A sudden news detonated the entire Earth Federation.

This message is actually a video with a total length of only 13 minutes and 28 seconds.

In this video, posted on the Pan-Galactic Network, it shows what happened at a certain time in the vicinity of a stargate.

This star gate is the star gate of the Leppler galaxy.

What happened during this time period was exactly the period during which the Ceres Security Company fleet and Chu Nan fought against the space pirates and Greck in front of the stargate of the Leppler galaxy, but the middle was cut off. In the first section, Chu Nan escaped in the ultra-miniature spaceship, and the section after the Ceres Security Company fleet jumped over the star gate was intercepted. Obviously, it was specifically aimed at this incident.

As soon as the video footage was released, it quickly caused quite a stir in the Earth Federation.

Everyone who has seen this video has numerous questions.

Why was the Earth Federation fleet able to turn defeat into victory in the face of a space pirate fleet ten times larger than itself?

Although from the video image, the key is on the ultra-miniature spacecraft that later appeared in mysterious, but why did the particle beam and antimatter of the Earth Federation fleet after it rushed into the space pirate fleet? Missiles are like all eyes, all hits?

What's even more outrageous is why the battleship of the space pirate fleet suddenly disappeared like the Energy Shield, and all the particle beams and antimatter missiles launched by the Earth Federation fleet directly hit the main body, and the result was instantaneous. Caused huge casualties, so that in the end, thirteen large and medium-sized battleships were lost in a short period of time and forced to choose to retreat?

Why after this, the ultra-miniature spaceship did not choose to reunite with the Earth Federation fleet, and fled to the deep space alone, and the Earth Federation fleet abandoned this influence that turned them into victory , jumped the star gate on your own and left first?

Why did the ultra-tiny spaceship later return to the Stargate, after finally escaping an attack by a cosmic pirate fleet in ambush, only to be destroyed by a particle beam unfathomable mystery?



Numerous questions have been raised wildly, but no one has been able to answer them.

Until the second day after the video was released, a post with an in-depth analysis of the video suddenly appeared and quickly attracted wider attention.

In this analysis post, I went into an in-depth analysis of this video image. When the image pixels in the video were improved and the viewing angle was zoomed in closer, everyone discovered that the original super ship was The reason why the miniature spaceship chose to suddenly escape into deep space, and at the same time, when the Earth Federation fleet left him and jumped over the star gate, was because of the sudden appearance of a person.

Obviously, the one who can fly freely in the sky, even fast enough to catch up with the ultra-miniature spaceship, must be a powerful Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

In front of Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, there are less than ten battleships left, and the Earth Federation fleet that has just experienced a big battle and has no strong enough battleship support can only escape through the jumping star gate one way.

And the behavior of the ultra-miniature spaceship is obviously to sacrifice itself to lead the Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist and create a chance for the Earth Federation fleet to escape.

After understanding this, the last ultra-miniature spacecraft was hit by a particle beam just before escaping into the stargate, which made countless people feel very sorry.

The performance of this ultra-miniature spacecraft is perfect both before and after. The driver inside showed extremely powerful driving skills, skills and courage, but he failed to escape in the end. significant loss to the Commonwealth.

But when they saw the end of this analysis post, everyone was even more surprised.

The person who posted the post provided a more in-depth analysis of the last segment of the video, bringing the perspective closer.

In this case, they can see what happened at that time more clearly, they can see Chu Nan jumping out of the ultra-miniature spaceship and Greg fight recklessly, and they can see that Chu Nan is about to meet up Before the ultra-miniature spaceships converged, the ultra-miniature spaceships were destroyed by an unexpected particle beam, and Chu Nan was forced to turn around and fight again with Greg...

Of course, everyone It is also very clear to see the scene where Chu Nan finally flew into the star gate.

After reading it, everyone was stunned.

This person turned out to be Chu Nan!

Because last year's Western Cloud Star Martial Artist Competition and Mu Yutong and Norman's two Star Level Martial Artists specially evaluated it, and because of Chu Nan's relationship, the federation "Basic Martial Artist" was promoted. For the sake of the Skill Promotion Act, Chu Nan can be considered a celebrity in the Earth Federation.

Everyone knows that although Chu Nan has excellent innate talent, but because of his weak foundation, it is almost impossible to break through the universe in the future.

But now, in this video, Chu Nan is actually able to fly out of the ultra-miniature spacecraft and fight another Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist in space!

Although he is obviously not the opponent of the Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, the ability to fly freely in space is a capability that only a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse has!

Could it be that it was just a period of time that Chu Nan did not appear in public, and that Chu Nan not only broke through the Eternal Sky Gate, but even became a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse?

This is ridiculous!

But compared to these incredible questions, the most important thing is that Chu Nan died like this!

Whether he becomes a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse or not, as long as he is not a Star Level Martial Artist, he will only have a dead end when he flies into the Stargate, and will never be an exception.

In this way, no matter how he broke through the conclusion drawn to him by the two Star Level Martial Artists, he not only broke through the universe, but also possessed the ability to fly in space. unimportant.

Everything is over.

Chu Nan is so dead now, all questions about him are impossible to find out and ask clearly.

If you want to know the answer, you can only ask other relevant people.

At the end of the post, some key information was also given. The star gate is the star gate belonging to the sapphire Star Domain Leppler galaxy, and the Earth fleet is the security fleet belonging to the Serres Security Company. The Nebula Academy, where Chu Nan is now, has just organized a trial activity for new students on the Leppler planet. Chu Nan is one of these students.

Although this information is not much, it is enough to generate countless associations.

After the association, countless questions arise.

In the Earth Federation, which has far surpasses the imagination, the speed of dissemination of these messages is far surpasses the imagination.

In less than two days, everyone in the federation has known about it, and everyone in the federation is boiling over it.

For a time, the crowd was surging.

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