After a week of competition, the tournament of the Orion Arm Martial Artist Academy League, which has attracted the attention of the entire galaxy, has concluded its first eight rounds.

There were originally more than 16,000 participating students after these eight rounds of competition, and now there are only 64 remaining on the field.

Being able to stand out from the Peak students who originally came from various countries of Orion's spiral arm, all the students who remain in the competition now are all first-class young talented Martial Artists, and naturally each one will attract extremely wide attention.

Among the 64 remaining participating students, the overwhelming majority are geniuses who are already extremely famous in their respective countries, and even in the entire Orion spiral arm, only the trifling The dark horse that only appeared on this tournament.

And among them, Chu Nan from the Earth Federation is undoubtedly the one with the most perfect dark horse.

Earth Federation has been invited to participate in the tournament of the Orion Spiral Arm Martial Artist Academy Alliance since it entered the interstellar civilization more than 700 years ago. The performance is unknown, and the highest record is only passing the fourth round, of course, it does not attract the attention of anyone in the country other than the Earth Federation.

But now a Chu Nan suddenly appeared, and he broke through the first eight rounds in one breath and entered the top 64 competition, which naturally attracted special attention.

But for Chu Nan's attention, because of his performance in the first eight rounds, the question that more people are concerned about is not whether his strength is strong, but "how strong is his strength".

Now that Chu Nan has entered the ninth round, he finally met a strong opponent from the Republic of Turado, so compared to the other 31 games played at the same time, this game against Chu Nan and Salemo. There are obviously more people who pay attention to the game.

Everyone wants to see if Chu Nan, the dark horse, can really be black in the end, or will it be washed into white in this round.

The media audience of the competition was filled with reporters from almost all countries of Orion's spiral arm.

The largest group of journalists were not from the Commonwealth of Earth or the Republic of Turado, but from the United States of Meletta.

What makes people strange is that there are obviously no participating students from the United States of Meletta in this game, but they are all very nervous, and it seems that they are paying more attention to this game than Tuura. Republic reporters are much higher, only the reporters from the other side of the Earth Federation can mention on equal terms.

Among all the reporters, a slender, beautiful young female reporter from the Earth Federation occupied an empty seat by herself. Although the media audience was packed, everyone else had a tacit understanding. He gave up the position beside her, as if he didn't dare to approach her.

The reporters from the United States of America, who were nervously watching the battle, would occasionally turn their heads to take a peek at her, and they looked nervous but with a hint of excitement and anticipation, which looked extremely weird.

This kind of peculiar situation seems a bit unfathomable mystery to outsiders, but if it falls into those who have paid attention to this tournament and watched the media reports a few days ago, it is well known .

Because this female reporter is Yang Qianrui.

The bet that Yang Qianrui and a group of reporters from the United States of America made six days ago spread across the entire pan-galactic network almost overnight, and countless people knew about this beautiful female reporter from the Earth Federation and the beauty A group of journalists from the United States of Letta bet on a streak to make Chu Nan's place in the tournament's finale.

According to the rules of the tournament, 32 participating students will be selected to enter the finals and re-draw.

And today's round is a 64-to-32 match.

In other words, today's round of competition will decide whether Chu Nan can enter the finals, and decide the outcome of the bet between Yang Xirui and the reporters from the United States of Meletta.

No one likes to watch a group of big men of different shapes run naked, so in the eyes of the overwhelming majority, the general audience is more hopeful that Chu Nan loses this game, Yang Qianrui loses this bet, and then Fulfilling her promised stake, streaking in public, and posting the video to the pan-galactic network.

If it can be realized, it will be a lace news that can best match this tournament.

So in the media audience, not to mention that countless reporters from other countries were secretly watching Yang Qianrui with harboring malicious intentions, imagining that this beautiful woman was naked and running naked, even the Earth Federation's reporters. When many male reporters also glanced at Yang Qianrui, they couldn't help but secretly revolve this idea in their hearts.

Yang Qianrui is now one of the top reporters of the federal information martial arts Heaven and Earth channel because of Chu Nan's relationship. It is really exciting to see this famous beautiful reporter running naked in public. thing.

Feeling the hot sight from all directions, Yang Qianrui still stood up straight, her eyes fixed on the battle screen on the virtual screen in front of her, motionless.

Of course she knows what these guys are thinking about, and she also knows that many people are accusing her of using this opportunity to hype herself. sound.

It would be impossible to say she didn't care about it at all, but she still stood firm.

Whether she was hyped or vulgar, she didn't bother to refute one after another.

When she proposed this bet to the reporters from the United States of Meletta, she had only one thought in her mind, and that was to support Chu Nan with her actions.

It's just that she didn't expect that this bet has now been spread by countless people and has become a focus outside the arena.

But she didn't care much.

What if these guys around me have bad thoughts running in their heads?

Chu Nan just needs to beat her opponent to win the bet.

At that time, the people who need to take off their clothes and run naked are the Meletta United States reporters who looked down on Chu Nan before.

When the time comes, it's not her who is laughed at.

Will Chu Nan win?

Of course!

Yang Qianrui never doubted her own judgment, she even had an extremely blind confidence in Chu Nan.

Because this young kid has been creating jaw-dropping and unimaginable wonders for over a year since he first met Chu Nan at last year's Western Cloud Star Martial Artist Tournament .

And this time, although he faced so many powerful opponents on the tournament, in fact, relative to those things he had encountered before, relative to those enemies he had defeated or even directly killed, What are these opponents?

Thinking of this, Yang Qianrui couldn't help but raise a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"If these guys knew that Chu Nan alone defeated and even captured a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist in a head-on battle, would they dare to bet with me?"

Others were basically skeptical of the rumor that Chu Nan killed the Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist who had entered the Stargate, but Yang Qianrui knew it was true.

If others knew that Chu Nan could even capture a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist alive, how could they possibly have any doubts about Chu Nan's strength?

I was thinking about the end of the game for a while, what the faces of the reporters from the United States of Meletta would have looked, and what reason should they use to evade when they forced them to run naked, when a person quietly walked up to him. Beside Yang Qianrui.

"Young Lady Yang, I'm getting more and more curious about Chu Nan. Could you please do me a favor and take me to meet him after this game?"

Yang Qianrui turned her head and looked towards Lockett, who was still suave, raised her eyebrows and asked, "If he loses this game, are you going to see him too?"

Lockett looked up and down at Yang Qianrui, with appreciation in his eyes, and pointed at the virtual screen.

"I think he will do his best to keep your beautiful lady from being humiliated. And looking at him now, is it possible to lose?"

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