This is an extremely meticulous and complex job, and it would be impossible for any other Martial Artist to complete it in a short period of time.

But with a lot of experience in magic cultivator accumulated before, as well as his strong data ability, Chu Nan easily combined his current situation and further understanding of cultivation technique to combine Nine Revolutions Core Technique First Layer has a complete correction.

Compared with the First Layer core technique left by Su Xuansheng in the revised Nine Revolutions Core Technique First Layer, the core part has not changed much, which proves that Su Xuansheng was worthy of being a Martial Artist genius. The core technique has such a perfect degree of completion that even Chu Nan can't make too much improvement now.

But outside the core, Chu Nan has made more changes.

Last year, when Chu Nan first obtained the data ability, Chu Nan did not have the ability to open up the meridian of the whole body including every peripheral vein, so he just based on the First Layer core technique according to the data changes. Just changed the flow of Inner Breath a little bit.

But now the meridian situation in his body is already very different from that time. There are many Inner Breath circulation modes that he could not complete before, or even imagined, which can now be tried, and the changes that can be made. But more.

Chu Nan wants to re-correct from the First Layer Nine Revolutions Core Technique, that is, he wants to make corresponding improvements to this cultivation technique from the very beginning according to his current special situation, not like Now, only in the cultivation Fifth Layer and Sixth Layer Nine Revolutions Core Technique can the whole body meridian be used.

He believes that as long as this research is completed, his understanding of the Nine Revolutions Core Technique will inevitably reach a new level, and there is hope to comprehend the key to breakthrough to Seventh Layer.

But this is far more complicated than just tinkering with the basic cultivation technique, requiring an enormous amount of trial and error.

Chu Nan made a quick calculation with his lightbrain-like brain. Just to test the First Layer cultivation technique with all the inner breath running circuits of the meridian of the whole body, it needs to be repeated up to tens of millions of times.

Even if he runs the whole body at an astonishingly fast speed every time the Inner Breath runs, it only takes about 0.12 seconds at most, and it will take millions of seconds to try all of them, which is close to 20,000 minutes. , more than three hundred hours.

In other words, even if he doesn't eat, sleep, or do anything at all, it will theoretically take at least ten days to complete a complete re-research on the First Layer Nine Revolutions Core Technique. Row.

After calculating this number, Chu Nan was not surprised, just smiled wryly in the heart and looked the head.

"Improving cultivation techniques is inherently impossible, and spending a lot of time is simply as it should be by rights."

Thinking of this, Chu Nan calmed down, Begin according to the established plan, test the original cultivation technique of First Layer Nine Revolutions Core Technique as the basis, let Inner Breath circulate all possible line combinations of every meridian in the whole body.

He had never even tried this before.

It is a very risky move for any Martial Artist to try it now.

Because letting the Inner Breath flow freely, it is very likely that the Inner Breath will get out of control and the meridian will be seriously damaged.

But Chu Nan's body has reached Heavenly Reign Grade now, and the meridian's strength has even been restored after countless ravages, I'm afraid it has surpassed the average Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse.

And his Inner Breath is still in the low-level Voidbreak Grade, which is far from meeting the needs of the body, and naturally it can't be said to damage the body.

So Chu Nan has no scruples at all, letting Inner Breath run around in the meridian of his body according to his own thoughts.

If you feel any discomfort, it means that this running line test has failed, and immediately turn around and start again.

In this way, his efficiency is much higher than the previous test of the whole body meridian before breaking through Nine Revolutions Core Technique 4th Layer.

Of course, this still takes a lot of time.

Just as he was immersed in his research, he suddenly felt a strange vibration from his body, which immediately woke him up.

Opening her eyes, she saw Angelique jumping up beside her, rushing to the porthole of the spaceship and looking out.

A moment later, she looked back towards Chu Nan and frowned.

"There is trouble."

Chu Nan astonished jumped up, also came to the porthole, looked out, just saw dozens of bright beams of light cut into the distance The sky crisscrosses each other in the sky.

No need to guess, this must be the light emitted by the particle light cannon, the conventional weapon of space battleship.

And judging from the interlacing of the densely packed particle beams ahead, I am afraid that two fleets are now engaged in a firefight.

Chu Nan just glanced at it and immediately understood why Angelique was in trouble.

Not far from the battle, is the star gate from Leppler planet's local galaxy.

And the battle at this point in time and position is most likely related to the Sainz Security Company fleet that was evacuated before.

"Let's go and check the situation."

Chu Nan waved at Angelique Beili, turned around looking towards the spaceship main control room and rushed over.

After a while, the two rushed into the main control room together, and they saw Dong Fang, Mu Luo uncle and several other people from Sainz Security Company gathered in front of the virtual screen of the spaceship main control and had a lively discussion. what.

Hearing the movement of the two coming in, Dong Fang turned his head to see the two of them, looked towards them and beckoned.

"You came just in time." Dong Fang pointed to Muluo uncle and said to the two: "You and Muluo uncle will retreat first, and look for opportunities to pass through the star gate. As long as you pass the star gate, you It's safe."

Chu Nan frowned: "What about you? What's the situation now?"

Dong Fang sighed: "Really didn't expect. Mueller uncle they just Retreating to the vicinity of the star gate, I happened to encounter an enemy fleet jumping out of the star gate, and now the two sides are fighting, you should see it."

Chu Nan was a little puzzled: "How could it be such a coincidence? And how did the other party recognize that the fleet led by Muller uncle was from our side?"

"It's not that difficult." Dong Fang shook his head. "Now is not the time to discuss this, I have to take a small ship to meet Mueller uncle and the others, you and Miss Angelina will follow my arrangement and retreat with Muluo uncle, and then we will be at the star gate. Let's meet. These guys shouldn't dare to jump over the star gate to pursue you, and they shouldn't recognize this spaceship, you have a good chance of escaping."

Chu Nan frowned; " What about you?"

"Me? Of course I was with Mueller and after they defeated the enemy, they jumped the stargate to join you, haha..."

"You You're lying." Chu Nan interrupted Dong Fang with a deep voice, turned to Mu Luo uncle and asked, "Mu Luo uncle, tell me, isn't the situation very bad?"

Mu Luo uncle and Several people from the Serres Security Company around remained silent and did not answer the question.

But from their gloomy faces, you can tell what the answer to this question is.

Chu Nan turned his head and looked towards Dong Fang, his eyebrows raised, and said angrily: "You mean let us leave you and run away? What a joke! You take me for who?"

Chu Nan turned his head and looked towards Dong Fang again. p>

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