The gloomy face of Dean Semundi looked at Sun Xiangren, who was slightly hunched over, and slapped the table in front of him angrily.

"How do you do things! Ah? How could you make such a trivial matter like this? Have you done all your student work for so many years?"

Sun Xiangren lowered his head slightly He didn't make any argument, but there was also an imperceptible trace of anxiety and regret in his eyes.

This time it was indeed his mistake.

The reason why he sent his teachers to issue a trigger sentence and a warning to Chu Nan was to make Chu Nan recognize the reality and accept the punishment.

Although doing so has a certain impact on Chu Nan's reputation, since Chu Nan dares to resort to cheating, he must also know the serious consequences of doing so.

Sun Xiangren is actually quite fond of Chu Nan. He originally wanted to let Chu Nan cool down for a while, observe Chu Nan's performance during this period, and then decide whether to cancel his punishment. , allowing him to continue his studies is actually a chance for Chu Nan.

But didn't expect Chu Nan's reaction to the punishment was so strong.

He not only expressed his dissatisfaction in front of everyone, but... he even proposed the ultimate arbitration!

Sun Xiangren was very surprised by this.

As the Director of the Academic Affairs Office of the Martial Artist Academy, of course he knows there is such a thing as the ultimate arbitration, but in the more than 20 years he has been working at the Nebula Academy, no student has ever proposed the ultimate arbitration.

Because generally speaking, if a student seriously violates the school rules and regulations, then he himself knows his mistake, even if the Academy gives corresponding punishment, the student will not be dissatisfied, and even if he is dissatisfied, he will take other measures. means to win, without thinking of using the ultimate arbitration.

So generally speaking, students will not come up with this last resort to either the fish dies or the net splits, because normally it is the students themselves who fail.

If the final arbitration is not proposed, then there is still a chance of recovery and the possibility of continuing to study at Nebula Academy until graduation.

Proposed the ultimate arbitration, there is only one possibility of being forced to drop out of school.

Although Chu Nan's incident is very serious now, and even involves the leakage of the martial skill in the database, Sun Xiangren is very optimistic about Chu Nan's innate talent, and he is even more pity for Chu Nan's innate talent. The judgment made by the two Star Level Martial Artists, so he is still willing to give Chu Nan a chance.

But Chu Nan, to everyone's surprise, filed for final arbitration.

This is equivalent to pushing himself and the Martial Artist branch into a desperate situation.

This time, either the Martial Artist branch bowed his head and admitted his mistake, or Chu Nan automatically dropped out, there is no third possibility.

As to which result will be, it is not necessary to know at all.

Thinking of this, Sun Xiangren couldn't help sighed.

He didn't have time to think about how Chu Nan noticed this rule listed in the most unremarkable corner of the last page of the student handbook just a month after he entered school. What he is most puzzled about now is that Chu Nan Why dare to do this?

Is he really not cheating? Did he really come up with the improvement applications for those martial skills?

This is impossible!

Sun Xiangren immediately rejected the idea.

According to the feedback from the martial skill database of the Martial Artist branch, the 104 F-rank martial skills include almost all types of martial skills, no matter how good Chu Nan innate talent is, It is absolutely impossible to penetrate so many martial skills, and it is even more impossible to penetrate in less than a month.

The only explanation is that someone behind Chu Nan helped him cheat.

"Could he really be a pawn that some powerhouse put into Academy? But it's too stupid to expose it so easily?" Sun Xiangren thought of the rumors in private and wondered.

"Hey, old Sun, I'm asking you, have you figured out what to do next?" Seeing that Sun Xiang was a little distracted, Dean Semendi was even more dissatisfied, and knocked on the table, asked sharply. "Let me tell you, this is the first time in our Academy's nearly 30 years that a student has proposed the ultimate arbitration, and even Dean Lin has been alarmed. He is very concerned about this. If it is not handled well, not only will you be punished, but I will also I can't run away!"

Sun Xiangren calmed down and replied after a moment of pondering: "Since Chu Nan has proposed the ultimate arbitration, this matter is actually not something that our Martial Artist branch can decide. All processing procedures must be handled in accordance with the established procedures of the final arbitration, and we, the Martial Artist branch, are only responsible for cooperation."

