"There is no evidence." Sun Xiangren's neat answer made everyone startled. "We have not obtained definite evidence to prove that Chu Nan cheated, but I believe that this is only temporary, and we will find it in the future."

As soon as these words landed, a burst of control sounded in the final arbitration scene. Incessant noise.

No evidence? It is too unreasonable to make a direct punishment without evidence!

The people on the scene were all senior members of the Academy, and their reactions were manageable. In contrast, the reactions of the students who were watching the results of the arbitration on the live broadcast were much more intense.

"Damn it! Did I make a mistake?" Mondeo exclaimed angrily. "I thought that the Academy had caught Chu Nan's handle and dared to give him such a severe punishment. After a long time, they have no evidence!"

Saarbrows slightly Wrinkle, although he didn't scold directly like Mondeo, his face was also very ugly.

Although this arbitration has the greatest relationship with Chu Nan, the most important reason why it can attract the attention of all other students in the Martial Artist branch is that the students want to see the Academy in the face of students and students. How to deal with conflicts between students, as a result, the director of the academic affairs office of the Martial Artist branch, in front of everyone, directly said "We have no evidence", which is simply ridiculous!

In the lecture hall of the senior students, there was a commotion after hearing Sun Xiangren's words.

The senior students discuss spiritedly, all of them looking in astonishment.

If the Martial Artist branch can punish a student without any evidence, then if the branch sees any student unhappy in the future, it will directly punish the student, what should the students do?

Where does this approach place the rules of the hospital?

Leonardo glanced at the reactions of the classmates around him, and found that even the few people who had been punished by Chu Nan for taking pleasure in other people's misfortune were frowning and expressing dissatisfaction at this time. What a serious impact this statement had on the students.

Director Sun impossible doesn't know the consequences of what he said, so why does he still say it?

Leonardo looked at Sun Xiangren on the virtual big screen, and then looked at Chu Nan, who was still standing alone in the center of the venue, and had a bad premonition in his heart.


"It's too much! Angel Belle elder sister, how can the leader of your Martial Artist branch be like this?" Elway pointed to Sun Xiang on the virtual screen Man, his face is full of anger. "He punished Chu Nan big brother without even having any evidence. How can that be? He's still unreasonable?" It seems that he was not affected by Sun Xiangren's words at all.

She smiled and touched Elvie's head: "What? Don't you believe Chu Nan?"

Elvie startled: "Of course I believe him. But What we are talking about now is about evidence, this guy dares to do this without evidence, I am worried that your Martial Artist branch has already arranged it in private, and Chu Nan big brother will have an accident."

After that She imploredly said to Angelique: "Angelberry elder sister, you are Oville's Venerable's dísciple, you must have a great position in the Martial Artist branch, right? Can you help Chu Nan big brother, help him? Pleading in front of those in the Martial Artist branch?"

"I said so, but Chu Nan refused." Angelique shook her head. "Chu Nan said he can solve this matter, don't worry, so we have to trust him."

"But..." Elvie frowned her delicate eyebrows, looking at the virtual screen Chu Nan looks worried.

Now that the guys from the Martial Artist branch are clearly unreasonable, how can Chu Nan solve it?


"Director Sun." Director Lever raised his voice. "This is the ultimate arbitration scene. You need to be responsible for every word you say. Let me ask you again, is there really no evidence for your suspicion of Chu Nan's cheating?"

Sun Xiangren still He calmly shook his head: "No."

Director Levor frowned, glanced at Lin Mingdao on the rostrum, and thought that if there was solid evidence from the Martial Artist branch, it must have been submitted long ago. Chu Nan He definitely didn't have the guts to propose this final arbitration, so this statement is reasonable.

But in front of so many people saying that they have no evidence, how can they continue this arbitration?

Academy certainly doesn't want the Martial Artist branch to lose this arbitration, but now that they have this attitude, how can the arbitration committee favor them?

"Okay, that's the end of your questions, and now it's time for both parties to defend themselves. Student Chu Nan, you proposed this arbitration, so what's the basis for your dissatisfaction with the Martial Artist branch's judgment? ?"

"My biggest dissatisfaction is that Director Sun has actually said it just now, and that is the evidence." Chu Nan said resolutely. "Director Sun, or the branch office clearly has no evidence, but unilaterally suspects me of cheating and even punishes me for it. I don't agree with this. I think everyone knows that accusing a person of making a mistake or even a crime is very important. Concrete evidence, otherwise, this is no different from slander."

Many people present could not help silently nodding.

It's impossible to justify accusing people without evidence.

If the Martial Artist Branch insisted on punishing Chu Nan based on this point, it is no wonder that Chu Nan would be dissatisfied and even so excited that he proposed the final arbitration.

The branch of Martial Artist didn't look too surprised, and it seemed that Chu Nan would refute this way for a long time.

Sun Xiangren glanced at Chu Nan and said loudly: "I have already told you clearly about the evidence before, and now I will explain it again in front of everyone. That's right, We don't have any real evidence that you cheated, but everyone should understand that we are a division of Martial Artist, not a court. Evidence can only determine the severity of the penalty, not whether it will be imposed."

"Speak clearly." Director Lever, frowned, said solemnly.

"Maybe some people think that our punishment against Chu Nan this time is not in line with the rules of the hospital, but please read the new rules of the Martial Artist branch after the reform of the points system. The provisions are clearly recorded in the provisions of the eighth major item of the new points system on violation penalties, specifically the thirty-second sub-item of the eighth major item.”

“According to this provision, any Behaviors that may threaten the security of the martial skill database, once suspected, the Academy will take corresponding enforcement measures to ensure the security of the martial skill database. Chu Nan's behavior is because of our suspicion, so we take this to limit his continued access to the martial skill database to prevent further data leakage.”

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