Three days later, Chu Nan reappeared at the Chamber of Commerce Ziyunxing branch in Norantham.

As soon as he saw Chu Nan, Carlisle immediately took out a paper-only contract that was very rare in this era.

“Chu Nan, look, this is a fixed long-term experimental cooperation contract that Chamber of Commerce has decided to offer you after discussion. Compared with the previous verbal agreement between you and Director Yu Tingfeng, This contract is more formal and formal, as long as you sign this contract, you can establish a long-term cooperative relationship with our Chamber of Commerce in the future, which is more helpful for your reasons for long-term stability.”

Chu Nan glanced at him without expressing any opinion, but directly picked up the contract and looked at it carefully.

The reason why he was called by Carlisle today is that Carlisle claimed to have important things to discuss with him, but didn't expect Carlisle to directly come up with such a contract.

After reading it carefully, Chu Nan found that the contract was indeed a very formal contract, both in terms of format and content, and clearly marked that the two parties to the contract were Chu Nan and Nuoyante. Tom Chamber of Commerce.

This actually surprised Chu Nan.

The Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum is undoubtedly the highest Chamber of Commerce in the entire pan-galactic galaxy, with its enormous power and numerous branches.

Ordinary individuals or even the Great Chamber of Commerce, even if there is any contractual agreement signed with the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, the object is usually only a branch or a subordinate of the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum. Branch, it is difficult to appear that the object of the agreement is the Chamber of Commerce directly.

Ordinary person like Chu Nan, it stands to reason that it is very good to be able to sign a contract with the Chamber of Commerce branch in Ziyunxing. Why is the object of this contract signed? Is Norantham Chamber of Commerce?

Does he have such a high specification?

"Haha, isn't this a good thing?" Hearing Chu Nan ask this question, Carlisle laughed heartily.

Seeing Chu Nan still frowning and puzzled, Carlisle thought for a while and then gave an explanation.

"Actually, you can only sign a contract with our Ziyunxing branch, because the content of this contract is related to the project that the entire Chamber of Commerce needs to participate in, and it is only our The Ziyunxing branch can't handle it."

Chu Nan lowered his head and looked towards the contract in his hand, nodded.

The content of this contract is that Chu Nan participates in a scientific research project called "Discussion on the Behavioral Theory of Martial Artist" at the Research Center of Chamber of Commerce in Norantham.

This project belongs directly to the Chamber of Commerce Research Institute of Norantham. Naturally, it is impossible for the Ziyunxing branch to complete it independently.

But this still makes Chu Nan very strange.

Although he is confident that he is now extremely special among all Martial Artists due to his strong data capabilities, what does this have to do with the research of Chamber of Commerce at Norantham? Is it worth their so-called most important institutional research center to directly sign a formal contract with themselves?

What the hell is this so-called "Martial Artist Behavioral Theory" project?

The name sounds strange, and the research content is even more fuzzy. It just allows Chu Nan to accept some corresponding research when necessary, but does not clearly tell Chu Nan what kind of research he wants.

Could it be a slice study?

"Don't worry." Seeing the hesitation in Chu Nan's heart, Carlisle continued to explain with a smile. "Actually, the main research is similar to what we asked you to do before, just to observe the physical reactions and changes of Martial Artist in different situations, and it will definitely have no effect on you. You see, this has been marked very clearly, It is guaranteed that it will not have any adverse effects on your body and mind. On the contrary, for the smooth progress of the experimental research, we will do our best to ensure that your body and mind are healthy enough."

Chu Nan still frowned and didn't answer. , Carlisle had to come up with a killing move.

"Reputation is the lifeblood of our Chamber of Commerce in Norantham, and contracts are even more important to us than life, I think you should believe that."

Chu Nan couldn't help but nodded.

Chamber of Commerce has always taken "credibility first" and "contract first" as its highest creed in the 10,000-year history of the Milky Way. As the first choice, no one doubts this.

6,300 years ago, a cross-arm war broke out between the Declan Empire and the Elevana military treaty alliance countries that almost spread across the galaxy. At that time, the situation of the Declan Empire was worrisome. Star Level Martial Artist rushed to the battlefield, and even the Imperial Family was forced to take action in person, but still could not resist the attack of the Allied countries of the Ellehuana Military Treaty.

Under normal circumstances, businessmen who are chasing profits should choose to stand up at this time, hit a person when he's down on Declan Empire, and make more profits from it.

However, the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum insisted on helping the Declan Empire because of a private agreement signed with the former emperor of the Declan Empire, and jointly resisted the attack of the Allied countries in the military treaty of Elewana. , and eventually fought side by side, driving the fleets of the Allied nations of the Military Pact of Elrejuana back to the Perseus Arm.

You must know that after tens of thousands of years of accumulation by the Allied countries of the Ellewarna Military Treaty, not only the Star Level Martial Artist is only slightly inferior to the Declan Empire, but also the technology level is not higher than that of the Chamber of Commerce. The difference is how much, plus long-term planning, full preparation, and extremely strong strength.

The Declan Empire has just experienced a civil strife and is in a turbulent stage. Its overall strength has been greatly damaged, and it is naturally unable to resist the attack of the Elevana Military Treaty Alliance.

In this war, not only the Declan Empire suffered heavy losses, but the Chamber of Commerce itself also suffered huge losses, and even directly damaged thirteen of the highest reorganized fleets, which can be described as a wound. move bones.

It is precisely because of this war that the slogan of "Contract is my body, credit is my life", which was uttered by the then president of Chamber of Commerce, Noyantham, in the most difficult times. Throughout the galaxy, all people in all countries of the galaxy will be deeply aware of the importance of trust and contract in the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham.

Of course, ten years after the war, as the agreement between the Chamber of Commerce and the Declan Empire had expired, the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham immediately refuted some of what was done against the Declan Empire. Things can't be completely ignored...

"Since you believe in the credibility of our Chamber of Commerce, why do you have any doubts about this contract?" Carlisle continued to persuade with a smile. "By signing him, you will be our regular partner of Chamber of Commerce in the future. You will not only be able to enjoy the corresponding remuneration stipulated in the contract, but also enjoy the various conveniences brought to you by this Chamber of Commerce. It's too much to be stronger."

Chu Nan looked down at the contract, pondered for a while, then suddenly shook his head and pushed the contract back.

"It's still not needed."

Carlisle's complexion slightly changed: "Why?"

Chu Nan looked Carlisle's eyes directly, and said seriously: "I What is needed is a partnership agreement, not a contract of sale."

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