It turns out that Elvie thinks too much.

Although her injury is serious, in Chu Nan's view, it is just a little troublesome and not too difficult.

After peeling off Elvie's shirt, Chu Nan put her palm on it, and Inner Breath protruded out, and quickly checked the condition of Elvie's wound based on Inner Breath's feedback, and more importantly, checked He knew where the bullet that was still in Elvie's body was.

After accurate positioning according to the feedback data, Chu Nan immediately re-mobilized the Inner Breath, while protecting all the meridians near Elvie's wound to ensure that they did not affect more places, while separating the Inner Breath "grab" "Hold the bullet and pulled it out of Elvie's chest little by little.

It didn't take long for Elvie to make a "pu" sound from her chest, and the metal bullet automatically jumped out of it.

Chu Nan checked the Inner Breath again and confirmed that there was no debris left, and then began to fully activate the flame of life mixed with the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath.

Under the action of the flame of life, Elvie's wound that was penetrated by the bullet healed quickly, and even part of her injured heart recovered little by little.

After all, Elway is also a good Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist, her life force is far more tyrannical than ordinary people, and under the action of the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath and the flame of life, her recovery speed is also far faster than Chu's. Nan healed Susan much faster before.

It only took less than ten minutes, not only did her internal organs heal completely, but even the wound on the surface of her chest had been disappeared. hurt.

Chu Nan mobilized the Inner Breath again, and after confirming that nothing was missed, was sighed in relief.

And as soon as he calmed down, he couldn't keep his concentration as high as before, and involuntarily glanced at Elvie's bare chest one more time.

It's so big...

Chu Nan's face flushed slightly, he quickly extended the hand, and pulled the shirt that he had just slung over to cover it again.

But because he just didn't think much of it in order to save Elvie as soon as possible, the action of tearing off the clothes was too rough, and as a result, her top could not be completely covered at this time, and once it was covered, it was slid down.

Failed to try twice, Chu Nan was about to try again, but Elvie suddenly propped up her hands, sat up, and stretched out her hand to grab her jacket.

"I'll do it myself." Elvie's face flushed red, full of shame.

Being groped on her bare chest by a boy like Chu Nan at worst her age was an experience she had never had, or even thought of.

Before she was weak and powerless, she had no choice. Now, under the stimulation of Chu Nan's flame of life, she not only recovered completely from her injuries, but also recovered a lot of strength. Naturally, she could not let this situation continue. go down.

Elvie clutched her shirt tightly, tried her best to cover her chest, looked towards Chu Nan's right arm and left leg that were still hanging on one side, and said softly, " can heal your wounds. Is it cured too?"

Chu Nan looked down and grinned.

"Small meaning."

After he closed his eyes, the flame of life and the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath activated with full force, and the right arm and left leg were instantly enveloped by the milk-white breath.

Elvie looked surprised at what was happening in front of her.

Chu Nan's right arm and left leg were obviously completely broken bones, but under the cover of his Inner Breath, it took less than five minutes to completely heal together.

Seeing Chu Nan re-mobilize his right arm and left leg, it didn't look like the bones were broken just now, Elvie couldn't help asking in surprise: "Chu Nan, your life Is the flame mastered so well?"

"Alright..." After confirming that his right arm and left leg were back to normal, Chu Nan returned to the driver's seat. "I have a special cultivation technique myself, which works well when used in conjunction with the flame of life. It is precisely because I have this special cultivation technique that Olivier Venerable taught me the flame of life."

"Oh? What special cultivation technique? Let's hear it." Elvie asked with interest.

"This is not the time to talk about this." Chu Nan waved his hand, looked back at Elvie, and found that she was still holding the top tightly with one hand, but some places were forced to show When he came out, he took off his shirt and threw it to Elvie. "Let's make do and wear this."

Elvie silently took the clothes and put them on.

Chu Nan just climbed on the ground for a while, and then stealth a section of the road in the woods. In addition, she fought fiercely with people and helped her heal her injuries. This dress was stained a lot. Sand, gravel, dust, bloodstains, and a lot of sweat stains. It actually smells bad and doesn't feel good when you wear it.

But when Elvie put it on, she immediately felt at ease.

"Right, Elvie, come and help me. I'm not familiar with Aucma, so I don't know where to go." Chu Nan suddenly waved at Elvie.

Elvie snorted, leaned forward, looked at the map of the on-board system, and was about to point the way when Chu Nan suddenly extended the hand and hugged her.

"What's the matter?" Elvie heart startled, but found that she didn't feel any disgust.

Just as he was about to ask, he felt that he was being picked up by Chu Nan, and then the two of them sprang out of the hovering shuttle together.


A roar sounded behind him, and the hover shuttle made a dozen laps in the air, bounced to the side, and slammed into a rock and stopped. down.

The two of them were still in the air when they were hit by the violent blast and flew out again.

Chu Nan hugged Elvie tightly, and even in this situation, she still had a wry smile.

Not long ago, he jumped out of the taxi holding the taxi driver in his arms like this, and he never thought that he would come here with Elvie in his arms again.

However, it is slightly different from escaping with a taxi driver in his arms. Because Elvie is much smaller, he can adjust his body calmly, and after two laps in the air, he has regained his balance. Fall directly to the ground and stand firmly.

Looking up, Chu Nan was horrified to find that a small armed airship was hovering in the sky in front of him. The dark gun muzzle was facing this side. It was obvious that the hover shuttle had just been shot down. The attack of , is from here.

"Damn, these terrorists even have such high-end military equipment?" Chu Nan was shocked.

Although he is not afraid of those ordinary and old-fashioned weapons, the small armed airship in front of him is a standard Federal Army combat airship. He has no confidence in protecting Elvie under such powerful firepower. .

But next moment, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Elvie suddenly broke free from his arms, ran two steps forward, lifted the head, and waved her hands desperately at the small armed airship.

Seeing her happy look, Chu Nan scratched his head in wonder.

After a long time, these guys are actually friendly troops?

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