No need to guess this time, everyone knows that this silhouette must be Chu Nan.

However, this time Chu Nan did not fly directly to the crowd, but plunged into the sea.

Then that piece of sea water suddenly and violently shook and rolled, as if it had suddenly boiled.

After this continued for a while, there was a bang on the sea surface, Chu Nan flew up, but the whole person was completely restored to clean and fresh, not only could not see the slightest stick of mucus, and even the slightest stain. can not see.

Everyone watched him fly over in amazement. Urquia was about to ask a question, but Chu Nan raised his hand and threw a personal terminal over.

"Erkia, let her bring this." Then Chu Nan glanced at the others, and found that in addition to the guy who ran away alone before, the remaining fourteen girls, twelve Male, a total of twenty-six people are all here, so they nodded and sent the personal terminals one by one from the monster's stomach.

When everyone brought their personal terminals and after debugging, Chu Nan opened his mouth and asked, "Can you understand what I'm talking about?"

Everyone looked at each other, Qi nodded.

"Very well, it seems that these personal terminals are worthy of being produced by the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, and the quality is excellent." Chu Nan also nodded with satisfaction, and then raised his voice slightly. "Hello everyone, first of all introduce myself, my name is Chu Nan, from the Earth Federation."

I heard Chu Nan say that he is from the Earth Federation, except Thiago and Urchia, the other twenty-four people In the middle, only two people showed strange expressions, but the other twenty-two people were all blank, obviously they had never heard the name Earth Federation at all.

Chu Nan can only laugh bitterly, thinking that the Earth Federation is really a small country with little reputation.

"Perhaps you haven't heard of the Earth Federation or know who I am, but that doesn't matter. I just wanted to tell you what your situation is now."

said Here, Chu Nan raises the personal terminal in his hand.

"I grabbed these personal terminals from the guys who caught us before, so now we can't use the full functionality of these personal terminals, but did you find a problem?"

Everyone looked at each other, and the little Fatty frowned and asked, "What's the problem?"

"These personal terminals can't connect to the pan-galactic network now." Chu Nan replied.

Hearing this answer, everyone immediately lowered their heads and looked towards the personal terminal on their wrists, and found that there was no indication that they were connected to the Pan-Galactic Network, and their expressions suddenly became strange.

Chu Nan continued: "I think everyone knows that a personal terminal can connect to the Pan-Galaxy Network and use the basic functions of the Pan-Galaxy Network even if it has not been personally authenticated. ..."

Speaking of this, Chu Nan paused, his face becoming more serious.

"We are most likely in the Perseus spiral arm now."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but there were no surprises.

Personal terminals and pan-galactic networks are both invented by the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham and widely promoted throughout the galaxy, on the spiral arm of Sagittarius controlled by the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham, these two distinct things naturally is extremely popular.

On the Orion Arm, these two distinct things are also popular because of the good cooperation between the Chamber of Commerce and the various countries on the Orion Arm. These two distinct things are promoted by the interstellar nations of a galactic civilization, even a young nation like the Earth Federation.

But on the Perseus spiral arm controlled by the Elevana Military Treaty Alliance, because of the closed-door policy that the Elevana Military Treaty Alliance has always implemented, although they have accepted the technologies of the pan-galactic network and personal terminals , but removed the entire Perseus spiral arm from the pan-galactic network, and did not allow access to the other two spiral arms.

According to a traditional saying, the pan-galactic network on the Perseus spiral arm is basically a local area network - although this local area is relatively large.

When using a personal terminal, whether it is in the Orion arm or the Sagittarius arm, you can easily access the pan-galactic network.

Even a personal terminal like Chu Nan who grabbed it from someone else's corpse and could not pass personal verification can still use the basic functions of the pan-galactic network.

And now they have no access to the pan-galactic network at all.

“Not necessarily?” Little Fatty retorted. "Maybe the planet we are on now is a very remote country planet, and it doesn't have access to the pan-galactic network?"

A few people around Little Fatty gently nod.

This is also possible as Little Fatty said.

Whether it is in the Orion Arm or the Sagittarius Arm fully controlled by the Chamber of Commerce in Nogentum, there are places that are too remote and have no access to the pan-galactic network for the time being. , which is not surprising.

"No, it's a pity that this planet is not a remote country planet, because it is not far from the interstellar waterway." Chu Nan shook his head.

"How do you know?" This time it was another tall, muscular young man with golden hair frowning and asking.

"Because when I rescued you before, I was on a spaceship, and that spaceship was on a positive space voyage." Chu Nan replied.

Hearing Chu Nan's explanation, everyone fell silent.

Chu Nan is right.

If this spaceship is on a positive space voyage, it proves that he is either preparing to go to the next stargate, or is about to arrive at the target planet or the target space station.

No matter what kind of explanation it is, it proves that they are not far from the interstellar channel where the spaceship is located, because Chu Nan is impossible to fly too far with such a large group of them.

And now that they are not far from the interstellar channel, they must be in the area covered by the pan-galactic network.

However, the personal terminals on their wrists cannot connect to the pan-galactic network, so there is only one reasonable explanation - they are in the Perseus spiral arm.

Thinking of this, everyone frowned and their faces were gloomy.

The Perseus Arm is under the control of the Elewana Military Treaty Alliance and has always been exclusive. It would be very problematic for those from the Orion Arm to live a normal life here.

More importantly, they can't access the pan-galactic network now, and they don't have anything on them, so they can't communicate with others at all. How can they get back to the Orion Arm from here and back to their own country? go with?

Just as everyone frowned and thought, a voice suddenly sounded.

"There is a question. Chu Nan, you just said that you rescued us from the spaceship that was on a positive space voyage, so how did you bring us to this planet? I didn't See the shadow of any spaceship."

Hearing this question, everyone's eyes were focused on Chu Nan.

Yes, how did he do it?

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