"Muluo uncle! Muluo uncle!"

Chu Xiaoxi's cheers full of excitement and joy rang out, and she turned the wood who was looking up at the sky because of boredom. Luo pulled out of his sluggish state.

Turn his head to see Chu Xiaoxi's face that was even a little distorted from being overexcited, Mu Luo frowned slightly.

"Xiaoxi, why are you so happy?" As soon as he finished asking, he immediately moved in his heart and stood up. "Is there any news about your big brother?"

"Haha, Mu Luo uncle, you are very smart." Chu Xiaoxi laughed happily, and patted his chest with a proud expression. "I've said it before, my brother has something to do with him!"

Mu Luo glanced at Chu Xiaoxi, smiled and shook his head: "I don't know who was worried about every day all a few days ago. Can't sleep, so I can only run out to practice at night?"

Chu Xiaoxi's face flushed, coldly snorted and said, "I did that to surprise my big brother when he came back!"

"Okay...that's it, but where did you get the news of your big brother? You look so happy, has he returned safely?"

" No, he hasn't come back yet, but..."

Chu Xiaoxi raised his left wrist, which he had been hiding behind him, as if offering a treasure, and the virtual screen of the personal terminal on his wrist opened, with a familiar young face of Mu Luo on it. Showing him a bright smile.

"Hey, Mu Luo uncle, you just said that Xiaoxi is worried about me, don't you worry about me?" Chu Nan asked with a smile.

Muluo coldly snorted: "You brat can survive if you fall into the stargate before, I'm worried about what you do? In comparison, I'm worried about those guys, who are not good for them to catch, but they want to I'll catch you too, and now I'm sure I'm going to do you a bad thing."

Chu Nan immediately laughed heartily up.

Although Mu Luo said that he was not worried about Chu Nan, but with his usual taciturn character, after seeing Chu Nan, he actually said so much in one breath, and even made a joke, which shows that he saw Chu Nan. After Chu Nan is in a good mood.

After briefly introducing his current situation to Muluo uncle, Chu Nan suddenly asked: "Muluo uncle, what about that Greco? How is it now?"

"Grek?" Mu Luo didn't expect Chu Nan to suddenly mention this guy. "He's locked up now, why did he suddenly ask him?"

"Let me meet him, I have some questions to ask him personally." Chu Nan said resolutely.

Seeing the solemn expression on Chu Nan's face, Mu Luo thought about it for a while, no nonsense, nodded and said: "Okay, I'll make arrangements, wait a moment."

After Mu Luo left, Chu Nan continued to chat with Chu Xiaoxi.

When I contacted Chu Xiaoxi before, Chu Nan had already told her about her current situation.

Although Chu Xiaoxi was a little worried that Chu Nan was actually on the faraway Perseus spiral arm, but now that he knew that Chu Nan was alive and well and moved freely, Chu Xiaoxi was not too worried. many.

The previous experience of Chu Nan's fall into the Stargate has given Chu Xiaoxi and his parents strong psychological endurance. Now as long as there is no definite news of Chu Nan's death, they will not be too Worry, even more how Chu Nan is still alive and well.

"Brother, when are you going to come back?" Chu Xiaoxi asked at the end.

"I can't say for sure now." Chu Nan shrugged. "It's the first time I've come to the Perseus spiral arm. I'm not familiar with this place, and there are still some things to do, so it should take a while. In short, you stay home with your parents and let them not worry about me. It's alright, I won't be back in too long."

"Oh." Chu Xiaoxi responded simply.

After the previous incident, her confidence in Chu Nan is now blind, and she does not believe that Chu Nan will die easily.

"By the way, brother, you really succeeded in condensing Nebula, right? You have become a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, right?" Chu Xiaoxi asked again.

"That's right, your brother and I are powerful Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists now, how's it going? Isn't it very difficult to deal with?" Chu Nan said with a smile.

Chu Xiaoxi, your eyes suddenly lit up, nodded again and again: "Well, of course, brother, you are the best, I already know that. But brother...you are so good, I can't be too Wrong, right? When you come back, you must teach me how to condense nebulae. I will also become a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist like you, and we will become the most powerful Star Level Martial Artist together in the future! Do you agree? "

Chu Nan rolled the eyes: "You want to run before you learn to walk... You are honest with your cultivation, and you will break through the Zhouyu Tianguan first."

"hehe... "


The two chatted for a while before Mu Luo turned back.

"It's arranged, Chu Nan, are you going to ask him directly like this?"

"Well, I can't come back and ask him face-to-face now." Chu Nan nominated.

"That's good." Mu Luo glanced at Chu Xiaoxi, who was on the side, and thought about it. He didn't mean to avoid her, so he opened his personal terminal and connected to a communication.

A moment later, the virtual screen of his personal terminal revealed the interior of a dimly lit room.

There is only a metal chair in the center of the room, on which a person is firmly trapped on the chair, completely incapacitated at first sight.

Perhaps hearing the movement, the man lifted the head, revealing an extremely thin face.

Although he has lost a lot of weight, Chu Nan still recognizes it at a glance, and this person is Greg.

Seeing that the majestic leader of the sand eagle on Leppler planet has now become this kind of virtue, Chu Nan couldn't help but feel a little sigh in his heart, and then suppressed this emotion and asked: " Hey, Greg, do you still remember who I am?"

Greg was originally blank, his eyes were blank, and he had no focus, but when he heard Chu Nan's voice, his body trembled slightly. Immediately, the pupils of both eyes condensed quickly, and after seeing Chu Nan on the virtual screen in front of him, the expression on his face suddenly changed dramatically, and deep hatred shot out of his eyes.

"Chu Nan...Chu Nan...damn boy! How could I not remember you!"

"Just remember me." Chu Nan laughed, to Greke The hateful eyes didn't care at all. "Greek, you seem to have said before that the one you invited Rachel Venerable and Ovérie Venerable went through the star gate together and went to the Perseus spiral arm, right?"

Greek coldly snorted, not answering at all.

Chu Nan didn't take it seriously, and continued: "It doesn't matter if you don't say it, I don't need you to tell me now, because I already know where the two of them went."


Grek let out a sneer, obviously disbelieving.

But Chu Nan's face changed involuntarily when he heard Chu Nan's next sentence.

"Kasa Kingdom, you should know the name, right?"

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