Multiple spatial energy structures are superimposed, which is what Chu Nan got inspired by the strange cultivation technique of formidable power terrifying at Salemo.

After being hit by the purple lightning lightning strike from Salemo, Chu Nan fully realized the speciality of this cultivation technique in Salemo through the direct contact with the fleshy body and his strong induction of space energy. .

In the various cultivation techniques that Chu Nan has been exposed to before, the space energy manipulated and mobilized basically follows a specific space energy structure. Whether the mastery of this cultivation technique is in-depth, It will only affect whether the space energy structure is stable and closer to the most perfect form, and the essential structure will not change much.

However, after using this cultivation technique in Salemo, the surrounding space energy is clearly composed of several different space energy structure patterns.

Chu Nan sensed up to 7 different spatial energy structures at the time when he was hit by that blow.

This is a great inspiration for Chu Nan.

It turns out that the space energy structure is not the only one. It can also be used to superimpose different kinds of structures at the same time to work together. Therefore, the generated effect is even more amazing, and the formidable power is even greater.

Chu Nan can be sure that the Martial Artist who created this cultivation technique will never do this deliberately with his strong data ability and super perception of space energy. It is truly a gift for an artist to create this cultivation technique without knowing the details.

Through this inspiration, Chu Nan thought about the situation when he condensed the nebula.

His biggest problem now is that he hopes to obtain a nebula structure that can perfectly fit his own situation, so that after the nebula condensation is successful, he can use any cultivation technique to enjoy the nebula condensation. Convenience.

But with different cultivation techniques, the corresponding space energy structures are different, so it is difficult for him to find a structure that meets the needs of all cultivation techniques at the same time.

Now, however, he has come up with a solution through this inspiration.

A structure is different, then add another structure on the basis of this structure.

Just like the cultivation technique used by Salemo, there are 7 different spatial energy structures, but there will be no conflict. terrifying formidable power.

And after doing some calculations, Chu Nan also found that even if one or two of the space energy structures in the Salemo cultivation technique are discarded, the rest can still be successfully combined, and the formidable power is still not enough. vulgar.

From this point of view, this cultivation technique is really excellent. Chu Nan even thinks that it is very likely to be an S-Rank cultivation technique of cream of the crop.

What Chu Nan wants to do now is to also use this method when condensing nebulae, to superimpose different space energy structures, so that enough cultivation techniques can be satisfied, so that in the After the nebula condenses successfully, it can play a role in every cultivation technique.

Now that the first test is successful, Chu Nan has made persistent efforts to bring out a wisp of Inner Breath from the dantian again, and then at the same time use another cultivation technique, and then a different space energy structure has been successfully condensed in the dantian. nebula.

After careful observation and precise calculation, Chu Nan called out another strand of Inner Breath, and then, as before, when this strand of Inner Breath circulated in the meridian, he controlled the flow of the inner breath. Space Energy incorporates different space energy architectures from four different cultivation techniques.

And then...he failed.

Feeling that the space energy naturally driven by the Inner Breath suddenly collapsed and dissipated naturally, Chu Nan frowned.

Three is fine, but four is not?

It shouldn't be...

Salermo's cultivation technique contains 7 different spatial energy structures at the same time. It makes no sense that he can't use 4 of them.

"There must be something wrong."

Chu Nan brows slightly wrinkle, reminiscing about all the subtle changes in space energy during the experiment just now, and soon discovered it The problem.

The reason why the space energy structure collapses, which makes the space energy collapse naturally, is that several of these structures conflict in some places.

The discovery made Chu Nan frown even more.

There are only four different space energy architectures, such a problem occurs, then as more different space energy architectures are superimposed, similar problems will only increase, and the geometric improvement , the probability of wanting to succeed is getting lower and lower.

In the end, as he imagined, the successful fusion of different types of space energy structures brought about by hundreds of cultivation techniques condenses into a nebula that accommodates everything, that is simply impossible.

"Could it be that this idea is still too whimsical?"

Chu Nan frowned and thought for a while, and decided to start with the most basic, dantian **, and repeated it again. The experiment just now.

It's just that this time when he was mobilizing the space energy, he carefully eliminated those conflicting places, and only managed to complete a nebula condensation that merged the four different space energy structures.

But when he carried out the next experiment - fusing 5 different space energy structures, he failed again without any accident.

Chu Nan shook the head, not discouraged.

His idea was originally whimsical, and it was so easy to succeed.

Anyway, he had a lot of whimsical ideas in the cultivation technique before, and he already had rich experience in finding opportunities for success after countless failures. Such a little setback would not have any impact on him. .

Chu Nan gently took a deep breath, began to prune and correct the conflicts caused by the fusion of the five different space energy structures, and then tried again.


Cut and fix again, failed again...

Continue to cut...


second day early in the morning, because the final The Orion Martial Artist Academy league tournament, which had been suspended for a day before the final, started again.

Because they entered the final stage, each of the remaining 32 participating students can be said to be the most outstanding talents among contemporary young Martial Artists, which naturally attracted wider attention.

The number of spectators who came to the scene to watch the game was several times larger than before. Many people came from other planets in the United States of Meletta, and even from farther away, there were thousands of lights. There are also a lot of audiences from tens of thousands of light-years away.

Among the 16 games that started at the same time, Chu Nan's game attracted the most attention.

Earth Commonwealth audience will naturally pay attention to the last remaining student, while the local audience of Meletta United States is streaking because of a group of Meletta United States reporters, even if they have no interest in the martial skill, The ordinary person who had no interest in this tournament could not help but pay attention to this tournament, so the audience was more.

As for viewers in other countries, they are also very curious about Chu Nan because of the numerous news, especially all kinds of anecdotes, and naturally put their eyes on this game.

But when the game started, all the spectators were surprised to find that today's Chu Nan seemed...a little absent-minded.

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