The biggest difference between Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist and Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist is that Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist can do as one pleases to mobilize Inner Breath to the whole body, so as to more easily cooperate with The external power moves exert a huge formidable power, which is naturally far superior to the Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist under normal circumstances.

Although Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist can also mobilize the Inner Breath, it is either a cultivated special Inner Breath cultivation technique, which can mobilize the Inner Breath at will in the stage of Tyrant Body Grade, or by means of Chu Nan Hong Clan Everlasting Fist, a special external martial skill, combined with his powerful data ability, perfectly integrates the Inner Breath running track and boxing technique of Nine Revolutions Core Technique cultivation, so as to achieve the effect of incorporating Inner Breath into the moves.

But no matter what, Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist also impossible to mobilize Inner Breath like Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist do as one pleases, so that every move and every style can match Inner Breath.

Not even Chu Nan.

The reason is very simple, because the Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist's whole body meridian has been opened up, and naturally the Inner Breath can be moved to any part of the body at will, so that every move and every style can be integrated into the Inner Breath.

Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist is based on the Inner Breath cultivation technique of the cultivation, the grade of the body tempering is different, and the meridian it gets through is also different.

But even fifth-rank Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist can't get through the whole body meridian.

Because he can do this, it means that he has become an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

What Chu Nan has to do now is to completely open up the meridian of the whole body and elevate himself to the level of Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist.

After breaking through to Nine Revolutions Core Technique 4th Layer, Chu Nan has broken through seven main meridians and twenty-six secondary meridians more than in the cultivation Third Layer.

According to the Nine Revolutions Core Technique that Su Xuansheng left in the past, when Chu Nan tempering the newly opened seven main meridian and twenty-six secondary meridian to the level of Inner Breath, it can be reworked again. Get through more meridians and try the breakthrough Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer.

If it was before, Chu Nan would follow the cultivation method indicated by Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer and follow through with the eleven major meridian and three Nineteen secondary meridians, and then slowly tempering to achieve the realm of Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer "Inner Breath circulates the whole body and moves freely", becoming an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist very commonly.

But now, Chu Nan has other ideas.

According to the cultivation method marked by Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer, Chu Nan gets through eleven main meridians and thirty-nine secondary meridians, plus the meridians that have been opened before, it is enough to make these Meridian affects almost every part of the body, allowing Inner Breath to affect every inch of muscle in the body under normal operation.

But after an accurate comparison, Chu Nan found that even if the eleven main meridians and the thirty-nine secondary meridians were completely connected, the meridians opened up in his body actually only accounted for the whole body meridians. 68.3% of the total.

Only the main meridian, there are a full six unconnected, and the secondary meridian has as many as thirty-two unconnected, which is not a real meridian.

In fact, Chu Nan is very clear that this is the normal situation.

The meridian inside the human body is extremely complicated.

Because even if many meridians are connected, their functions often overlap with the nearby meridians, which will not provide any more improvement and help at all, but may make it possible for Martial Artist to run Inner Breath. Something went wrong.

So the Inner Breath cultivation technique that has been handed down now only selects some meridians to get through, and then allows Inner Breath to operate in these meridians through certain methods, so as to obtain different degrees of improvement.

As long as the Inner Breath can be mobilized all over the body, it can be regarded as a meridian of the whole body.

Different cultivation techniques have different effects.

This is the real difference between the different Inner Breath cultivation techniques.

Of course, the higher the level of core technique, the deeper the research on meridian, and the more meridian that needs to be opened up.

Nine Revolutions Core Technique cultivation needs to get through as much as 68.3% of the meridian to Fifth Layer, which is considered very good in Chu Nan's opinion.

Although he has not mastered more Inner Breath cultivation techniques, he cannot make comparisons, but the results after collecting and analyzing the data ability show that Inner Breath is within these meridians marked by Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer. If it runs, it can indeed get close to the perfect degree of amplification.

On the basis of this, it shows that Nine Revolutions Core Technique is worthy of being the powerful Inner Breath cultivation technique that made Su Xuansheng senior traverse the Milky Way, and it is far from the garbage cultivation technique that many Martial Artists thought later.

