In the deep sea, a square-headed multi-headed whale shark unique to the star Tomreler was aggressively charging towards the school of fish not far ahead.

Just as it opened its big mouth and prepared to gorge oneself, the surrounding seabed space suddenly fluctuated abnormally, and the sea water oscillated and rolled at a high speed.

In front of the terrifying space shock wave, the 13-meter-long, 26-ton square-headed multi-eye whale shark was instantly shattered into powder like a group of shrimp-like small fish in front. It turned into a blood mist and quickly disappeared into the sea.

At the core of the space shock wave, a silhouette suddenly appeared. It was the Quidillo Venerable who had just passed through the different space.

Quidillo Venerable looked around with a gloomy face, and found that the environment he was in was actually a deep sea, and he couldn't help groaned in his heart.

"Damn boy!"

He never expected Chu Nan to complete the space travel in front of him!

This is totally unreasonable!

Don't say that this kid has just succeeded in condensing Nebula, even if he is a veteran Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse who has been condensing Nebula for many years, it is absolutely impossible to do space travel!

Because if you want to complete space traversal, you must first have a sufficiently proven understanding of space energy, master the mystery between space energy and positive and negative space, and then it is possible to break through the wall between Voidbreak. From positive space to different space.

And after that, there is a problem that martial artists below the Star Level Martial Artist can't get around at all, that is, how to survive in a different space.

The space energy in the different space is extremely violent and terrifying. If the control of space energy is not strong enough, or if the body is strong enough to resist the invasion of violent space energy, As long as any Martial Artist enters the alien space, he will be madly eroded by the violent space energy of the alien space.

Heavenly Reign Grade's powerhouse may be able to support it for a while, but like Chu Nan, a beginner Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist who has just successfully condensed the nebula, will simply have scattered ashes and dispersed smoke between breaths.

If this is not the case, then the ordinary Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse is also enough to achieve the purpose of space travel through the nebula, and it will not be the patent of the Star Level Martial Artist for the flesh to pass through the star gate.

But now, Chu Nan has actually completed a space crossing in front of him!

He not only successfully broke through the wall of space and entered the different space, but also successfully survived in the different space, and even after Quediro Venerable had just chased into the different space, he was able to pass through the different space. Move over a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, break through the wall of Voidbreak, return to the positive space universe, and return to the Tomreil star!

This whole set of actions speaks of which is simple, but in fact how high the requirements for Martial Artist, Quediro Venerable is much clearer than the average Martial Artist.

Even when he first set foot on the Great Dao of Stars and became a Star Level Martial Artist, it took him a long time to finally master the method of space travel and be able to do such a thing.

And now, this kid who has just succeeded in condensing Nebula has accomplished this incredible thing right under his nose.

Yes, it's incredible.

Quediro Venerable brows tightly frowns, his eyes swept around the deep seabed, and at the same time, he fully mobilized the energy of the whole body, and fully sensed the past in all directions.

Under his unceremonious sweep, none of the creatures in the depths of the seabed were spared. The seabed world instantly turned into a dead silence.

However, after sweeping over and over again, Quidillo Venerable still couldn't find anything unusual.

And the surrounding space can't sense any abnormal space vibration traces left behind by the wall of the Voidbreak. It can be seen that the damn boy must have escaped to other places at this moment.

I want to find him again on the huge star Tomreil, and easier said than done.

Thinking of this, Quediro Venerable's face became even more gloomy.

Although I don't know why this kid has mastered the mystery of space crossing, but since he can master and use this, he wants to catch him in the future, unless he is unprepared and shot It is possible to completely restrain him without giving him any time to react.

But since that kid has gone through this time change, he must be prepared in the future, how can he easily achieve this goal.

"Damn it, the old man was willing to take a risk this time, just because he saw this kid's innate talent, but he never imagined that this kid's innate talent far exceeded the old man's expectations."

" p>

Quediro Venerable was cursed in his heart, and suddenly lifted the head, looking towards the top of the sea.

In his induction, he could already sense several powerful space energy vibrations rushing in this direction.

Obviously, his shot just now had caught the attention of the Star Level Martial Artists on the Star Tormreil and attracted them.

Although Quediro Venerable is not afraid, he also knows that he has lost the last chance to seize Chu Nan. , use the space to travel to leave.

But just as he was making a move, he suddenly found that an abnormal space energy fluctuation rose from the seabed, and then a silhouette quickly appeared and appeared opposite him.

Quadillo Venerable looked closely, it was Chu Nan.

"Damn it, this kid is courting death!"

As soon as he saw Chu Nan, Quediro Venerable was startled at first, then furious.

This kid finally escaped from his own hands, and now he dares to appear in front of him again with such a swagger, does he really not take his name as Star Level Martial Artist in his eyes?

The reason why he let this kid escape before was that he had no idea that this kid actually mastered the secret skill of space crossing, which should never be mastered by him, and now he already knows that this kid has this skill. Ability, as long as he spares no effort and must catch this kid in his hand, even if this kid escapes into a different space, he can still capture him again by tracking him in the different space.

Quidillo Venerable's face was gloomy, and when he was about to start, he found Chu Nan stretched out his hand and pointed upwards, then made an inviting gesture.

"What the hell is this kid doing?" Quediro Venerable frowned as Chu Nan began to float to the sea, and after a while, he followed along.

As a very powerful Star Level Martial Artist, he is naturally not afraid, but now he is full of curiosity about this magical boy.

This kid didn't take the opportunity to run away, and now he even pretends to be discussing with himself, what is he trying to do?

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