1000 points!

Hearing this score, all the freshmen in the lecture hall immediately boiled.

You must know that the basic score of all students in the Martial Artist branch is only 1000 points, and if you can add 1000 points, you can directly upgrade your student level from F-rank to E-rank , so the benefits obtained are not only the ability to exchange E-rank martial skills from the database, but also more other conveniences.

And even the most outstanding students who have now raised their student level to E-rank, 1000 points are still very important to them.

Let's not mention that an extra 1000 points can make them take a big step away from D-Rank. Just using these 1000 points to exchange can exchange for something of great value.

In addition to the martial skill, according to the reform regulations of the Martial Artist branch, students can also use the points to exchange for the designated instruction of the designated teacher.

This kind of special guidance is naturally much more profound than the unified teaching in the classroom, and it is much more helpful to the students.

But such "charges" are very expensive. According to different guides and different teachers, the points are calculated and deducted according to the minute, which is quite expensive, so basically few students will do this.

But with these 1000 points, you can splurge.

apart from this , points are not only used for martial skill learning-related aspects, but can even be used directly as federal currency in the Martial Artist branch, such as for meals, entertainment, and for yourself. Change to a more comfortable single deluxe dormitory or something...

Of course, no student is stupid enough to spend their precious points in these places.

In any case, the temptation brought by 1000 points is extremely huge, so everyone stared at the teacher ahead with full of energy and anticipation.

Even Chu Nan and Angelique are no exception.

The goal of both of them is the Arhat Tyrant Body, and if you want to exchange the Arhat Tyrant Body, you first need your own student level to reach S-Rank, and then you need a terrifying 100,000 points to exchange.

For both of them, any point is very important.

Seeing the enthusiastic response from the students, the teacher was nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Of course, there is a limit on the number of participants in this trial, and a maximum of 50 can be sent. Moreover, this trial also It has a certain degree of danger, so in order to ensure the results of the trial and safety, the Academy decided to let you freshmen conduct a unified test, only the top 50 students can be allowed to participate. It happens that you have entered the Academy until now. One month, this test can also be used to test your progress into the Academy 1 month later."

The students discussed that there was still a test.

Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second. As students of the Martial Artist branch, they certainly hope that there will be a unified test to compare each other's highs and lows.

Among them, many students think that the content of the entrance examination depends too much on luck, so they are very dissatisfied with the results of the entrance examination, and have long wanted to prove themselves again after entering the Academy.

Academy now organizes a unified test, which is exactly what they mean.

Of course, not everyone has this expectation, and even gets very frustrated after hearing about the test.

Among them, there is Mondeo.

"Damn, why can't everyone participate in the trial?" Mondeo was very dissatisfied. After muttering, he suddenly raised his hand and shouted loudly to the teacher on the stage: "Teacher, this is not good. It's fair!"

The shouting of this life instantly calmed the chaotic atmosphere in the lecture hall, and everyone looked towards Mondeo in amazement.

"Why isn't it fair?" teacher asked in amazement.

"Since it is a test with points reward, why can't everyone participate? If only the top 50 are allowed to participate, then they are already strong, and now they can pass this test. If you get a lot of points and rewards for training, isn't it a bigger gap with the students behind? Make it harder for the students in the back to catch up? It's not fair!" Mondeo said loudly.

Hearing Mondeo's words, many students in the lecture hall couldn't help but secretly nodded, a look of concern.

Indeed, Mondeo is right, this arrangement will only make the strong stronger and the weak weaker, making it difficult to bridge the gap between the two sides.

For an Academy that educates students, this approach is undoubtedly inappropriate.


"You don't think it's fair?" The teacher raised his voice, looking towards Mondeo's eyes showing unabashed disdain. "Who told Martial Artist that the word fairness exists in the world? Our Nebula Academy's consistent policy for cultivating students is to be elite, and we will only focus the best resources on the best students. If you are not good enough, then Try to make yourself better. If you don't get better at all, then the responsibility is on you, not on the Academy. Understand what I mean?"

All the students were taken aback by this answer.

This...Although everyone understands that the Nebula Academy Martial Artist branch will definitely value those elite students more, but is it really okay for the teacher to say so nakedly?

Mondeo was also stunned, and then he couldn't help but said angrily: "Then why are we recruiting students who are not strong enough? If so, just find those students who are cream of the crop. Okay!"

"Because we are Nebula Academy!" teacher answered confidently. "As long as you enter our Academy, the students who were not enough before will have the possibility to become stronger. We cannot ignore this possibility. But if you feel that you are not strong and give up directly, then the Academy has no obligation to force you to become stronger. As a Martial Artist, the most precious quality is not innate talent, but courage and self-confidence! If you don't even have these two distinct things, then please leave the Nebula Academy, we don't need such students!"

These words are even more naked and domineering than the previous paragraph.

If it was a normal Academy, the teacher would be impossible to talk like this, and it would definitely be criticized by the media, but the teacher of Nebula Academy said that, but it made people lose their temper at all.

Mondeo was blushing at first, but after being told this by the teacher, the expression on his face changed several times, and finally he was coldly snorted and sat back again.

"Very good." Seeing Mondeo sitting down, the teacher nodded with satisfaction and looked around. "Who else has a problem?"

Of course not.

After waiting for a while, no one asked any questions, and the teacher continued: "Well, the content and date of this test will be announced on the official website of the branch later, you can check it yourself, if you miss the test due to personal reasons , the Academy will ignore it."

After dropping this sentence, the teacher suddenly turned his head and his eyes fell on Chu Nan.

"Chu Nan, you come with me."

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