“Odin’s Fist?”

Seeing that the name of this martial skill was finally fixed on the big screen, the corner of Dean Semendi’s mouth swept across the corner of his mouth, which was hard to detect. sneer.

Odin's Fist is a martial skill with a very ancient inheritance. It is said that it originally evolved from the sanda fighting skills of a certain country in the original Earth Nordic countries. It has a history of more than two thousand years.

This kind of martial skill has undergone long-term evolution and has been researched and revised by countless people. Although it is still rated as an F-rank martial skill due to its own limitations, from its own point of view, it has been regarded as extremely perfect, almost near perfect.

Chu Nan may be able to master this boxing technique in a short period of time, but it is almost impossible to come up with better suggestions for improvement, and it is extremely difficult to even achieve a deeper understanding.

Director Levor directly helped Chu Nan pick this martial skill, which was a great result for the Martial Artist branch.

"Very good. From now on, Chu Nan, you have half an hour to study Odin's Divine Fist." Director Lever glanced at the time and said to Chu Nan. "If after half an hour you can't get a research answer of a sufficient level, or the answer you give fails to pass the review, then even if there is still no definite evidence, you will still be considered to have cheated in the process of redeeming the martial skill points. Are you aware of the consequences?"

Perhaps for the sake of Lin Ming Dao Academy's voice to help Chu Nan just now, Director Lever deliberately left Chu Nan a step down.

Actually, from the academy's point of view, we absolutely do not want this incident to become unmanageable in the end. That would not only be a great blow to Chu Nan, but also to the Nebula Academy.

If Chu Nan can admit to this, he can declare the significance of this arbitration, drag this matter on indefinitely, and then deal with Chu Nan accordingly, and put this matter on the table. Minimize major events and minimize the impact of minor events.

But Chu Nan smiled slightly, and nodded replied: "Okay, no problem."

Director Levor sighed in his heart, and after a bit of manipulation, he changed the story about God Odin. The boxing information was passed to Chu Nan, who then pressed the timing device.

"Start now."

Watching Chu Nan open the personal terminal, watching the martial skill information about Odin's fist on the virtual screen, all the audience who pay attention to this ultimate arbitration They were involuntarily feeling a little more nervous.

The current situation is very obvious. If Chu Nan can't make enough improvement suggestions or deeper insights and personal insights about Odin's magic fist within this half hour, then the consequences he will face will be extremely high. Terrifying.

Not only did he fail the final arbitration, he was forced to drop out of the Nebula Academy, but he was even abolished the whole-body martial skill cultivation base.

In this case, it means that his journey as a Martial Artist has come to an end, and that his efforts of more than ten years have been in vain.

You know, if there is no such thing, even if he was once judged by two Star Level Martial Artists to be almost impossible to break through in the future, there are still many people who are optimistic about his innate talent and feel He has the potential to break the judgment of the two Star Level Martial Artists in the future and become a truly powerful Martial Artist.

And if the whole body martial skill cultivation base is abolished, even if he is able to come back to cultivation again, it is impossible for him to achieve anything in the future.

Such a result is even more terrifying than death for a Martial Artist like him who has cultivated martial skill since childhood.

And everyone knows that what determines Chu Nan's success is the members of the arbitration committee who are extremely responsible for the evaluation of the martial skill, and these members are all affiliated to the Martial Artist branch, who will be biased without asking. .

"Why is this guy Chu Nan so confident?" Leonardo frowned deeply and looked at Chu Nan, who was studying Odin's magic fist on the virtual screen, with a puzzled expression. "Don't he know that no matter how well he does, the judges can still reject him?"

The same worry appeared in the hearts of more students.

In the end, even if Chu Nan really has a problem, from the standpoint of being a student, everyone would not expect him to face such a severe punishment.

Among so many people, the only one who still maintains confidence in Chu Nan is Angel Belle.

From the very beginning, she didn't think Chu Nan would lose this verdict.

Although she didn't really know Chu Nan for a long time, she didn't know a lot, but for some reason, she just felt that Chu Nan wouldn't do things she wasn't sure about. Can be trusted.

Angie Belle's confidence also comforted Elvie and made her calm down gradually.

Staring at Chu Nan on the virtual screen, Elvie clenched her fists and looked focused.

"Chu Nan big brother, come on!"

Chu Nan didn't let Elvie down, his performance exceeded everyone's expectations.

Originally, people thought that Chu Nan would definitely spend half an hour trying his best to perfect my research on Odin's magic fist every second, but didn't expect the timer only By the 12th minute, he had already raised his head.


"Okay?" Director Levoff looked at him in surprise. "Are you sure? There are 18 minutes left, you can..."

"No need." Chu Nan interrupted him directly. "I've already researched it thoroughly, and I don't need to make any further revisions."

Frowned, director of Le Ver, seeing Chu Nan's confident expression, he couldn't say anything more.

"Okay, you can hand it in."

Soon, Chu Nan's detailed analysis report on Odin's Fist of God was presented to everyone in the Arbitration Committee .

Director Lever glanced solemnly at the arbitrators who were responsible for the evaluation and review of the martial skill, said solemnly: "Everyone, this evaluation determines the future of a student, and it also determines our Nebula. The reputation of the Academy, you must carefully review, there can be no mistakes, understand?"

Several committee members looked at each other and nodded.

However, when Director Lever bowed his head to hand over the materials, the committee members turned their heads in unison, looking towards the seat of the Martial Artist branch.

Dean Semundi gently nodded his eyes, and the committee members immediately turned their attention to the report submitted by Chu Nan.

Seeing that the Arbitration Committee has begun to evaluate the report submitted by Chu Nan nervously, Dean Semendi raised a smile on the corner of his mouth and turned his eyes to the middle of the venue, with a calm face on Chu Nan.

In normal circumstances, he would have appreciated the young student's composure at such a time, but now, he was only amused.

"Boy, no matter how confident you are, things that don't work will never work."

However, this thought just flashed in the mind of Dean Semendi. The side suddenly sounded cry out in surprise.

Looking in amazement, I saw a member of the committee in charge of the martial skill evaluation and arbitration standing up with a look of surprise.

Beside him, the other committee members who were in charge of the assessment were also stared wide-eyed, full of amazement, looking at the virtual screen in front of him, as if they had seen something incredible.

Dean Semundi suddenly had a complexion sank.

No way...

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