In the realm shrouded in black air, Chu Nan suddenly laughed.

If this happens suddenly before taking the test, he would have no way to deal with it in a hurry, even breaking through is impossible, because any resistance will be destroyed by the powerful power of the Obliteration Core Technique , so that he can't escape the control of the realm at all, and only loses.

If he wants to save his life, his only hope is to use the internal space energy in his body to forcibly open the Transmission Gate to escape.

But this will expose his last trump card, and it will also make his previous efforts fall short, and things will evolve to the result he least wants to see.

Fortunately, he passed that test.

Fortunately, he and Greymane Your Majesty had a direct fight in the final game.

Through the final test of Chu Nan personally conducted by Greymane Your Majesty, Chu Nan gained more valuable experience in facing the Obliteration Core Technique, allowing him to face such an impact on the entire space. The Obliteration Core Technique, which is all controlled, has a deeper understanding and coping possibilities.

While Quinn's method of combining the Obliteration Core Technique with the domain is now clearly more powerful than the Obliteration Core Technique 4th Layer used by Greymane Your Majesty, Chu Nan is not helpless.

He thought move, Inner Breath quickly completed seven turns in the body.

Under normal circumstances, Chu Nan would not choose to let the Inner Breath enter such a high-intensity state of 7 turns, because it is difficult for him to control the Inner Breath with extreme precision as usual in this state.

But now he doesn't need to be that precise, he only needs the most powerful Inner Breath, so turn seven is the best choice.

If you only use the primary Inner Breath intensity, the current Chu Nan Inner Breath intensity actually reaches the second rank to the third rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist at most, but after Nine Revolutions Core Technique 7 After turning the bonus of Inner Breath, the intensity of his Inner Breath jumped to a level that surpassed that of Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, almost as much as the ordinary Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist mention on equal terms.

Before in the endless abyss, Chu Nan could even run seven revolutions of Inner Breath and Marr Venerable recklessly without any loss, which shows how terrifying the Inner Breath with the addition of Nine Revolutions Core Technique .

Now he controls the Inner Breath for seven turns again, and the breath immediately becomes extremely powerful in an instant. At the same time, he mobilizes all the inner space energy of the entire fleshy body, mixes it with the Inner Breath, and bursts out with all his strength.

Although he has lost his extremely precise control over the Inner Breath in the seven-turn Inner Breath state, he doesn't need that precision now, he just needs to do one thing, and that is to try his best to adjust the Inner Breath. vibration frequency.

The seven-turn Inner Breath that integrates a lot of space energy is like a flood bursting a dike. At the same time, it is deliberately adjusted by Chu Nan to the highest vibration frequency he can control, and then plus the effect bonus after the explosion of life, Immediately, Chu Nan has the powerful ability to compete head-on with Star Level Martial Artist.

I saw Chu Nan's body suddenly burst out with incomparably bright white radiance, and the whole person became as dazzling as a small sun.

Under the irradiation of these rays of light, the black gas in the entire field was instantly dissipated, and even the field became unstable. The space cracks that were torn apart were densely packed in the field, almost completely. Cut the field.

Chu Nan's white radiance was retracted as soon as he put it on, his body moved, he had already flashed out of the domain's influence range, and retreated a full tens of kilometers in space, and quickly seized the time to adjust his breath.

The attack just now released almost all of his power. If it still doesn't work, he can only use the remaining power to open the Transmission Gate and escape, but it is clear that his calculations are not wrong, and Quinn is also obvious I didn't expect him to have such amazing resistance under this aggregated situation, so let him escape easily.

It looks simple just now, but in fact it integrates Chu Nan's strongest understanding of the martial skill, and it is by no means as simple as it looks.

Through the experience gained through direct confrontation with the Obliteration Core Technique many times, and by virtue of his own deep understanding of the Obliteration Core Technique, Chu Nan knows that the key to fighting the Obliteration Core Technique is to forcibly improve the surrounding The activity of space energy in space offsets the annihilation effect brought by Obliteration Core Technique.

Whether it is the high-frequency vibration of space energy driven by the frantically increasing Inner Breath vibration frequency, or the effect of adding the flame of life, it is all for this purpose.

And if you want to do this, of course, you need a powerful Inner Breath to have a strong influence on the surrounding space. This is also achieved through the powerful bonus of the seven-turn Inner Breath combined with the life burst effect.

Finally escaped from the field, also through the sensitive response of the machine, confirmed the spatial energy distribution of Quine's entire field, accurately found weak spots and gaps, and then calculated extremely complex calculations. Find the most suitable route to escape successfully.

As long as there is any mistake in the whole process, Chu Nan is afraid that he will be trapped in the field now, completely destroyed by the power of the Obliteration Core Technique in the field, and completely destroyed.

And this just bought a little breathing time for Chu Nan. With his current strength, it is still impossible to face Quinn head-on, and he must immediately supplement the escape brought about by the escape just now. massive consumption.

Fortunately, Quinn may have been frightened by Chu Nan's unexpected escape, he stayed in place, staring at Chu Nan for a while without any follow-up action, until Chu Nan was a little bit nervous. When he couldn't help but want to ask, he suddenly showed an extremely angry expression on his face. He opened his mouth and seemed to send out angry roar, body moved, but he directly broke through the space and came to Chu Nan.

"Go to hell!"

Quinn's voice directly spread to a huge area in space through the strong vibration of space energy, and this area was also instantly destroyed by him. The field is completely shrouded, and the red light on him shines, like a red sun spreading the light all over the large space shrouded by the field.

"What's this guy doing so big?" Watching Quinn's face distorted with anger, Chu Nan has some unfathomable mystery. "Did he get angry just because he didn't kill me?"

Chu Nan really guessed right.

Before coming to see Chu Nan, Quinn didn't take Chu Nan seriously at all.

If he hasn't broken through the Great Dao of Stars, then Chu Nan's previous performance will make him have scruples, but since breaking through the Great Dao of Stars, he has become a true Star Level Martial Artist Since then, he has deeply realized the insurmountable and powerful gap between Star Level Martial Artist and Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, which gives him absolutely no confidence when facing Chu Nan.

No matter how powerful this damn boy is, he is still nothing but a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist. In front of such a powerful Star Level Martial Artist, he has absolutely no chance of resisting!

The truth, however, fiercely hit Quinn in the face.

In order to do it quickly before the council of elders reacts, Quinn can say that he didn't hold back too much when he first came up. He originally planned to use the absolute strength gap to crush Chu Nan as soon as he came up, and then pretended to be wrong. He killed him with his hands, but now he has been fighting with Chu Nan for so long, and he has not been able to take down Chu Nan.

Even having used his most proud Obliteration Core Technique Sixth Layer just now, he failed to kill Chu Nan, which made him involuntarily feel a strong sense of humiliation.

What a Star Level Martial Artist if you can't even kill this kid!

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