Above the atmosphere of Lantis, a hovering shuttle representing the Council of the Elder floats silently.

In the huge cabin of the suspended shuttle, Speaker Anduin, several other Elders of the Elder Council, and some Declan Imperial Family members of the Elder Council all stared at the huge virtual piece in front of him. The screen showed more or less shocked expressions.

No one spoke for a long time, causing the atmosphere in the hovering shuttle to become extremely quiet and depressing.

Only the virtual screen now shows the scene of Chu Nan floating cross-legged in space, but it was this scene that made everyone, including Speaker Anduin, feel incredible in their hearts. a feeling of.

Just now, this guy beat Quinn away!

After a while, Speaker Anduin coughed lightly, breaking the silence in the cabin.

"Go and warn those guys not to give Chu Nan any more, unless they want to provoke Your Majesty."

The rest looked at each other in blank dismay, that Several Elders exchanged glances, and one of the Elders, who looked as old as Speaker Anduin, lightly sighed and nodded his opinion.

"That's it, let those guys give up. It's clear that the little fellow Chu Nan is more capable than all of us imagined, and since Quinn has failed, there's no need for any more. Try more. We've tolerated them once, and we can't tolerate a second time."

Several other Elders nodded in agreement, and orders were quickly passed on.

Speaker Anduin turned his gaze to Chu Nan on the virtual screen, smiled wryly, and called the head.

"No one thought this kid could be so strong, we've already miscalculated on him twice, we can't make the same mistake a third time. I think...I should look for Lykas Let’s talk about it, with the innate talent and ability that this kid is showing now, a trifling Vianne will not put any restrictions on him, maybe we should treat him in a different way.”

Other Elders respectively Contemplation, and then expressed varying degrees of approval for Anduin Elder.

Although at first these elders have different attitudes towards Chu Nan, during this time Chu Nan used his amazing performance time and time again to constantly refresh the elders' understanding of him, even if No matter how prejudiced these elders were to Chu Nan, they had to accept his strong innate talent.

The Declan Imperial Family has always respected the powerhouse, and since Chu Nan has shown his strength, he deserves the respect.

"Rockcamp must be having a headache right now." An elderly female Elder suddenly laughed. "Chu Nan is such a ruthless boy in the world that he will almost offend every family in the clan. Now so many people in the clan have grievances against him. If Rockcamp insists that he continue to marry Vianne, That's going to offend too many people."

"hmph, he originally planned to use this to sell Laikas well, but didn't expect Chu Nan's performance far beyond his expectations , I'm afraid I'm shooting myself in the foot now, I deserve it!" Another Elder coldly snorted, disdainfully.

"If I were him, even if I tried to offend a lot of people, I would insist on marrying Chu Nan and Vianne Nair. Chu Nan is a kid with such a strong innate talent, and he will definitely become a very outstanding person in the future. A Star Level Martial Artist will help their family even more, and it's not worth it."

"I think..."


The rest of the elders started talking about the engagement of Chu Nan and Vianne Nell. Anduin Elder was not interested in this topic, he still looked at Chu Nan on the virtual screen, the beard on the touched the chin frowned and thought stand up.

Chu Nan has shown his strength to all Declan Imperial Family through previous tests and non-stop fighting these days, even Quinn, the newest Star Level Martial Artist in Imperial Family It can be repelled, which is enough to prove that the first 3rd-layer Obliteration Core Technique doesn't make much sense to him at all, and it doesn't matter whether he steals or not.

In this case, how to deal with him is a question that needs to be carefully thought about.


The last four days of "Amnesty" were calm and tranquil, even too calm and tranquil.

Chu Nan is looking forward to the possibility that after Quinn, there will be one or two Star Levels that are similar in strength to Quinn, and who have just broken through the Great Dao of Stars and have insufficient control over the field. Martial Artist, so that he can directly contact to understand and analyze more domain space, but the fact makes him very disappointed.

Not to mention the Star Level Martial Artist who is similar in strength to Quinn, and even the ordinary Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist did not appear.

In the last four days, the Declan Imperial Family who almost always popped up in front of him to challenge him all day long, seemed to have an appointment Generally Qi Qi played and disappeared.

For four days, he didn't even encounter a duel challenge.

So Chu Nan had the most relaxing four days since arriving at Landis, and he even had time to wander around the planet, the capital of the Declan Empire. The famous scenic spots that can only be seen in the media have been visited, and these four days are almost regarded as real tourism.

The relaxed time passed in a flash, four days passed, and in the early morning of the fifth day, the hovering shuttle of the Elder Council appeared directly in front of him.

"Chu Nan, Your Majesty's amnesty time has ended, come with me."

To Chu Nan's surprise, this hovering shuttle that clearly represents the Elder Council The car did not take him back to the Elder Council, nor to the prison where he was held before, but flew all the way to the north of Landis Star, and it didn't take long for him to reach the extreme north of Landis Star. .

A huge glacier stands in front of you, and from a distance you can see a dazzling cluster of palaces with mixed styles standing on the top of the glacier.

Chu Nan was surprised.

This is clearly the Imperial Palace of the Declan Empire!

This palace, which is very famous in the whole galaxy and is known as the top of the galaxy's power, is owned by every country in the galaxy. Chu Nan has seen its appearance in the major media of the Earth Federation since he was a child. Imagery, I have been fascinated by it since I was a child, and of course recognized it immediately.

But it made him wonder why he was brought here.

"Go on, Your Majesty is waiting for you."

The Elder Council subordinate who brought him didn't explain much to Chu Nan, but after the hovering shuttle stopped, He handed him over to two middle-aged women in maid costumes.

Then Chu Nan entered this strange and chaotic cluster of palaces under the leadership of the two middle-aged maids, went all the way, and then met Greymane Your Majesty.

A topless Greymane Your Majesty...

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