The reason why it didn't become popular on a large scale is entirely because when Su Xuansheng senior left this cultivation technique on the pan-galactic network, he only left a method of cultivation according to his own situation, but he didn't. Make some changes from the public's point of view - or reduce the difficulty of cultivation.

Simply put, he has no experience in teaching disciplines.

This makes it extremely difficult to get started with the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, and Chu Nan cultivated for thirteen years has only reached the Second Layer, and it is extremely difficult to go further.

If it wasn't for Chu Nan's later acquisition of a powerful data ability, allowing him to clearly know the increase in Inner Breath's operation in the meridian, and to make corrections accordingly, then he might not be able to cultivate more.

Thirteen years have not broken through the Third Layer.

However, now, through the almost cruel and inhuman method of constantly destroying and repairing the meridian, Chu Nan has reached the seven main meridian and twenty-six secondary meridian tempering that were broken through after breaking through the 4th Layer. To a certain extent, then the breakthrough Fifth Layer is already with no difficulty for him.

The difficulty is how to get through all the meridians in the whole body, and after getting through all of them, improve a cultivation method that is more suitable for him based on the Nine Revolutions Core Technique.

How to cultivate Inner Breath Chu Nan is not considered for the time being, and now the first problem he needs to solve is how to get through the rest of the meridian.

Just after a little consideration, he decided to get through the eleven main meridians and thirty-nine secondary meridians marked by Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer.

With the experience of breaking through 4th Layer to get through the meridian, this job is not difficult for Chu Nan.

The last time he broke through the 4th Layer, he was just to be on the safe side, just slowly testing the past meridian with Inner Breath.

And now with the previous experience, Chu Nan simply mobilized an Inner Breath from the dantian, and then instantly divided into eleven smaller and weaker Inner Breaths, which flowed in different meridians in the body respectively. In the past, simultaneous flow went to the eleven major meridian connections that needed to be made.

For an ordinary Martial Artist, it may be possible to mobilize two or three different Inner Breaths to operate in the body at the same time, but it is impossible to mobilize eleven Inner Breaths to operate synchronously at the same time. .

Because normal human beings may be multitasking, it is absolutely impossible to process the work of eleven threads at the same time, so naturally it is impossible to control eleven Inner Breaths perfectly.

A little carelessness is the result of an Inner Breath out of control and a culture deviation.

However, because Chu Nan has a powerful data capability support equivalent to lightbrain, it is a piece of cake to process eleven threads at the same time.

Eleven Inner Breaths rushed into the eleven main meridians that needed to be cleared at the same time, and Chu Nan quickly obtained extremely detailed and precise data from the reactions of these meridians.

Then he took back the eleven Inner Breaths, and then transferred one Inner Breath from the dantian, which was divided into eleven Inner Breaths with different intensities.

According to the feedback data Chu Nan has just collected, he controls the eleven Inner Breaths to enter the main meridian corresponding to the eleven.


As soon as the eleven Inner Breaths entered the eleven major meridians, Chu Nan immediately gasped involuntarily and was almost taken by The soreness, tingling and itching that appeared in eleven places all over the body at the same time, but the strange feeling as if a needle was constantly stabbing in the body directly shook the spirit and attention.

Even with the experience, it was only one meridian that was slowly opened up before, but now eleven major meridians are "starting construction" at the same time. Chu Nan completely despised the effects brought by such a superposition to him. Horror feeling.

Fortunately, his spirit has already been tempered tenaciously in the previous meridian impact damage. Even though it was extremely uncomfortable, he still insisted on gritting his teeth, and he was even able to control the ten An Inner Breath, completed the preliminary opening of the eleven major meridian.

It feels like a few months have passed, but in fact it only took a few seconds, and the eleven Inner Breaths have completely drowned out these eleven major meridians.

The eleven major meridians that Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer needs to get through, according to the notes on the core technique cheats, normally it takes at least three months to get through the initial clearing.

As for Chu Nan, it only took less than ten seconds!

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