Chu Nan originally thought that under the sneak attack of his heart, he would definitely succeed in one strike, and then take advantage of the situation to rescue Elvie first, but didn't expect that the brawny man was actually there Immediately reacted, turned around and slapped it.

Without seeing Chu Nan at all, his palm was not only extremely fast, but also very ruthless, momentum is big, power is deep, and pointed directly at Chu Nan's face.


Chu Nan heart shivered with cold, but at this time, he couldn't tolerate any hesitation, he lightly stepped on his feet, and he suddenly stood up from a position that was almost half-lying on the ground. The palm of man's waist instead hit the back of his neck.

brawny man coldly snorted, bowed his head sharply, dodging Chu Nan's palm, and at the same time his counter-attacking palm failed.

The moment Chu Nan lowered his head, he attacked with his left hand and punched towards the brawny man's back.


this fist was unexpected, and the timing of the choice was the moment when brawny man just changed his moves, making him unavoidable, without any pretense. Right on his back.

However, Chu Nan slammed his fist down, but he felt a strong anti-shock force coming from the brawny man's back, which shook his fist directly back, not even the Inner Breath could penetrate brawny man in vivo.

brawny man Although he staggered forward and spits out blood, he looked extremely embarrassed, but Chu Nan knew that he was not mortally injured.

However, Chu Nan's original purpose was to avoid him. After knocking him back a few steps with a punch, he crouched down without hesitation, picked up Elvie with one hand, and turned around looking towards the grove. Running outside.

The remaining three brawny men only reacted at this time, and immediately yellowed, took out their gunpowder weapons, and prepared to fire at Chu Nan.

"Stop!" The brawny man loudly roared by Chu Nan's punch just now stopped his companion's actions. "You can't hurt that little girl. Third, you go and drive the car, second, Old Fourth, you chase after me!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and took the lead in chasing Chu Nan. past.

Two of the brawny man quickly followed along, and the other brawny man turned around and ran to the other side of the woods.

They drove the shuttle into the grove and hid it just now. They originally planned to wait for another group of companions to come to meet and leave together, but now such a person suddenly appeared. Something happened.

Chu Nan in front ran wildly out of the woods, reaching out and tearing off the cloth ball in Elvie's arms gagging her mouth.

"Are you all right?"

"Why are you here?" Elvie looked at Chu Nan in surprise and joy.

She just thought about how she would be rescued for a long time in her mind, and then she felt that the most likely thing was that the father would activate the powerful force of the federal army, lead a large number of federal troops to fall from the sky, and kill all these guys. She rescued her later, but didn't expect it anyway, the person who rescued her suddenly appeared, Chu Nan who shouldn't be here no matter what!

"I don't have time to explain, you'll be fine, let's get in the car."

Seeing Elvie's spirited and steady demeanor, she didn't even look frightened , Chu Nan calmed down and adjusted his posture. He originally wanted to carry her on his back and thought about it, but instead he hugged her with both hands, and continued running towards the place where he parked the hovering shuttle just outside the woods.

He only focused on escaping for his life, but he didn't notice that Elvie's face was full of blush and shyness at the moment.

"This guy, isn't this the legendary Princess hug..."

I felt Chu Nan holding up his arms steadily, and I could smell Chu Nan's chest in his nostrils Elwei felt a little dizzy because of the breath.

This is the first time she has had such close contact with the opposite sex other than her father and her big brother, and the first time she has come into contact with her is actually that she and many female classmates are in the heart I have fantasized countless times, and it is called the most romantic "Princess hug"!

Of course, this situation is not romantic at all...

Just as Elvie was immersed in her confused fantasy, she suddenly felt Chu Nan's footsteps. stopped abruptly.

Elvie's body shook, she woke up, and looked towards Chu Nan stunned.

"What's wrong?"

Chu Nan complexion ashen looked ahead.

In that direction, the hovering shuttle he grabbed from the previous three people was supposed to be parked, but now there is no trace of it, but it can be seen far in front of the left. To the appearance of a hovering shuttle, it is quickly escaping.

Obviously, in the short time he had just rescued Elvie, who of the three guys woke up and drove the shuttle straight away.

Chu Nan gritted his teeth and regretted that he couldn't bear to attack those three guys just now.

If I had just killed them directly, this kind of accident would not have happened now.

Looking back, the three brawny men had chased out of the grove, and on the other side there was a hovering shuttle that was approaching at high speed.

Chu Nan looked left and right, and it was clear that on such an endless wasteland, there was no way he could hold Elvie and run past a hovering shuttle, then put Elvie down and cut it off with his hand. The rope tied her arms.

"Stay away first, don't get caught." Chu Nan explained to Elvie who was still in a daze, turned around, and rushed over to meet the three who were rushing over.

When the person was on the way, the Inner Breath in his body started frantically.

One turn.

Second turn.

Three turns.


Five turns.

Chu Nan continued to control the Inner Breath, stimulated the surrounding space energy, and fuses together with the Inner Breath, and soon formed the Inner Breath flow for six turns.

Then seven turns, eight turns...

When he rushed to the brawny man, the Inner Breath just formed nine turns, throws a punch, a terrifying nine turns Inner Breath Carrying an incomparably huge space energy, it rushed over with this fist.

Just as he swung his fist out, there seemed to be countless oscillating ripples in the surrounding space, as if the surface of the water had been broken open, but they all hit his fist. There was a piercing scream like a tear, and even the space seemed to be directly torn apart by this fist, and a strange black crack appeared.

The brawny man in the lead was horrified and didn't dare to take it hard. Forcibly, he rushed to the side, trying to avoid it.

However, after Chu Nan this fist combined the powerful nine-turn Inner Breath and the terrifying space energy, the speed was astonishingly fast, making him unavoidable, and he could only barely raise his arms to block him. forward.


Chu Nan punched, and the terrifying power poured out wildly, and he forcibly punched the brawny man’s arms across his chest. Entered his chest, and then punched a big hole in his chest, and then blasted his whole body into the air.

While it was still flying in the air, it shattered into countless pieces, then flew away, and fell to the ground, obviously dying.

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