It is indeed a distinguished guest, and there are three batches in one batch.

The first batch of people were from McDonnell Douglas Group, and the representative was Mr. Zhang who invited Chu Nan to the McDonnell Douglas Group dinner.

As soon as he saw Chu Nan, he immediately showed an extremely exaggerated smile.

"Haha, Chu Nan, when I heard that you were going to apply for the Nebula Academy, I knew you would pass the test. Now it really proves that I still have some vision. Come, come, this It is a gift specially selected for you by the President and Old Master Xiu Meng, I hope you will like it.”

“Old Master Xiu Meng also knows?” Chu Nan astonished asked.

"Of course, Old Master Xiu Meng knew even before the president." Speaking of which, Mr. Zhang deliberately leaned over to Chu Nan and made a low voice, but the actual voice was not at all. Come in a low stance. "To tell you the truth, this is actually what Hugh Meng Old Master meant, and the President is just following orders."

Chu Nan laughed dumbly.

President McQuay will definitely have a headache when he thinks of the temper of the Old Master Hume.

"By the way, where are your parents? This gift is not just for you. The President thinks that he wants you to feel happy after receiving the gift. The most important thing to give is your parents, so the gift is for you. It has something to do with them."

"The president really knows what I'm thinking." Chu Nan smiled slightly and pointed to the back of the room. "They're busy at the back."

"Okay, I'll go find them."

Seeing Mr. Zhang walking towards the back room, the rest of the living room looked towards Chu Nan in surprise. .

Although the McDonnell Douglas Group is not yet the largest company in the entire Earth Federation, it is quite famous in Ziyunxing and nearby galaxies, and can be regarded as a huge monster in the heart of an ordinary person.

However, this "President Zhang" just now came on behalf of the McDonnell Douglas Group, and it came directly at Chu Nan!

What's even more exaggerated is that he actually represents your president of McDonnell Douglas Group!

And that Mr. President actually had to obey the orders of another "Old Master Hugh Meng"!

That "Hugh Meng Old Master" is obviously a good personal friend with Chu Nan!

What's going on here?

Before everyone's shock subsided, the second group of distinguished guests arrived.

Although the second batch of distinguished guests was not as powerful as the first batch of President Zhang and the others, when they reported their identities, they made the relatives in the living room more startled.

The second group of people actually came from Seres Security Company!

This is a real federal super-first-class corporation!

"Hey, Chu Nan, congratulations on your admission to the Nebula Academy. I hope this time next year, I can come to congratulate you on breaking through the Eternal Universe." Costa slapped Chu Nan on the shoulder , the laughter is as heroic as ever.

Chu Nan bitterly laughed: "Will you break through Zhouyutianguan next year? You look down on me too much, don't you?"

Costa laughed: "Boy, I'm not joking . With your current improvement speed, what's so strange about breaking through the Zhouyutianguan this time next year? Maybe you will be faster than I expected."

"What if you can't break through? Don't Forget that both Venerables said that I was almost impossible to break through." Chu Nan said while glancing at the "righteous cousin".

"che, if it were someone else, then I don't think it is possible to break through. But you are different, I believe you will definitely be able to break through. Are you right, Mu Luo?" Sida said the back, but only turned his head and looked towards Mu Luo, who had been silent beside him.

Nan gently nods

, then glances at Chu and makes a secret gesture.

Chu Nan understood and expressed his understanding to him nodded.

Both Costa and Mu Luo didn't stay long. After saying a few words, they left with gifts and left.

If the first two groups of people let their relatives and friends in the living room just startled, then the appearance of the third group of people completely shocked and even shocked them.

The third batch of people came from Chamber of Commerce in Norantham!

And the representative who came to congratulate was actually the Chief-In-Charge Carlisle of the Chamber of Commerce in Nourytem on the Purple Cloud Star!

You must know that on Ziyunxing, Carlisle is even enough to be on an equal footing with the chairman of the Ziyunxing Federal Council by virtue of the detached status of Nogentum's Chamber of Commerce!

And now, he is holding Chu Nan's hand affectionately, looking like he is very familiar with him.

This...this is incredible!

The three groups of people that started just now are obviously aimed at Chu Nan, and have nothing to do with Chu Zhongping and Yu Fang.

But obviously more than half a year ago, Chu Nan was only in mind of this group of relatives as "the crap boy from Chu Zhongping's family who was addicted to martial skills but never succeeded", how come half a year has passed, he You have already met so many great characters?

What has he experienced in the past six months?

While everyone glanced back and forth on Chu Nan and Carlisle with shocking and inexplicable eyes, the two of them were discussing topics that were completely unrelated to the current situation here.

"Chu Nan, there's news from branch headquarters that you seem to have gotten into a little trouble at headquarters?" Carlisle asked in a light tone.

"Well, it's just a little trouble, it won't get in the way." Chu Nan is not surprised that the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham knew that he was provoking the Brotherhood of the Daredevil in Los Angeles, and now Carlisle asks, I am afraid that Just taking a peek at Nogentum's Chamber of Commerce.

So he also responded very casually, making a disrespectful look.

In the case of insufficient strength, he does not intend to really provoke the Night Demon Brother Society. Now he only needs to keep this seedling. As for how to deal with it in the future, it will depend on the degree of his strength improvement in the future. .

"Oh? I see." Hearing Chu Nan's answer, Carlisle gently nodded.

Although the Brotherhood of the Night Demon is a good faction, it will not be looked down upon by the Chamber of Commerce in Noratum.

The reason why Chamber of Commerce asked him to explore Chu Nan's tone was to evaluate the specific impact of this incident on Chu Nan.

Because of the branch's research on the latest experimental report of Courtyard Master Ren Tamkench, the Nogentum Chamber of Commerce Earth branch has raised Chu Nan's attention level again, so he is the administrative star branch. Chief-In-Charge will personally come to congratulate Chu Nan.

Carlisle also didn't stay for much time. After chatting with Chu Nan and confirming that Chu Nan would only stay in Ziyunxing for a few days, he would leave again to report to Earth's Nebula Academy, and he raised his hopes. Chu Nan went to the Chamber of Commerce branch in Norantham before leaving and got Chu Nan's consent.

He then said goodbye and left.

After he left, Mr. Zhang had also completed his contacts with Chu Zhongping and Yu Fang, and also left with his assistants.

Three groups of people came and went. Although they didn't stay for too long, they clearly showed their attitude.

As soon as Mr. Zhang and his two assistants left, the relatives who had just dispersed immediately gathered around Chu Nan and asked everyone talking at once.

Chu Nan had a headache, his eyes swept over, and suddenly he saw the "Cousin Zhengdao" who had spoken before was walking out the door at this time, as if he was about to leave, so he raised his hand and called to him.

"Hey, Cousin Zhengdao, let's go out and find a place to talk, what do you think?"

The "Cousin Zhengdao" was shocked and turned to look at Chu Nan, complexion greatly changed.

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