"Dear Miss Illvey, how can a place like the canteen of the Academy where there are so many people and unpalatable food fit your noble status? A high-end restaurant just opened outside the Academy yesterday. , I invite you to come with me and have dinner, what do you think?"

"Miss Elway, don't listen to his nonsense. I went to that restaurant last night. It's ridiculously expensive to eat. I know of a small restaurant outside of the Academy, don't look too small, the decor is simple, but there are a few dishes inside that are really flavorful and guaranteed to make you very satisfied."

"You guys, you know how to eat. Miss Elway, there will be a concert in the second auditorium of the Academy tonight. I think a noble lady like you will like this kind of performance very much. I happen to be here. There are two tickets, do you want to go with me?"

"Miss Elway..."


El Wei tried her best to control her urge to kick everyone around her far away.

These guys are really annoying like flies, Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! around her ears for a long time to keep her clean.

If it were before, or on Aucma, she would have unceremoniously let them all go away.

But now on Earth, in Nebula Academy, she couldn't do such a reckless move in order to maintain her family image.

Of course, in the past, even if she knew that this would affect her family and her own reputation, she still wouldn't care so much, but now that she has gone through those few months at her aunt's house. , her endurance and mentality have improved a lot.

Those guys around are annoying, but much easier to accept than my aunt and that cousin Roddick.

But she still can't learn to smile at this group of annoying flies like those hypocritical adults, but because she has to wait here, she can only stand there with no expression on her face. Hear what these guys are saying.

After a few people around me talked for a while, seeing that Elvie was still indifferent, she couldn't help being a little discouraged.

One of them rolled his eyes and couldn't help but ask, "Miss Elway, seeing that you've been standing here, are you and the others?"

El Wei gave him an angry look.

Knowing that I am with the others, what are you talking about here? Don't you know each other and get away?

Seeing that Elvie did not deny it, a few people expressed their move, and the person asked again: "That...can I ask if the person you're waiting for is a man or a woman?"

Elvie finally couldn't bear it any longer, and said coldly, "It has nothing to do with you."

"Of course it does." The man was also thick-skinned. Even though Elway had a cold face, he still remained He didn't take a step back with a smile. "If it's a girl, it must be a girl as good as you, Miss Elway. I really hope to get to know each other. If it's a man..." go down.

Several people around sneered in their hearts.

If Elvie was waiting for a man, then they would have to "get to know each other".

Elvie was annoyed, frowned, and was about to open her personal terminal to urge her, when she suddenly found a silhouette walking towards this side in the distance, she laughed happily, and raised her hand towards the other side. He shouted: "Chu Nan big brother, this way."

"Chu Nan big brother?" The people around were stunned, and turned to look in the direction of Elvie waving. Then I saw a tall, well-proportioned male child walking quickly from a distance.

Chu Nan walked over to Elvie, glanced at the male student in the Nebula Academy uniform, frowned and asked, "Elvie, they are your friends. Is it?"

"No, I have nothing to do with them." Elvie immediately shook her head.

"Oh, let's go then." Chu Nan nodded, turned around and left.

As soon as he turned around, a not tall male student with brown hair suddenly came out and stopped in front of Chu Nan.

"Your name is Chu Nan?" The brown-haired boy looked Chu Nan up and down with scrutiny.

Chu Nan glanced at him, confirming that he probably didn't know him, otherwise he wouldn't ask like this.

It's right to think about it. This boy was surrounded by Elvie just now. It's very likely that he was a student of the Life Science Academy. It's normal not to know him.

"Yes, is there something?" Chu Nan asked rhetorically.

"What's your relationship with Miss Elway?" the brunette asked again.

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Chu Nan frowned.

Elvie pu chi next to her smiled.

Just now when this guy came to ask who she was waiting for, the answer she gave was that it had nothing to do with him, but now Chu Nan also gave basically the same answer, which was a coincidence.

The brown-haired boy is indeed very thick-skinned, and he is still unrelenting.

"Miss Elway is the treasure of our Life Science Academy, I can't allow her to go out alone with someone who doesn't understand!"

Hearing this, a few people beside me The boys were still joking together.

"Yes! How can Miss Elway just go with you, this guy who popped out of nowhere? You must have used some means to deceive her!"

"That's right! Miss Elway, don't look at this guy as honest, let me tell you, the more such a person is, the easier it is to hide dirty thoughts in his heart, you must not be deceived by him!"

"Miss Elway, you are still young, don't trust others easily..."


Chu Nan didn't know whether to cry or laugh She glanced at the clamoring people around her, and then asked Elvie, "Who are these guys?"

Elvie glared at the people around her angrily.

"They're all branch students, and they've been pestering me for a while."

"Then you don't like them?"

" Of course I don't like it anymore!"

"That's good."

Chu Nan looked towards those guys, slightly raised his right leg, and then fell sharply.


The pavement under his feet was paved with special materials that are even harder than ordinary rocks. He stepped on a hole directly with his foot, and the momentum was extremely high. It was frightening, and the few people were immediately stunned, and the words they were saying were forcibly suffocated in their throats.

Chu Nan gloomy face, coldly said to those few people: "I warn you, don't pester Elvie in the future, or don't blame me for being impolite!"

Those people looked at the pit under Chu Nan's feet and swallowed hard.

The brown-haired boy was not only thick-skinned, but also had a tough personality. Although his face was not good-looking, he still faced his neck and said, "Don't think that you can be arrogant here if you are from the Martial Artist branch! Even if I don't mention the Academy rules, I can still make you suffer!"

"Oh? Really?" Chu Nan's mouth curled into a smile. "Then let's try it."

After saying that, he no longer paid attention to those people, grabbed Elvie's arm, turned around, looked towards and walked out.

Those people didn't dare to stop him this time, even the brunette boy just had an ugly face and didn't dare to step forward to stop him.

After seeing Chu Nan and Elvie disappear into the shadow projected by the Academy, he gloomy face, opened the personal terminal, and dialed a communication.

"Hello, Lamond? Go get me some people, I'm going to teach a guy named Chu Nan..."

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