I don’t know how Dunleavy talked to Yonotage, but after only three hours, Chu Nan and Elvie were already on the bus to Earth. space flight.

"Chu Nan big brother, good night."

Elvie gave Chu Nan a sweet smile, waved her hand, and returned to her box.

Watching her silhouette disappear behind the door, Chu Nan smiled and looked the head.

After this incident, Elvie obviously became more lively in front of him, and felt a lot closer.

The experience of this time seems to have shortened the distance between many two people at once.

But every time Elvie called him "Chu Nan big brother" with a smile, Chu Nan still felt uncomfortable.

In the final analysis, although Elvie is only fourteen years old, four years younger than him, she is not a little girl who is only eleven years old like Trina, who shouts big with such a sweet mouth. Brother, it always feels weird.

"Forget it, anyway, after the Nebula Academy, she will go to the Life Science Academy, and I will go to the Martial Artist Academy. There shouldn't be too many opportunities to meet in the future, so let her be."

"Forget it. p>

Chu Nan shrugged, turned around and returned to the box.

The journey from Aucma to Earth will take more than a day, and he doesn't want to waste it completely, just take advantage of this time to continue to study Nine Revolutions Core Technique Sixth Layer.

Although he has successfully completed the Inner Breath 9th turn before, and showed extremely powerful formidable power in the battle, he forcibly gave an enemy with the third rank Inner Breath Grade strength with just one punch. Booming to pieces, but this does not mean that he has really achieved the cultivation success of Nine Revolutions Core Technique Sixth Layer.

According to the records left by Su Xuansheng, if the cultivation success Sixth Layer, the Inner Breath will be perfectly integrated with the space energy and can be mobilized at will.

This realm is actually similar to breakthrough Eternal Universe, but there are some subtle differences.

There is no detailed explanation for this in the Nine Revolutions Core Technique secret book left by Su Xuansheng, only Chu Nan's own cultivation research.

He sat down on the bed again, quickly mobilized the Inner Breath, and soon completed the Inner Breath nine turns again.

Compared to the first experiment, his Inner Breath 9th turn is quite stable now.

Feeling that under the influence of the Inner Breath, the space energy continuously enters the body from the body, and then flows out from the body, forming a complete cycle around the body, Chu Nan thought of a question .

The reason why he can feel and attract, and even control the space energy when the Inner Breath intensity is at the Second Rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist intensity is entirely because of the special high-frequency vibration Inner Breath .

After the space energy was introduced into the body, when the meridian flowed with the Inner Breath, he did not deliberately control the Inner Breath to a high-frequency vibration state.

However, even so, the space energy entering the body will still be obedient, and it will flow into Chu Nan's body normally in the Inner Breath.

And when this part of the space energy leaves the body, even if the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath is not needed, it will still be controlled by Chu Nan within a certain range.

Since this is the case, it means that the space energy does not have to be controlled by the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath.

On second thought, Chu Nan realized that this is nonsense at all.

Apart from him, there is no second Martial Artist in this world who can keep the Inner Breath in a high-frequency vibration state like him, and can control the vibration frequency precisely.

However, besides him, there are countless Martial Artists who can break through the Eternal Universe and control the space energy with no difficulty.

In the end, the control of space energy has nothing to do with the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath, as long as the Martial Artist's Inner Breath cultivation reaches a certain level, they can perceive the space energy, and then use the Inner Breath to guide.

Those who can perfectly integrate Inner Breath with space energy will be able to break through the universe and become a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist. This is the common sense that all Martial Artists understand.

"So...can I transfer the fusion of Inner Breath in the body and space energy to the outside?"

Chu Nan thought for a moment, and began to mobilize the space energy again and again. , keep the space energy circulating in the body, and carefully "observe" the fusion of space energy and Inner Breath.

This is the first time Chu Nan has done this.

Although he had integrated space energy and was able to control it proficiently, he was actually just following the trend and didn't seriously study what was going on.

Now, after such a serious "observation", Chu Nan immediately found that although the space energy and the Inner Breath fuse together in the body, and then flow together in the meridian body, but in different meridians, even in different When the flesh and body parts of the body are circulated, there are actually some slight differences in the fusion situation, which can be called slightly different degrees of fusion.

If it is an ordinary Martial Artist, it will definitely not care about this difference.

But Chu Nan has strong data capabilities, of course, is very sensitive to this difference, and is very curious about why this difference occurs.

He "observed" for a while, and soon recorded the flow of energy in every Inner Breath fusion space.

However, he found that the reason for this difference is that there are some differences when Inner Breath circulates in different meridians and in different body parts.

The difference is in intensity and, most importantly, in frequency.

If Chu Nan is not deliberately controlled, the circulation of Inner Breath in the body will naturally produce transformation according to the different meridians of the body.

This is normal and easy to understand.

But Chu Nan wasn't going to let it go.

He continued to "observe" for a while, and could adjust the vibration frequency of the Inner Breath in a part of the meridian, and then he found that the fusion degree of the Inner Breath and the space energy also changed accordingly.

After hundreds of times of repeated testing, Chu Nan found that not every place maintains the same vibration frequency and intensity of Inner Breath, which will keep the integration of Inner Breath and space energy the same .

There are still differences between these depending on the specific circumstances of the physical meridian.

So Chu Nan tested it a hundred times again, and found that it is not necessary to maintain the higher the vibration frequency of the Inner Breath, the higher the degree of fusion.

It is to maintain the most appropriate Inner Breath in different parts to maintain the highest degree of fusion.

If it is an ordinary Martial Artist, of course, it can't do such a surprising or even cumbersome manipulation of the Inner Breath, but for Chu Nan, this is not a problem.

Feeling that after testing the inference just now for thirty-six times, Chu Nan determined the next complete Inner Breath running model within the body, and then thought move, and Inner Breath ran perfectly according to this model.

Soon, the space energy entered the body, and as expected by Chu Nan, it maintained the highest degree of fusion in all places.

And when the space energy completes a cycle in the body again, Chu Nan suddenly found that it seems like an extra space has been opened up in his body, and part of the space energy is naturally circulating in the body. flow.

Although this part of the space energy is very weak and the circulation channel "looks" very fragile, it is very closely related to the external space energy.

There is no need for Chu Nan to deliberately use the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath to guide, the external space energy will automatically flow into Chu Nan's body.

Chu Nan was stunned to see the changes in his body.

"Damn it, I shouldn't have broken through the Eternal Sky Pass inadvertently!"

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