Seeing the natural phenomenon around Chu Nan, I thought that he had recovered completely, and the last bit of confidence of the opponent who was about to fight again with Chu Nan was completely destroyed in an instant.

He smiled wryly, shook his head, and said to Chu Nan: "Congratulations on your successful breakthrough. I am not your opponent, and I am afraid that the students in this competition will not have your opponent. If nothing else, You will definitely win this competition. I really didn't expect that in a small country like your Earth Federation, there will be such innate talent and terrifying talents like you."

Chu Nan Slightly smiled, was about to speak, and at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred.

He only felt that the energy of the space around him slammed into a highly condensed place, the speed was amazing, and the changes were terrifying.

And what really surprised him was that he had experienced such a similar and extremely special space energy change twice before, but it was Oville Venerable who took him directly through space twice. experience.

In other words, a Star Level Martial Artist is entering the arena through space travel at this time!

Chu Nan heart startled, looking at the opponent who also noticed the change, but didn't know what was going on, just raised his right foot, ready to take a step back and move according to the situation Suddenly, a sturdy arm suddenly appeared out of thin air and grabbed him.

Chu Nan clearly watched the arm stretched out to him, and even clearly saw the thick black hairs on the arm, but because the energy of the whole body was completely Being locked, he couldn't make any movement at all.

The movement of the arm looks slow, but in fact it is extremely fast, almost grabbing Chu Nan at the moment of appearance.

At the same time, a tall silhouette was fully revealed, but it was a sturdy, but extremely sloppy, beard that completely covered his face, like a street beggar. man.

The man grabbed Chu Nan like a chicken, looked around, laughed heartily.

"Since you idiots don't want it, then the old man will accept it!"

After dropping this sentence, the man has already grabbed Chu Nan and disappeared out of thin air .

From the time the man appeared to when he grabbed Chu Nan and disappeared, it was actually just a sentence in total.

All the spectators watching this game are having all kinds of emotions for the success of Chu Nan Nebula condensation.

In the office of the organizing committee, Man Luoyin and other five Star Level Martial Artists reacted the fastest. When the man's arm came out of thin air, Man Luoyin had already complexion changed and stood up.

However, the man appeared too suddenly and acted very decisively and quickly. As soon as they reacted, the man grabbed Chu Nan and disappeared, and it was too late to make any action.

Man Luoyin Venerable stared at the stadium in the distance, her face gloomy.

As the specially invited Star Level Martial Artist of the United States of America, the organizer, although she is not directly responsible for any specific affairs in this tournament because of her status, but now there is someone in front of her. She kidnapped a contestant in the face, and this incident was hitting her in the face.

But the man was obviously also a Star Level Martial Artist, so he would choose to shoot at such a time, not giving them any time to react, and now he wanted to chase but couldn't catch up.

She knew very well that, based on this alone, the United States of Meletta and her Star Level Martial Artist had already lost a lot of face.

Not only her, but the other four Star Level Martial Artists including Kasuri Venerable also looked ugly at this time.

Although they were not as embarrassed as Man Luoyin Venerable, if it was later reported that they were there and Chu Nan was kidnapped, they would also be extremely embarrassed.

Thinking of this, the four Star Level Martial Artists looked at each other, suddenly moved in unison, and disappeared.

Man Luoyin Venerable gave the order in a deep voice.

"Immediately notify the Stargate side, manage it strictly, and never let that guy take Chu Nan out of this galaxy!"

The staff member in charge of the organizing committee next to him After hesitating for a while, he asked, "But... Venerable, the other party is a Star Level Martial Artist after all. If he takes Chu Nan to the star gate, I'm afraid we can't stop it..."

"No." Venerable shook her head. "It's impossible for him to take Chu Nan fleshy body through the stargate, because that will only kill Chu Nan. So you just need to inform the stargate, stop every spaceship that wants to jump through the stargate, and search carefully."

The staff member pondered for a while, and wanted to ask again, only to be stared at by Man Luoyin Venerable.

"What are you still doing! The other party is Star Level Martial Artist. If you wait a little longer, maybe they have already passed through the star gate now!"

The staff member immediately looked on. Yi Rin hurriedly ordered to leave.

Seeing the staff member leave, Man Luoyin Venerable stared at the virtual screen, where only Chu Nan's opponent was left, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Boy, you are really in demand..."


Having the experience of being carried by Oviere Venerable two times before, Chu Nan is no stranger to space travel.

It's just that compared to the first two times that Ovérie Venerable only took him through a very short space travel, this time the bearded and sloppy man took him through space travel is obviously longer. a lot of.

Chu Nan even had the time to separate out his mind to sense the changes in the surrounding space, in order to compare the difference between the two previous times when Oville Venerable took him through space.

But it's a pity, when Ovely Venerable took Chu Nan through space before, the first time he couldn't even sense the space energy, naturally he didn't know the surrounding changes, although the second time he was able to I clearly sensed the energy of space, but my understanding was not deep, and the time was too short to savor it.

So after a comparison, I really can't tell the difference.

However, after carefully sensing for a while, Chu Nan found that, aside from the environment observed by his five senses, just from the perspective of the changes in the energy of the whole body, he had stayed with him for a long time. The time and place are almost exactly the same.

That's a different space.

After discovering this at first, Chu Nan was a little strange, but he continued to feel it for a while, and after comparing the various data that had been kept in his mind, he quickly I was sure that this was not my own delusion.

The man who looks like a beggar but is actually a very powerful Star Level Martial Artist is taking himself through the space where he is, simply and through the stars. The different space behind the door is exactly the same!

The idea flashed in Chu Nan's mind, and he soon gave birth to a clear comprehension.

It seems that the reason why Star Level Martial Artist is able to travel through space is exactly the same reason that human technology masters Stargate technology, thus being able to travel through the stars and across the galaxy!

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