imperial Family in a row, that he finally got a little free time and took the time to sleep.

Until the Prince Kulik with the longest full name appeared.

Chu Nan watched the hovering shuttle carrying Prince Kulik enter the far-flung area of Topur City, and a trace of doubt arose in his heart.

He can now be sure that Greymane Your Majesty's amnesty for him was intentional, but why?

Greyman's Your Majesty's choice sounds high-sounding, and he obviously doesn't have any friendly thoughts on Chu Nan, but obviously he doesn't want to kill Chu Nan, otherwise it will not be limited The Declan Imperial Family at the Star Level Martial Artist level cannot participate, but a "fair and fair" duel is required. can he be sure that Chu Nan is strong enough to withstand the challenges of all Declan Imperial Family below Star Level Martial Artist?

In case Chu Nan is no match for being killed...

Well, Chu Nan is killed when he is killed, no loss to Greymane Your Majesty , If you really want to talk about losses, it would be the loss of Prince Lekas.

He went to great lengths to force Chu Nan into a marriage contract with the Imperial Princess Vianne, apparently to get something from Chu Nan, if Chu Nan If he died, wouldn't he have nothing to gain?

"I really don't understand what these great characters are thinking..."

Chu Nan shook his head and decided not to think too much.

The reason why he deliberately put on such a pose after the test to mock all the Declan Imperial Family in public was not to make them kill him, it should be said that Greymane Your Majesty's The choice was exactly what he wanted.

He has full confidence in his own strength.

Star Level Martial Artist and below, he will never think that he will lose to anyone, and even if he faces a lower-level Star Level Martial Artist like Marr Venerable, he can now guarantee a battle. strength, even if it doesn't work, it can save lives.

In fact, if it wasn't to solve this problem, he could take this opportunity to escape directly from Landis.

Even if he is currently under the surveillance of the Elder Council, with his ability to traverse different dimensions at will, he is completely capable of escape.

Just running away doesn't solve the problem, especially not between him and the Imperial Princess, so Chu Nan stayed, obediently and honestly following Greymane Your Majesty's arrangements , accepting the challenges of one Declan Imperial Family after another.

Suddenly, there was a slight mechanical sound at the far end of the sky. Chu Nan looked up in amazement, and saw a low-altitude ship with the sign of Nogentum Chamber of Commerce hanging in an obvious position. The hover shuttle flew over.

Watching the hovering shuttle fly straight to the top of his head and fall, Chu Nan was extremely puzzled.

During this period of time, shouldn't the people who came to find you were the Declan Imperial Family who came to duel? Why would someone from the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham come?

The suspension shuttle fell to the ground, the hatch opened, and a familiar silhouette came out.

Seeing him, Chu Nan was even more surprised.

It's actually Elcatel.

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