Chu Nan is a little weird.

He talks to the local merchants on Leppler, what is he going to mix?

But he still walked over, and just took two steps, only to find Dong Fang pointing behind him.

Looking back, Xio was still leaning against the wall, eating meat with a plate in his hand.

Chu Nan pointed at Xiu and gave Dong Fang a questioning look.

Dong Fang nods.

Chu Nan was even more puzzled and turned to patted Hugh.

"Don't eat yet, let's go, that kid Dong Fang let us go over."

"Huh?" The head, glanced at Dong Fang in the distance, put down the plate in his hand with some reluctance, wiped his mouth with his sleeve casually, and followed behind Chu Nan.

Chu Nan helped his forehead helplessly.

This guy, she just put on new clothes for her, and she just wiped a mouthful of oil on her sleeves.

She is obviously a very weak and quiet girl in appearance and temperament, but her actions are so rude, it really makes people feel full of disobedience.

Chu Nan took Hugh to Dong Fang's side and looked curiously at the two local businessmen from Leppler.

These two guys don't have the potbellied appearance of those businessmen in Chu Nan's impression, but they are both well-kept and in good spirits. Even from Chu Nan's eyes, it can be seen that they are more or less the same. Getting used to some martial skills, it is definitely much stronger than the ordinary person.

The two just glanced at Chu Nan and didn't care much, their eyes fell on Xiu who was behind him.

"You two, this is the Top Grade I asked this friend to find for me in the past few days. What do you think?" Dong Fang pointed to Xio and asked them both.

"She's a little tender and looks pretty good, but Mr. Dong, how can you be sure she's Rand clansman?" asked one of the slightly taller people.

Hearing this question, Xio suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Dong Fang in horror.

Her first reaction was that Dong Fang exposed her identity.


Xiu's eyes quickly turned sharp, and when he moved his feet, he wanted to run towards the door.

However, Chu Nan immediately shot and grabbed her.

"Don't act rashly, Dong Fang must have his thoughts." Chu Nan whispered in her ear, patted her back.

Hugh was surprised to find that she felt at ease all of a sudden, as if there was some magic in Chu Nan's words.

However, she was still very uneasy, looking at the two Leppler star merchants nervously, for fear that they were planning to take her away at any time.

The two people saw Xio's reaction, not only did not show any strange expressions, but became excited.

"Oh, she still has a martial skill." Another shorter businessman who didn't speak just now looked at Xio with a look of interest. "Then she must have a high status in the Rands. Your friend is very lucky to be able to catch such a young Rand girl with martial skills. Can I ask, where are you? Start with her?"

The last question was asked to Chu Nan.

Chu Nan looked towards Dong Fang, and Dong Fang nodded to him and winked.

Chu Nan's thoughts turned and he replied with a blank face: "I came across it by accident on wasteland. She passed out on the ground at that time, and I caught her when I saw her. "

"So simple?" The two obviously didn't believe it.

Chu Nan gave Dong Fang another pretentious look.

Dong Fang laughed and answered, "Actually, he is really good luck. This Rand girl's tribe was destroyed, and she was the only one left to escape. It's at him."

"The Horde was destroyed?"

The two Leppler star merchants exchanged glances, the short merchant laughed at Dong Fang, and then glanced at Chu Nan again , showing a suspicious look.

"Mr. Dong, your friend seems to be around 20 years old. He really has the ability to bring back such a precious Rand girl from wasteland?"

Dong Fang laughed, stretched out a hand patted Chu Nan's shoulder and said: "Don't look at my friend young, but in fact she is already a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist who broke through Zhouyu Tianguan."

"What?" The reaction of the two Leppler star merchants was a little more intense than Chu Nan and Dong Fang expected, and they both exclaimed in unison. "This is impossible!"

The sudden exclamation of exclamation attracted the curious eyes of many people around, and the two quickly lowered their voices. The tall businessman looked at Chu Nan with wide eyes, still . An incredible look.

"Mr. Dong, this... how is this possible? You said he was a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist before he was 20?"

Dong Fang shrugged: " Is it strange? There are quite a few Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists who are less than 20 years old in our Earth Federation, isn't it rare on Leppler?"

"This..." The two of them laughed at the same time, with some expressions on their faces. embarrassment. "Most of the Martial Artists on our Leppler planet are from other places, local...haha..."

The short businessman looked at Chu Nan, then at Hugh, pointing to Xio's eyes showed a questioning expression to Dong Fang.

"Oh, I gave her a little disguise." Dong Fang gestured to Chu Nan.

Chu Nan whispered to Xiu's ear, Xio hesitated for a while, and took off the brown lenses in his eyes, revealing a pair of blue and clear eyes like gems.

The two Leppler star merchants only glanced at each other and immediately showed expressions of shock and intoxication.

"Oh my God! These are definitely the highest sapphire eyes! These are the eyes worthy of our Star Domain name!" the tall businessman exclaimed exaggeratedly.

The short businessman also stared into Hugh's eyes, muttered: "No wonder Mr. Dong, you are suddenly interested in Rand Clansman, whoever sees such a pair of moving and beautiful eyes will definitely be immediately impressed Intoxicated!"

Chu Nan frowned, motioning for Xio to put on the lenses again.

When her eyes returned to the featureless, brown eyeballs that can be seen everywhere on Leppler, the two Leppler merchants licked their lips regretfully and regained their composure.

The two exchanged glances again, and the short businessman said to Dong Fang: "Mr. Dong, if you are really interested in Rand Clansman, then there is a banquet you can't miss tomorrow night. ..."

Speaking of this, the short businessman glanced at Chu Nan and Xio and stopped.

Dong Fang understood and waved at Chu Nan, and Chu Nan took Xiu back to the corner.

"He... did he inquire... inquire about the news?" As soon as he returned to the corner, Xio immediately asked Chu Nan excitedly.

"Wait and see."

Chu Nan and Xio waited patiently for a while, Dong Fang ended the conversation with the two Leppler star merchants and came over .

Meeting Xiu's hopeful eyes, Dong Fang ignored her and asked Chu Nan, "Hey, Chu Nan, it's your time to choose. Do you think...from Hugh's two sect martial skills, or her whole being, is it worth taking the risk?"

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