“Chu Nan completed A-027 Inner Breath cultivation technique 1st Stage cultivation.”

“Chu Nan completed A-031 Inner Breath cultivation technique 1st Stage cultivation.”

“Chu Nan completed A-031 Inner Breath cultivation technique 1st Stage cultivation. ."

"Chu Nan completed A-051 Inner Breath cultivation technique 1st Stage cultivation."

"Chu Nan completed..."


Listening to the feedback reports from his subordinates that sounded every few minutes, Carlisle lifts the head and glanced at Chu Nan, who was lying on the test bench in the distance, with all the equipment connected to his body. Can't hide the surprise.

Although Chu Nan is only given some low-level and simple Inner Breath cultivation techniques, Chu Nan was able to achieve so many cultivation successes in such a short period of time, without even any hysteresis. The phenomenon of obstruction is simply incredible!

You should know that no matter how low-level and simple the Inner Breath cultivation techniques handed to him are, their requirements and styles, and even the status of Martial Artist, are different. You know every bit of the difference, and you can make changes accordingly.

This is a quality that has never been seen in other Martial Artists who have participated in the same experiment in Chamber of Commerce before, not even one of the mighty fourth rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists.

And Chu Nan can.

"Is this guy's innate talent really that strong?"

Carlisle looked at Chu Nan and couldn't help but feel a pity in her heart.

After knowing that Chu Nan was going to participate in this experiment, he conducted some corresponding investigations on Chu Nan, and learned that Chu Nan was once judged by two Star Level Martial Artists at the same time as being almost impossible to break through the universe in the future. Tianguan.

This confuses him.

Why does Yu Tingfeng care so much about such an ordinary Martial Artist with no future? Even Lord Lubbers has paid special attention to it?

And now, having witnessed Chu Nan's astonishing performance in this experiment, Carlisle immediately understood.

Extremely rare and special experimental subjects like Chu Nan are exactly what the Chamber of Commerce needs most in this entire experimental program.

As for his inability to break through Zhouyutianguan in the future?

This was originally part of this overall experimental program.

Carlisle withdrew her gaze looking towards Chu Nan and turned her head looking towards the virtual screen in front of her.

This is Chu Nan's current real-time human data analysis report, and any data changes that occur on Chu Nan will be clearly reflected on it.

According to the graph of real-time data changes, it can be seen that after Chu Nan entered the test, various data of his body were very stable, except for occasional slight changes in the intensity of blood vessels and acceleration of blood flow within a small range In addition, other data rarely changed.

These slight changes actually show the effect that Chu Nan is cultivating with the Inner Breath cultivation technique on his body.

Collecting these data is one of the purposes of this experiment.

The same experiment that Norantham Chamber of Commerce has done with many other Martial Artists.

By collecting the variation data generated by different Inner Breath cultivation techniques on different Martial Artists, we can analyze the true meaning of these Inner Breath cultivation techniques to a Martial Artist.

And the ultimate goal is to determine through these experiments, what is the working mechanism and characteristics of the "Inner Breath", which is very common to Martial Artists, but so far also very mysterious to ordinary persons. .

Simply put, the experimental plan of the Chamber of Commerce is to conduct a scientific analysis of Inner Breath.

On the road of martial arts, among the three major galaxies, the Declan Empire is undoubtedly the strongest, followed by the Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance, and the Nogentum Chamber of Commerce is the weakest.

The number of Star Level Martial Artists in Declan Empire is even more than 1,000. So far, there are only 23 Star Level Martial Artists who are trifling in the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham.

Not only is it far less than the Declan Empire and the Erejuana military treaty alliance in quantity, but also in quality.

In the previous conflicts, the Chamber of Commerce, despite its strong science and technology, did not lose any advantage in the face of other Two Great Influences, but on the frontal battlefield, it was often used in the battle. Star Level Martial Artist suffers a lot in this regard.

Therefore, Chamber of Commerce is now attaching great importance to the study of the martial arts, trying to catch up with the Declan Empire and the Elewana military treaty alliance in the way of the martial arts.

"Director, there is a situation!"

A subordinate suddenly let out a soft cry, pulling back Carlisle's drifting thoughts.

"What's the matter?"

"A blood vessel in Chu Nan is obviously abnormal. According to the data, it may be..."

"May? "

"Maybe it's broken..."

Carlisle opened her mouth and almost cursed out a swear word.

Did you make a mistake!

Chu Nan is now being monitored by countless extremely advanced instruments. How could a blood vessel be cut off in the body for no reason?

The subordinates looked at Carlisle's ugly face, and there were a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

"Director, what should I do now?"

Carlisle stared at the virtual screen in front of him with a sullen face, and clearly saw that one of the data suddenly appeared in a short period of time. Change dramatically.

The real-time data change graph displayed on the same screen makes this especially obvious.

Among the data lines that had been stable all the time, suddenly a cliff suddenly fell, and it was extremely conspicuous in the other data lines that remained stable.

Carlisle stared at the real-time data change graph for a while, and then waved his hand under his hand.

"Don't worry about it, let's take a look."


Chu Nan has seen such obvious changes, and even one of the blood vessels is close to breaking, so it doesn't matter?

However, Carlisle did not speak, and his subordinates could only obediently remain silent.

Carlisle raised his head and glanced at Chu Nan on the distant experimental bench, and some data reports and analysis about Chu Nan that he first received from Yu Tingfeng came to mind.

The reason why this Chu Nan even alarmed Lord Lubers was because of an extremely abnormal change in his human data on Western Cloud Star.

So now, is he going to show this special situation in front of him again?


Looking at the Inner Breath cultivation technique displayed on the virtual screen in front of him, Chu Nan hesitated.

This Inner Breath cultivation technique is similar to the Inner Breath cultivation techniques given to him before. It is a very simple and low-level Inner Breath cultivation technique that you can see at a glance, and the cultivation is not difficult.

But when Chu Nan analyzed it carefully, he found a very serious problem.

The Inner Breath cultivation techniques given to him before, although the required Inner Breath running trajectories are different, they all operate within the meridian he has opened up, at most only need to mobilize more than ten main meridian and Twenty or so secondary meridian.

While the present Inner Breath cultivation technique is equally simple, it has a fundamental difference from the previous Inner Breath cultivation techniques.

Among the thirteen main meridians that this Inner Breath cultivation technique requires for the operation of Inner Breath, there is actually one that Chu Nan has not gotten through at all!

The discovery surprised Chu Nan.

He originally thought that he had cultivated to Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer, even if he didn't get all the veins in the body in the true sense, it was not too much. Anyway, Inner Breath can already pass through. These meridians that have been opened can flow around the body at will, affecting every part of the body, and it is normal for one or two to not get through.

After all, he didn't know which cultivation technique would make such a perverted request.

But now this cultivation technique before him, unexpectedly requires him to get through a major meridian that Chu Nan never got through.

So Chu Nan hesitated.

If he follows this Inner Breath Cultivation Technique, he must first get through this main meridian.

But he doesn't need to get through this main meridian at all in the Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer of his cultivation, and now he runs to get through this meridian for the Inner Breath cultivation technique of cultivation. Isn't it superfluous and a complete waste?

Chu Nan wanted to give up and told Carlisle to change a cultivation technique for himself, but after thinking about it, it would not be too much trouble to get through one more meridian, so he decided not to open his mouth.

After re-watching the Inner Breath cultivation technique displayed on the virtual screen, Chu Nan thoughts moved, a wisp of Inner Breath poured out from the dantian and flowed into the main meridian that he needed to get through .

The meridian, who had never endured the mighty Inner Breath shock, was instantly riddled with holes and nearly broke.

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