
Seeing this word, Chu Nan is really startled.

He originally thought that Elvie was just quarreling with her father, and then the little girl had a fight and ran away from home, nothing at worst, but didn't expect such a thing to happen now.

If the "Elvie" that the three people said was this Elvie, then the problem would be serious.

He looked up and glanced at the hovering shuttle that was still running in front of him, and found that they had already transferred out of the suburb where the space station was located, and entered the endless red wasteland that he had just seen. Towards the driver next to him urged: "Hurry up, follow, it's better to stop in front of them."

The driver gave Chu Nan a strange look, but he didn't say much, but his expression slightly Obi shouted excitedly, stepped on his feet hard, and the taxi immediately accelerated, getting closer to the shuttle in front.

Two shuttles, one after the other, rushed into wasteland, and in a short while, the city where the space station was located was far from the skyline.

Chu Nan was thinking about whether he might have made a mistake when a communication prompt suddenly appeared on the personal terminal in his hand.

Looking down, it was Dunleavy who sent it.

"Hey, Chu Nan, has Elvie contacted you?" As soon as the communication was connected, Dunleavy's face was obviously much more anxious than before. "I've sent people to search all the possible places for her to go, but I can't find any."

"No." Chu Nan shook his head, then glanced at the shuttle bus in front of him, which was gradually getting closer. After hesitating for a while, he continued: "But I may have found some information about Elvie by accident."

"Oh? Do you know where she is? Tell me now!" Dunleavy was immediately happy asked urgently.

"I'm not sure yet. When I was at the space station just now, I..."

Chu Nan was about to explain the situation to Dunleavy when suddenly a warning sign appeared in his heart, and he raised his head again. I looked towards the shuttle in front, but was horrified to find that a fiery-red light suddenly lit up from the locked car in front and flew towards here.

Seeing that the fire was about to hit him, Chu Nan didn't have time to think about it. He tilted his body and cut off the safety device tied to the driver's body on the left. the door, closed the body and flew out of the high-speed shuttle.


The taxi behind him made a violent explosion sound, and the sky-filled flames accompanied by a huge shock wave shook Chu Nan’s body all the way in the air. He accelerated and flew out, flying more than 30 meters away in the air, and barely landed on the ground, then rolled over a dozen times, and finally hit a big rock on wasteland and stopped.

Chu Nan has already mobilized the Inner Breath bodyguard immediately, plus the body is strong enough, there is no problem.

But when I looked down, the driver had been kept in his arms by him, but he had already fainted because he couldn't bear the impact of the powerful explosion.

According to Chu Nan's extensive healing experience, he should have no mortal danger.

Chu Nan put him on the ground, jumped up, and saw that the suspension shuttle that the three people in front were riding only paused for a while, as if to observe the situation here, and then restarted.

Chu Nan thought about it for a while, then slapped it around him, his Inner Breath surged, shaking the stone that blocked him into pieces, then grabbed a fist-sized piece of gravel, and narrowed his eyes to observe. Take a look at the trajectory of the hovering shuttle, put all the data in your eyes, and calculate the result in an instant.

Then his Inner Breath poured out and poured all of it into the palm of his hand, tightly surrounding the gravel, and like his arm, the gravel had already drawn a wave of air waves visible by naked eyes in the air, Point at the shuttle that is speeding up and fleeing.


The gravel hit the most vulnerable part of the front of the hover shuttle with great precision, and it gave a violent blast like a cannonball hit. rumbling sound.

The hovering shuttle was forcibly smashed by the stone and rolled in the air several times, drawing a parabola and falling straight down.

Chu Nan succeeded in one strike, and without the slightest hesitation, he flew towards the hovering shuttle at a high speed like a big bird.

It was less than a kilometer away, and he arrived quickly in half a minute.

Because of the safety device of the hovering shuttle, the three people were not seriously injured in the impact, and they are trying to crawl from the inside to the outside.

Suddenly seeing Chu Nan appear, one of them didn't say a word, he took out a small old-fashioned pistol and pulled the trigger to Chu Nan's mouth.

Chu Nan coldly snorted, he raised his palm, but he directly grabbed the bullet that flew towards him in his hand.

He opened his hand and, under the horrified gazes of the three, let the bullet fall to the ground, and then slowly walked towards the three.

Seeing Chu Nan's action, how could the three of them know that they were definitely encountering a powerful Martial Artist, they were shocked and desperately wanted to escape from the hovering shuttle.

However, how could Chu Nan give them this chance? He walked over and stretched out his hand. He forcibly ripped off the door of the suspension shuttle, and then pulled the three of them out one by one.

His movements were extremely rude.

Chu Nan has no mercy in his heart.

These three guys just launched small rockets without saying a word and shot the killer directly, so he doesn't need to be polite to them at all.

If it wasn't for the news of Elvie from them, Chu Nan would have killed them directly.

Glancing at the three of them, Chu Nan came to the man who heard "Elvie" from his mouth just now, crouched down, opened the personal terminal, and showed the image of Elvie , and asked him, "Is Elvie the one you mentioned just now?"

The man glanced at Chu Nan coldly, suddenly raised his hand, but did not know where to find it. A firearm came and attacked Chu Nan again.

However, Chu Nan's reaction was much faster than he imagined. The moment he moved his hand, a photo fell and slapped directly on the arm with the gun.


His arm was instantly disconnected, and naturally he couldn’t hold the gun in his hand, and it fell down weakly.

"Ask you again, is the Elvie you just said she was?"

Although the man frowned deeply due to the severe pain, he still remained. Keep your mouth shut.

"Hey, don't talk?" Chu Nan sneered, stretched out his hand and pressed on the man's shoulder, the Inner Breath was activated, and an Inner Breath poured into the man's body, quickly divided into hundreds of paths, invading the man's body All primary meridian and secondary meridian.

This is cautiously different from helping Chu Xiaoxi to get through the meridian. Chu Nan's Inner Breath was not deliberately suppressed at all, so he rushed into the man's meridian and immediately impacted the meridian of his whole body. Up and down.

The man suddenly felt as if his whole body was enveloped by a severe stinging pain from the bone marrow, which made him twitch all over his body and let out a scream.

But Chu Nan also deliberately separated a few Inner Breaths to protect the main meridian connected to his heart to ensure that he would not die, and also separated a few Inner Breaths to protect the meridian connected to the brain, Make sure he doesn't pass out because of this, the combination of the two is like making him not have the will to live, unable to ask for death.

This method was taught to Chu Nan by Angel Beili before. The original intention was to make sure that he was in a sober state when he was healing himself, so that there would be no problems with the healing.

Now it has been slightly modified by Chu Nan and used on others, and the effect is surprisingly good.

This kind of severe pain from the meridian has already exceeded the limit that the human body can bear. Except for Chu Nan's powerful data ability, he can ensure that the pain is just within his tolerable range. So apart from being able to bear it, normal people can't bear it at all.

The man was only tortured by Chu Nan like this, and he couldn't bear it for a moment. He spurt a mouthful of blood in his mouth, reluctantly opened the mouth and said: "I...I said..."


"It would have been better to say no sooner." Chu Nan coldly snorted, the Inner Breath that penetrated into the man's body immediately turned into a flame of life fused with the high-frequency vibration of the Inner Breath, which made the man recover in a blink of an eye Not a lot.

The man glanced at Chu Nan in amazement, then looked at Elvie on the virtual screen of his personal terminal, nodded and said weakly: "'s her..."

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