Alahuk Venerable stopped his throbbing waist, glanced at the girl who had already fainted under him, pulled out, turned his head and looked towards the sky in the distance, Eyes flicker.

Ahammed can't be regarded as his most proud successor. In fact, Ahmed just had to teach him some cultivation techniques, and he didn't really teach it like a Master.

Ahammed was able to achieve what he is now, entirely because his talent is high enough.

Among the followers of Alahuk's Venerable, Ahmed is not the most powerful, but the most talented.

Alahuk Venerable taught thirteen believers some of his favorite cultivation techniques, of which Ahmed was the fastest.

In Alahuq Venerable's view, Ahmed's future achievements should be the highest among these believers, because he is still young, only forty-six years old this year.

There are not many Martial Artists in the entire Earth Federation who have the strength of Second Rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist at the age of forty-six, and who are proficient in the cultivation techniques taught by him. Only a few other Star Level Martial Artist protégés can slightly mention on equal terms.

But now, he has tried everything he can, but he is helpless with Chu Nan, a boy who is less than 20 years old.

Alahuk Venerable stroked the long beard on his chin, his eyes glowing strangely.

"This kid is really getting more and more interesting. No wonder Mu Yutong and the way, and the old woman Oville is so interested in him. This The boy is a monster."


"Damn it, this boy is a monster!"

Ahammed fiercely Cursed in mind.

Looking at Chu Nan, who was fanned back by the angel's wings just now, but in the blink of an eye he flew over again like a normal person, and even the speed didn't change in any way compared to just now, Ahammer De just didn't know how to react.

He has used the highest S-Rank cultivation technique such as Holy Son Descends. He thought he could easily clean up Chu Nan, but didn't expect Chu Nan to be a little embarrassed at the beginning. After a long time, it seems that he has completely seen through this cultivation technique. No matter how the angel's bright wings are swung, no matter how violently they slap on him, they will not be able to cause any fatal threat to him.

Although every slap on Chu Nan's body would be smashed back like a ball, he was able to fly back every time intact, as if unaffected at all.

After repelling Chu Nan several times in this way, Ahmed suddenly found that compared to Chu Nan, apart from the powerful Inner Breath intensity of the Second Rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, he is now more powerful than Chu Nan. There is no more advantage for Chu Nan.

This discovery filled him with a sense of humiliation.

Is it true that if you want to truly defeat this kid, you have to rely on the Inner Breath that is stronger than the opponent's as it should be by rights to slowly wear off his Inner Breath and finally win?

Perhaps in other battles, such a battle method is not a problem and is the safest way, but when facing a young boy like Chu Nan, Ahmed is unwilling to say anything Admit that you only have this method.

Seeing that Chu Nan had already rushed over, Ahmed thoughts move, the angel behind him spread his wings, and slapped Chu Nan back again, then he took a deep breath, and the Inner Breath flowed with all his strength, driving the The space energy in the whole body space was absorbed by the bright angel behind him with all his strength.

Under the injection of huge space energy, the light on the angel composed of the huge light behind him did not become brighter, but darkened a little, but the image of the entire angel became fuller and more realistic.

If only the shadow of an angel could be seen before, now it seems as if a real angel is hovering behind him.

Not only that, the bright wings behind the angel were first retracted, then suddenly unfolded, but suddenly changed from two wings to four wings!

Chu Nan was flying backwards at a high speed due to the huge force he was hit just now. At this time, he sensed an even more abnormal flow of space energy in the distant space. A strong sense of danger struck.

I tried my best to look in the direction of Ahmed, and I saw that the angel behind him suddenly had a pair of wings that extended to both sides together with the pair of wings that had been there before, and in an instant it had expanded to It is more than 300 meters long and 40 meters wide, and then fanned in unison.

“whiz whiz whiz whiz ——”

The feathers on the two pairs of wings seem to fall off at the same time with the flapping of this time, but the next moment turns into countless streams of light at the same time. Shot at Chu Nan.

The flying speed of these feathers is extremely fast, as if they have traveled through time and space at once, and they have already arrived in front of Chu Nan when they are just excited.

And the range covered by the streamer of feathers is extremely wide, so Chu Nan has nowhere to hide.

“puff puff puff puff——”

Countless streamer feathers penetrated through Chu Nan’s whole body instantly, poking his original intact flesh body all over the body. The transparent hole suddenly turned into a tattered fishing net that seemed to be broken everywhere.

Looking from below, I could even see several rays of light penetrating and falling from above his body, spilling into one after another beam.

"pu ——"

Ahammed endured and endured, but after all, he couldn't hold back, and mouth spurt blood came out.

He has not yet mastered the extremely powerful S-Rank cultivation technique when Holy Son descends. Forcing the angel to spread his wings is also a very terrifying burden for him, so use it now , so that he received a lot of energy backlash, and the meridian in his body has suffered a lot of injuries.

"But it's all worth it."

Ahammed reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looking towards Chu Nan who fell to the ground in the distance, feeling extremely happy.

Even if this extremely difficult boy is always unexpected, now that he has been penetrated by so many holes in his body, he has absolutely no chance of surviving.

In the end, he won this battle.

But after this thought flashed by, Ahmed couldn't help but bitterly laughed.

In the end, Chu Nan is just a young Martial Artist under 20 years old, and his real strength has not reached the Heavenly Reign Grade. Only by relying on a powerful cultivation technique to kill Chu Nan, what is there to be proud of?

And Venerable agreed that his intention to fight with Chu Nan was just to let him test Chu Nan's strength well, and now he killed Chu Nan on a whim, I wonder if Venerable would be dissatisfied with it?

While he was feeling a little nervous in Ahmed's heart, Alahuk's Venerable's voice suddenly rang in his ear.

"Okay, come back with that kid, don't try again."

Ahammed startled.

"Come back with that kid? But that kid has..."

He looked towards Chu Nan, who had fallen heavily on the wasteland surface in the distance, but was shocked. It was found that Chu Nan's body was surrounded by a peculiar white radiance at this time, and a strong green atmosphere kept pouring in, wrapping his whole body.

It was just that he saw that the holes in Chu Nan's body that had been completely penetrated between these two breaths had been filled up again.

Just as he was stunned for a while, Chu Nan actually recovered completely from his injuries. He straightened up and stood up again intact!

Seeing Chu Nan's calm gaze, Ahmed couldn't help taking a breath.

This he a fucking human?

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