The remaining person is a little shorter, slightly fatter, and has a round face. He looks like a kind Little Fatty. even fight.

Hearing Chu Nan's question, he glanced at the direction the man was leaving, looked the head, and suddenly asked Chu Nan, "Are we in a bad situation now?"


Chu Nan was a little surprised, this Little Fatty was quite calm. Judging from his performance, the previous conflict was probably more because of that guy.

Thinking about it, he nodded.

"It's very bad, we..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly complexion changed and looked up towards the depths of the island.

The three of Urquia, Thiago and Little Fatty next to Chu Nan saw the color change on Chu Nan's face. .

Although their strength is not as good as Chu Nan, they are all outstanding young talents from all over the world. The weakest of them have reached the level of third rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, and they are definitely not weak to the fluctuation of space energy. .

Just now, they sensed an extremely terrifying space energy wave coming out from the woods deep in the island.

next moment, a furious roar came from the depths of the island.

“ao ——”

The whole island seemed to be shaken by this roar, and even the beach under their feet trembled violently, and the gravel on the ground seemed to be boiled The frying pan usually vibrates constantly.

The depths of the island were originally covered with dense forests, but now the roar came out, as if an extremely violent hurricane was swept up from the center of the island, and countless trees fell out. It looked like there was an explosion in the center of the island.

Just when everyone was in shock, several silhouettes suddenly flew from the center of the island, and then a huge silhouette below also rose into the air, and after a while, it was like a dark cloud that covered the sky and blocked it. The light of all the stars in the sky shrouded the entire island in a huge shadow.

Among the silhouettes that flew up before, the last one had nowhere to dodge and was shrouded in shadows. After a while, an extremely miserable scream was heard, making it sound like they have one's hair stand on end.

"This...what monster is this..." Little Fatty couldn't even ask why Chu Nan was not good at this moment, he turned his head and saw the big shadow coming, even with his third rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist's powerful strength, but he was also shocked, his face instantly changed pale, and even his legs couldn't help shaking slightly.

Not because of the shaking of the ground, but because of the fear in my heart!

He has never seen such a terrifying monster, he has never even heard of it!

"Those people were there to collect resources before." Thiago pointed to the silhouette who was still desperately fleeing in the sky. "What monster are they provoking?"

However, no one responded to his question. He turned his head and found that Chu Nan, who was still beside him just now, had disappeared.

He turned his head and looked again, and saw a silhouette with black breath all over his body that had already flown into the air, but instead of escaping into the distance, it went straight to the black shadow that covered the entire sky. Shadow flew over.

"Chu Nan!"

As a Peak fourth rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist who came into contact with Nebula Knot, Thiago's eyesight is naturally far superior to ordinary people, and he can see that line at a glance. The silhouette is exactly Chu Nan.

"This guy...No way..."

Seeing that Chu Nan was already flying close to the huge shadow, Thiago had a shocked look on his face.

Although he agrees that Chu Nan's strength exceeds his own, the monster at the other end is clearly not an ordinary monster. Isn't it courting death to rush up with Chu Nan's strength?

As if responding to his thoughts, Chu Nan had already flown under the monster and slapped it with a palm.


An extremely dull sound spread all over the island, proving how amazing the strength of Chu Nan's palm.

However, the monster just twisted, as if being scratched by Chu Nan, next moment a tentacle sticks out from under it, slaps Chu Nan heavily, and immediately hits him. fly.

However, Chu Nan immediately flew back as if nothing had happened, and slapped another palm under the monster's huge body.


The muffled sound at this time was even louder than before, and the monster's huge body twisted a lot more, causing the shadow of the sky. distortion.

monstrous was almost hurt by Chu Nan's palm, and let out a roar full of fury again.


Accompanied by this angry roar, countless tentacles suddenly protruded from the monster’s huge body, and surrounded Chu Nan from all directions, not giving at all. Any space for him to dodge would tie him tightly, and then a huge mouth suddenly opened under the huge body, and then countless tentacles tied Chu Nan into the mouth.

After a while, several tentacles retracted, and the huge mouth below was also disappeared. As for Chu Nan...they also disappeared.

Tiago stared at the huge shadow in the sky with a stunned expression, and a chill appeared in his heart.

What is this monster!

Chu Nan, a guy who is stronger than himself, was swallowed by two face-to-face!

Although he couldn't recognize what this monster was, Thiago knew very well that since even Chu Nan was taken care of by this monster so easily, he was absolutely impossible to compete with.

Seeing that the silhouettes that flew out before had already flown overhead while Chu Nan and monster were entangled, Thiago moved his feet and immediately thought of turning around and running away.

Staying on this island will only be swallowed by that terrifying monster!

Beside him, the Little Fatty obviously had the same idea with Thiago, and moved faster, and at this time he was already flying into the air.

Only Urquia stood there, still looking at the direction of the monster motionless.

Tiago thought she was petrified, thinking that after being woken up by Chu Nan for the first time and now waking up on the island, the first thing she saw besides Chu Nan was Erki Ya, with a move in her heart, she went up and grabbed her arm.

"Go quickly! Otherwise, it will be too late!"

However, Urquia was completely motionless under her feet, and instead grabbed Thiago.

"We're going to save him! Otherwise he'll be dead!"

Tiago startled: "Save who?"

"Of course Chu Nan!" Urquia loudly said. "Didn't you see? He was eaten by the monster! We're going to save him!"

Tiago was stunned, then shouted loudly: "Are you crazy? That monster is two I'll swallow Chu Nan, what's the use of the two of us? Are we going to die? Let's go! Otherwise, we'll be swallowed up in a while!"

Erkia glared at Thiago angrily .

"Chu Nan saved us, how can we abandon him now!"

"You..." Thiago glanced back and found that the monster had already turned to him at this time. Flying in this direction, and without persuading Urquia, he flew up by himself.

Just when it flew to the same height as Little Fatty and merged with the silhouettes that had escaped before, Thiago suddenly found that the monster that almost covered the whole island suddenly became violent. When twisted, the huge and flat body was completely twisted like a happy rag, and at the same time, countless shots came out of the body, and the body twisted wildly.

Everyone suddenly forgot to run away and stared at monster's abnormality in stunned eyes.

This monster... looks like it hurts?

Just when everyone was wondering, another muffled sound came from the monster's body, and then a huge crack suddenly opened under the monster, and countless blood-like liquids were mixed with countless fragments. Spit out of the mouth.

And among those jets, a silhouette came out and flew in the direction of Thiago and the others.

The silhouette seemed to have another silhouette on its arm, and after a while, it leaped into the sky and appeared in front of everyone in Tiago.

"Hey, what are you doing? Are you going to run away?"

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