"hmph, cooperation?" Dean Semendi glanced coldly. Sun Xiangren glanced. "Old Sun, don't you understand? Even if the Academy leads this final arbitration, how can other branches judge the martial skill? The most important arbitration process still depends on our Martial Artist branch. You understand. Do I mean?"

Sun Xiangren heart startled: "Dean, do you mean..."

Dean Semendi's face darkened, he raised his hand to do An undercut pose.

"This student named Chu Nan is so restless and difficult to manage, and staying at the Academy is only a destabilizing factor. Since he has proposed the ultimate arbitration this time, let him arbitrate well... ..."

In the last half of the sentence, Dean Semondi said it almost word by word.

Sun Xiangren suddenly complexion changed.

"Dean, this..."

"What is this? Do you think our Martial Artist branch should bow down to this student and admit it's wrong? Or do you think we can win in the end? Is it possible?"

Sun Xiangren fell silent, after a while, sighed, shaking his head gently.

"Impossible. He's impossible to win."

"That's right." Dean Semendi also sighed, his face softened. "Old Sun, I know you are very optimistic about this student, and you are not willing to give up any student, but this time the student himself cannot tell good from bad, and actually proposed the ultimate arbitration, he did not take your kindness seriously. , you don't have to waste your time on him anymore."

Sun Xiangren was silent for a while, and then slowly nodded.

"Okay, Dean, I know what to do."

After saying this, Sun Xiangren immediately seemed to be a dozen years old, with a strong expression on his face. of exhaustion.

Dean Semundi was nodded with satisfaction, and finally showed a smile.

"Very good, I believe in your ability. Go, this matter must be done well, nothing can go wrong, otherwise we will have no prestige in front of the students in the future. The work will only be more difficult."

Sun Xiangren un'ed lightly, and then said goodbye directly to Dean Semundi.

After he left the branch dean's office and just returned to his dean's office to sit down, a silhouette slammed the door open and rushed in. It was Zhao Xueming, deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office.

"Hey, old Sun, what did the dean say? What does he want you to do?"

Sun Xiangren glanced at him wearily and shook his head.

"I don't have to deal with it, just do what I want to do."

Zhao Xueming's eyes widened: "It means that the final arbitration is held normally? Then what should we do? Do we judge Chu Nan to fail? ?"

"What do you think?" Sun Xiangren asked rhetorically. "Don't you think Chu Nan can win?"

Zhao Xueming frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head: "I always feel wrong. You have seen that Chu Nan, he doesn't seem to be the kind of person who can go wrong. A student."

"Then you mean that those martial skill changes were really made by him alone?" Sun Xiangren asked again.

Zhao Xueming opened his mouth, but in the end he could only smile bitterly.

No matter how much he admires Chu Nan, he doesn't think he is someone who can cheat, but this unimaginable fact is in front of him, but no one can have any identification with Chu Nan.

"Alas... I also think he is very likely to break through the Eternal Sky Pass in the future, and let both Star Level Martial Artists lose face to him, but he..."


Zhao Xueming sighed heavily, his face full of regret.

"Without our Academy, he can also improve himself. Even if he breaks through the Eternal Sky Pass in the future, it will be nothing unusual." Sun Xiangren replied lightly.

He has regained his composure for a while.

He has been working as a student for many years. Although Chu Nan makes him feel sorry, this is not the first time he has encountered similar detours by students, so it is not too shaken.

"Okay, Lao Zhao, there is still work to do next..."

As soon as Sun Xiangren opened his mouth, the office door was pushed open again, and Dean Semendi's personal secretary Came in hastily.

He glanced at Zhao Xueming, then went straight to Sun Xiangren, completely ignoring Zhao Xueming, and whispered into Sun Xiangren's ear.

Sun Xiangren was shocked and stared at him with wide eyes.

"Is this what the dean means?"

"Yes." The secretary solemnly nodded.

Sun Xiangren stayed for a while, murmuring.

"You don't have to do this..."

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